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Microsoft Word - Assessment 2 Finalized.docx MGT603_Assess 2 Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report Page 1 of 7 ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT603: Systems Thinking Assessment...

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MGT603_Assess 2 Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report Page 1 of 7

Subject Code and Title MGT603: Systems Thinking
Assessment Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length Up to 1200 words
Learning Outcomes b) Create a visual depiction of a multi-dimensional
complex situation that represents differing views
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 4.2 (week 8)
For intensive class:
By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday of Module 4.2 (week 4)
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 20 marks
We live in a dynamic world, which consists of various complex adaptive systems and
equires today’s managers to take a holistic view of the business. In order to gain a holistic
understanding, managers need to understand all the key stakeholders and the intended and
unintended consequences of their decisions. To achieve this objective, managers need to
learn and apply systems thinking tools and techniques. One such tool is “Rich Picture”. Rich
picture helps us express our own understanding of the world, the stakeholders to be
considered and the impact that they may have our actions. Tools such as Rich picture,
CATWOE and Root Definition reports helps us to understand others’ perspectives without
getting involved in conflicting arguments of convincing one another about their own
This assessment is to be completed individually and is linked to Assessment 1.
To successfully complete Assessment two (2) students will write a comprehensive report
that helps resolve the problem they introduced in Assessment 1. Using the resulting
discussion as a platform students are required to analyse and synthesise consequences on
MGT603_Assess 2 Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report Page 2 of 7

various stakeholders involved while achieving the goals and objectives through policy
implementation. There are two (2) sections to Assessment 2
1) Rich Picture – Students are to create a Rich Picture of the problem they identified in
Assessment 1. This can be hand drawn and should provide an consise overview of
the complex system under review.
2) Root Definition report using CATWOE – A Root Definition report is a structured
analysis and description of the system being investigated. A Root Definition report
explains the what, how and why. A CATWOE analysis can help in the development of
a thorough Root Definition Report. CATWOE is a mnemonic that identifys all
stakeholders in the system being analysed. CATWOE stands for
C- Customers/clients
A - Actors
T – Transformation Process
W- Weltanschauung / Worldview
O – Owners
E- Environment
To successfully complete Assessment 2 both sections must be completed. Your final report
must include
• Rich Picture
• Root Definition Report using CATWOE.
• And, based on these two tools, students will recommend a minimum of two (2)
optimal solutions to overcome the problem/policy challenge identified in
Assessment 1.
PLEASE NOTE: Your artistic talent will not be assessed, but rather your holistic
understanding of the problem in question.
For further assistance please refer to the below links for examples of Rich Pictures and
CATWOE analysis.
• https:
• https:
Submission Instructions:
The Rich Picture and Root Definition Report using CATWOE needs to be produced according
to academic writing guidelines and must be submitted in compliance with the following;
MGT603_Assess 2 Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report Page 3 of 7

1. You should make significant references to the subject material and substantial wider
eading. A minimum four (4) academic (books & peer-reviewed journal articles) &
two (2) other sources (newspaper article, trade publications, websites, etc.) must be
used. These should be referenced in the APA style, both in-text and in a reference
list. References to ‘Wikipedia’ or similar unsubstantiated sources will not be
2. The Assessment is to include in-text citations and a reference list following the latest
APA referencing style. The APA referencing guide can be located in the Academic
Writing Guide at http:
3. Submit Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root definition Report (with references) via the
Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MGT603 Systems Thinking on the
Student Portal. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via Grade Centre in the
Student Portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Students should use the
ief to guide what to include in the assessment and the following
ic to inform the standard required.
MGT603_Assess 2 Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report Page 4 of 7

Learning Ru
ic: MGT603 Assessment 2 Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report
Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction

Knowledge and
(technical and

theoretical models
and concepts

Percentage for this

Limited understanding
of required concepts
and knowledge

Key components of the
assignment are not

Knowledge or
understanding of the
field or discipline.

Resembles a recall or
summary of key ideas.

Often confuses assertion
of personal opinion with
substantiated by
evidence from the

Thorough knowledge or
understanding of the field
or discipline/s. Supports
personal opinion and
information substantiated
y evidence from the
esearch/course materials.

