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PowerPoint Presentation Assessment 1 Part B due on Friday 17 July at 11.55 pm Your task in Assessment 1, Part B, is to reflect and report on your leadership journey to date. It is aimed at building...

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PowerPoint Presentation
Assessment 1 Part B due on Friday 17 July at 11.55 pm
Your task in Assessment 1, Part B, is to reflect and report on your leadership journey to date.
It is aimed at building self awareness of who you are now and how you became the person you are.
It should include feedback from your partner on your leadership capability and potential.
It should include your Strengths Finder results (very
iefly) and at least one other psychometric test.
Reflect on your leadership journey to date, eg:
Who or what influenced you?
What significant events contributed to your self perception?
When were you first aware that you were influencing other people?
Prepare your report:
Summary of feedback from your partne
Brief summary of your reflections on your strengths and areas for development
Your interpretation or your self-perceptions, using the leadership literature
Write in the first person (eg: I observed that… and I felt a strong reaction to…)
Provide Reference List using APA 6 referencing system
Minimum of 3 journal articles, academic papers or texts from the course resources
Evidence of wider reading
Submit with Cover Page and Turnitin Originality report before deadline
Assessment 1 Part B: Minimum Requirements
Psychometric Test Options:
1 Emotional Intelligence Quiz and Report from the Harvard Business Review.
    No cost
2 Big Five Personality Inventory
     No cost
3 Myers Briggs (Personality) Type Inventory (MBTI)
    Cost: $49.95 (USD)
Lower cost or no-cost options for the MBTI are available on-line but cannot be endorsed or recommended because of possible copyright
eaches and lack of information about their validity and reliability.
Marking Ru
ic for Assessment 1 Part B
    Assessment Criteria    Fail    Pass    Credit    Distinction    High Distinction
    1 Reflect on and explain critical points of leadership XXXXXXXXXX%                    
    2 Explain the process of giving and receiving constructive feedback…and implications….20%                    
    3 Apply and evaluate conceptual frameworks of leadership………..20%                    
    4 Support your evaluation with evidence from the literature. 20%                    
    5 Present your reflexive report in a professional way. 10%                    
Deadline for submission: XXXXXXXXXXpm, Friday 17 July. End of Week 7.
Word Count: 2,000 (+ or – 10%)
Does not include Exec Summary, Table of Contents,
Appendices or References
Policy on late submissions
Loss of 10% per day late up to 5 days, then 0 marks
See Policy PL_AC_004
Extension requests for unforeseen circumstances
Must be submitted at least one working day before due date
Use the Application for Assessment Special Consideration form
Assessment 1 Part B
Questions or comments?

MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part B Page 1 of 6
Subject Code and Title MGT601 Dynamic Leadership
Assessment Assessment 1, Part B: Reflexive Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length Up to 2,000 words
Learning Outcomes a) Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to
uild self-awareness

) Through critical reflection on key leadership theories
develop a personal leadership development strategy.

c) Analyse and develop the capacity to influence,
motivate and inspire others in your workplace and/or
community organisations.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday at end of Module 4.1
(Week 7)
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 30 marks

The learning design of this subject is to focus on your own leadership journey and not to
study leadership as some remote, theoretical concept that applies to other people. This
assessment enables you to build self-awareness and a clear sense of how you came to be
the person and emerging leader that you are today. It encourages deep reflection on your
life and leadership journey to your present position. It helps you to increase your
understanding of your cu
ent leadership capabilities and potential. The assessment
equires you to establish a mentoring relationship with another student in the class so that
you can provide mutual learning support and exchange constructive feedback with each
other. In addition to this classmate, you can also request feedback from a trusted colleague
in your work, personal or wider student networks.
MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part B Page 2 of 6

Your Task:

Your task in Assessment 1 Part B is to reflect on you own leadership journey up until now,
your cu
ent role or position, how you influence others, how you lead, contribute to or react
to organisational and cultural changes and your cu
ent level of self-awareness and self-
confidence to lead others in your organisation and/or community.
Assessment 2, which is due at the end of WEEK 11, builds on the first and asks you to
prepare a plan for the next stage of your leadership journey. The assessments are
integrated pieces of work and you should bear in mind the final part as you work on this
part. All assessments need to be strongly based on the established theories and models of
leadership to help you interpret and explain your leadership challenges.
Working with Your Partner [this is 20% (Criterion 2) of your overall assessment]:

You need to be proactive to connect with other students in your on-line/ face-to-
face class, once you post your personal introduction on the “Welcome and
Introductions” Discussion Forum. On-line students can select a partner from class
mates who have posted introductions, or choose a trusted colleague from your
work, student or personal networks. On-line students need to take responsibility for
selecting and interacting with a partner. Face-to-face students will be guided by
your facilitator, taking into account diversity of backgrounds to enrich your learning
experience. More detailed guidelines for working with your partner are provided at
the end of this section.
• Key points from the feedback you receive from your partner and others,
combined with your reflection and interpretation of this feedback in the context
of your leadership journey, needs to be included in your report.
• You may wish to also include key points of the feedback that you gave your
partner and reflect on it. Feedback often says as much about the person who
gives as the person who receives it.
• The feedback summaries/ transcripts can be included as appendices, where they
will not be included in the word count.
While the assessment includes feedback from the interaction with your partner,
each person is to submit his or her own, individual report.
More detailed guidelines for working with your partner are shown at the end of this
Possible Structure:
MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part B Page 3 of 6
A possible structure for your report is shown below. This is a suggestion only and is not
mandatory. Other structures would be appropriate, provided that they enable you to
demonstrate your learning according to the ru
ic shown in the
ief for the first

1. A clear logic flow, using a “Contents” page and section headings, will help your
eaders to follow your thinking.
2. The use of an “Executive Summary” will tell your reader the key points of your
eport, including recommendations for action.
3. An “Introduction” to set the context
4. The body of your report should address the following issues. The percentages in
ackets indicate a suggested proportional length of each section. Give appropriate
sub-headings to each Part of this ‘body’.