Demonstrates a capacity
to explain and apply
elevant concepts.

Highly developed
understanding of the
field or discipline/s.

Discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
materials and extended

Well demonstrated
capacity to explain and
apply relevant concepts.

A sophisticated
understanding of the
field or discipline/s.

Systematically and
critically discriminates
etween assertion of
personal opinion and
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
materials and extended

Mastery of concepts and
application to new

MGT603_Assess 2 Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report Page 5 of 7

Context, Audience
and Purpose

Percentage for this


Demonstrates no
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the
Rich picture does not
show relevant
stakeholders, goals,
intended and
consequences of the
policy change

CATWOE and root
definition are not
written properly

Demonstrates limited
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the
Rich picture show some
ut not all relevant
stakeholders. Goals,
intended and unintended
consequences of the
policy change are written
ut lack clarity

CATWOE and root
definition are written but
are somewhat vague

Demonstrates consistent
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the

Rich picture show all
elevant stakeholders.
Goals, intended and
unintended consequences
of the policy change are
written clearly

CATWOE and root
definition are written

Demonstrates an
advanced and integrated
understanding of context
and/or purpose of the
Rich picture show all
elevant stakeholders.
Goals, intended and
consequences of the
policy change are written
clearly in an integrated

CATWOE and root
definition are written
clearly integrating all the
dimensions of CATWOE

demonstrates a
systematic and critical
understanding of context
and purpose of the
Rich picture show all
elevant stakeholders.
Goals, intended and
consequences of the
policy change are written
clearly in an integrated
manner, demonstrating
systematic and critical
understanding of the
context and purpose of
the assessment.

CATWOE and root
definition are written
properly, demonstrating
systematic and critical
understanding of the
context and purpose of
the assessment.

MGT603_Assess 2 Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report Page 6 of 7

Analysis and
application with
synthesis of new

Percentage for this


Limited synthesis and

ations based upon

Demonstrated analysis
and synthesis of new
knowledge with

Shows the ability to
interpret relevant
information and

Well-developed analysis
and synthesis with
application of
ecommendations linked
to analysis/synthesis.

Thoroughly developed
and creative analysis and
synthesis with
application of pretested
models and / or
independently developed
models and justified
Answered Same Day Jul 11, 2021 MGT603


Swati answered on Jul 13 2021
146 Votes
Rich picture
Root definition report
To study the problem and find its respective solution, we would study the problem based on CATWOE study which helps to study and analyze the problem in depth by considering several parameters and prospects. It helps to expand our thinking towards the problem before heading towards its solution. Studying of CATWOE factors will help us to study and understand issue from various angles and thus a n optimal solution can be found accordingly. These are as follows-
C- customers/clients
Clients of the system include the Leisure and business residents and local residents. Also, management, the staff, all employees along with the tourists taking benefits of the services and facilities. These are various stakeholders associated along with marketing managers, HR managers and the service providing staff.
Victims of the system here are the owners who get directly affected by the poor business along with other staff who receives less income due to lower profits along with lesser bonuses and additional advantages. Also, at much extent tourists become victims as because of poor loyal customer base, less tourists get to use the good quality services and benefits. And majorly they miss the view that is exclusive from park Hyatt, Sydney.
A- Actors
Activities in the system are conducted by the higher management which is executed by the lower service staff as guided and directed. Activities like promotional strategies, pricing strategies as well as offering of complimentary services are all decided and offered by the higher management post approval from the heads and top management. These activities and decisions are crucial to cope up the competitive environment. All employees are considered responsible for activities as they are the ones to provide services to end user. Also, customers or tourists are considered as actors as they are the consumers and demand as well need of them impacts the overall business.
T- Transformation process
There is need of transformation process to study the output achieved by providing required input. Here in the customer needs good services along with complementary offers at a cheaper price. Thus, the management needs to make some decisions regarding offering some packages that may include services at economic as well as competitive prices. Also, in a desire to provide best services, much expense...

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