• Your cu
ecent role, responsibilities and leadership challenges in your
organisation or community. (10%)
• Key aspects of your leadership journey so far (eg who influenced you, how
you formed your self-image as a leader, any critical events that have been
influential). This should not be a chronology or a CV. It is a reflection on a
small number of the most influential aspects or turning points in your
leadership development. (15%)
• The results of the Gallup Strengths Finder and any other personality or
leadership style inventories that you have completed and your interpretation
of the results. This can be a summary of the report (key details) that you
presented for Assessment 1 – Part A. (15%)
• Key feedback points on your cu
ent leadership style, capabilities,
effectiveness, interpersonal and social skills associated with Emotional
Intelligence, personality assessments etc, that you have received from your
partner and other trusted sources. (20%)
• The implications of the feedback and your reflection on its significance. It
could include your preliminary thinking on what you do about it, to be
expanded in your second submission. (30%)
• Link to theory and conceptual frameworks that explain or clarify your
experiences and feedback. (You could incorporate the links to theory/models
throughout your report or collect them in one section. The important point
is that you anchor your submission with appropriate models or theories.
MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part B Page 4 of 6

5. A “Conclusion” to capture your key learnings is desirable in a business subject.
Detailed, supporting information such as psychometric results and planning
templates should be placed in an appendix, where they will not be included in the
word count.
Reflexive Writing - First Person:

You should write in the first person, because this is about YOU, your reflections and your
interpretations. (eg “I considered this advice to be….. because it had a big impact on
my……..and it helped me to understand my .......... ”).
Try to be as specific as possible, use
ief examples to illustrate your points and try to select
examples that enable you to demonstrate learning against the attributes in the ru
All other principles of academic writing apply, including strict referencing,
acknowledgement of the work of others and avoidance of plagiarism.

Include a list of specific references that you have actually used in your report. For
this assessment, a minimum of three journal articles, academic papers or textbooks
from within the subject module as a starting point is expected. References to any
secondary sources or web sites are additional. The reference list and Executive
Summary and any appendices will not be included in the word count.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.
Please see more information on referencing here

Submission Instructions:

Submit your Self-Reflective
Answered Same Day Jul 09, 2021 MGT601 ICMS (International College of Management Sydney)


Abhishek answered on Jul 13 2021
143 Votes
Running Head: REFLEXIVE REPORT        1
Executive Summary
One of the most important parts of being a leader is to apply the best strategies according to the demand of the working environment and even encourage the employees and other team members. In this paper, I as a business development manager in Amazon Australia identify the strength and weakness of my leadership style and the ways I have to take strategies to enhance my capabilities. The paper goes through a thorough analysis of the leadership style and finds the gap in the system.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    2
Introduction    4
ent Role, Responsibilities and Leadership Challenges in Amazon, Australia    4
Key Aspects of My Leadership Journey    6
Results of Gallup Strengths and Other Personality or Leadership Style Inventories    7
Key Feedback Points on My Cu
ent Leadership Style, Capabilities, Effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence and Personality Intelligence    8
My Reflection on the Feedback Received    9
Link to Theory for Feedbacks    10
Conclusion    10
References    11
The leaders in the business are the pillars, upon which the organisation grows. To have a good leader in the company makes the internal environment much more fruitful and even encourages personnel development. Leaders play a vital role in making a small difference from being a good company to be the industry leader (Al Khajeh, 2018). I am cu
ently working in Amazon Australia, which is comparatively new in the market, but it is the global leaders in the industry worldwide.
I have joined the company with sole interest to make the company be a leader in this country as well and even for my personal interest in growing through the ranks in my field. I am a manager in the business development team of Amazon. This paper will focus on my journey as a leader from early days to the cu
ent position. Various tools and feedback systems are analysed in the context to evaluate my leadership skills and analysing future prospects.
ent Role, Responsibilities and Leadership Challenges in Amazon, Australia
I am placed at Amazon Australia in the position of business development manager. I joined the company four months back. The opportunity for the job came to me from an advertisement for the position posted by the company on a social media platform. The job role is to connect and work as a team to develop a new business scheme and even develop the cu
ent business market and other new strategies.
The previous employee in the same position was transfe
ed to another job role for not applying the best of the strategies and improper administration standards. (Huertas-Valdivia Gallego-Burin, & Llorens-Montes, 2019) This makes the job role more complicated for me. The expectation has been set high and the transfer even shows the level of competition I need to maintain to keep the management satisfied. There are a lot of responsibilities as well as independence in the job that I have felt during my short tenure.
The business development department is the heart and soul of the company. The continuance of the business and development of new strategies in marketing and launch of new business plans all deemed on the department’s function. As a business development manager, I have the following job roles—
· Contacting different channels and clients to establish the company name and rapport and also a
ange meetings with them
· Planning and controlling new marketing strategies for products and services
· Researching and identifying new opportunities in the market.
· Increasing the value of the customers and also attracting new customer bases through various strategies
· Finding opportunities in a new market and planning to enter the market and increase the company’s sales
· Standing conferences and meetings on behalf of the company
· Developing quotes for the company and creating proposal pans to the customers
· Developing goals for the team and ensuring the goals are set according to the business growth initiatives and are met on time
· Training employees and enhancing the team to complete the task and help them develop their skills
The job of a business development manager is vast and vital and thus there are various challenges and obstacles in the way. The cu
ent job at Amazon is much more based on
inging in business for the company. Amazon has been operating in the country for less than 3 years and thus creating the
and name it has in the world is important. My...

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