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LPC DMKT5008 Digital Marketing Summer 2018 Coursework Brief Handout: June 2018 Deadline for Submission: 2:00pm, 22 nd August 2018 Submit this coursework through the Student Portal with a Turn-it-in...

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Digital Marketing
Summer 2018

Coursework Brief

Handout: June 2018

Deadline for Submission: 2:00pm, 22
August 2018
Submit this coursework through the Student Portal with a Turn-it-in Report

Word Limit: 4500 words (Plus or minus 10%)

Learning outcomes assessed:

 Explain the foundation principles of digital marketing, and be able to distinguish
etween traditional and digital marketing.
 Identify the relevant laws and guidelines that pertain to the different aspects of
digital marketing.
 Apply digital marketing tactics to develop an integrated and effective digital
marketing approach across different digital domains.
 Analyse the role of content within digital channels.
 Examine the value of on-going analysis and measurement as a way of managing
and evaluating their digital marketing efforts and budgetary spend.

This coursework is worth 100% of the total marks for this module.
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Coursework Instructions
Please read carefully
• Carefully read the module handbook, the marking criteria and the grade
Academic Misconduct
You are responsible for ensuring you understand the policy and regulations
about academic misconduct. You must:
• Complete this work alone except where required or allowed by this
iefing paper and ensure it has not been written or composed
y or with the assistance of any other person.
• Make sure all sentences or passages quoted from other people’s work in
this assignment (with or without trivial changes) are in quotation marks, and
are specifically acknowledged by reference to the author, work and page.
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Assignment Questions
Clintons Cards was founded in 1968 by the
late Don Lewin. Greeting cards were once
umoured to be the most profitable
product on the high street (retail insiders
suggested a £3 card could cost Clintons as
little as 30p to buy from a manufacturer), but by 2012 it had ignored the
threat of email and e-cards. Their mantra “birthdays and anniversaries never
go out fashion” was still right, but the way people once cele
ated them
definitely had. What’s more, their business model of dominating high streets
with multiple stores and buying out its competition was outmoded by the late
2000s. By the time it had launched its own e-card side of the business, it was
too little too late.
At their peak: owning more than 1,000 stores, Clintons once controlled 25
per cent of the greeting card market.
Who replaced them? Clintons is now run by American Greetings (the world’s
iggest greetings card firm), but online retailers like Funky Pigeon and
Moonpig dominate the UK personalised greetings card market.
Additional information http:
You have recently been appointed as Digital Marketing Manager for Clintons.
As part of your first project in your new role, the Head of Marketing has asked
you to investigate some new strategies to strengthen and reinforce the
organisation’s digital marketing capabilities and expertise.
Your required to write a report that addresses the following 6 tasks:
1. Discuss the differences between Traditional and Digital Marketing. Explain why it
would be important for Clintons to invest in digital marketing. LO 1
2. Illustrate how Clintons could utilise website optimisation techniques to improve
performance. LO 3
3. Critically discuss how Clintons can use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and
Pay-Per-Click advertising (PPC), to improve its website visibility amongst its
competitors. LO 2, LO 3
Your answer should cover:
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 The steps you would undertake to design an effective SEO and PPC
 Identification of how the company could target its key audience
through these channels.
 An overview of the relevant laws and guidelines.
4. Discuss how Online Display & Video Advertising and Social Media Marketing can
e used to attract, retain and engage new and existing customers. LO3
Your answer should cover:
 Key activities associated with implementing an online display (and
video) advertising strategy and a Social Media Marketing strategy.
 Justification of which channel is most affective.
5. Outline how Clintons could incorporate Content and Email Marketing into its digital
marketing activities. LO3 & LO4

6. Explain how Clintons could use website analytics to improve performance.
All questions should be supported with the following:
 Key activities, processes or milestones associated with each digital
marketing discipline.
 Appropriate tools and technologies that can be used.
 Relevant laws and regulations pertaining to digital marketing
 Provide examples and utilise real-world cases studies to support your
End of Assignment Brief
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Mark Scheme
XXXXXXXXXXKnowledge and understanding of the subject 40%
 Explain the foundation principles of digital marketing, and be able to distinguish
etween traditional and digital marketing.
 Identify the relevant laws and guidelines that pertain to the different aspects of digital
 Apply digital marketing tactics to develop an integrated and effective digital marketing
approach across different digital domains.
 Analyse the role of content within digital channels.
 Examine the value of on-going analysis and measurement as a way of managing and
evaluating their digital marketing efforts and budgetary spend.
 Clear understanding of the assignment
ief and tasks.
Intellectual & Cognitive Skills 35%
 Critical thinking – Objective analysis and evaluation of digital marketing components in
order to form a judgement. (e.g. Online display & video advertising vs Social media
 Synthesis, analysis and evaluation - ( e.g. discussion of the differences between
traditional and digital marketing leading to opportunities for Clintons.
 Discussing the merits and limitations of a particular digital marketing component)
 Application of digital marketing components and tools to case in question. (e.g. PPC ,
SEO, Google keyword planner, Analytics)
 Problem solving and research/investigation.
 Well developed, highly relevant, reasoned introduction and conclusions.
Graduate Skills 25%
 Has a number of reliable sources (e.g. Organisation reports, academic journals,
academic text)
 Has researched beyond the key reading appropriate for the subject. (e.g. utilising real-
world case studies and examples to support your arguments)
 Academic honesty - Has avoided plagiarism.
GSM LONDON Page 6 of 11
 Has used Harvard referencing (in-text citation and reference list)
 Uses appropriate academic conventions (e.g. summaries, paraphrasing etc.)
 Research-related skills (evidenced by collection and interpretation of data to support
 Written and visual presentation (e.g fluent writing style, report formatting, the use of
diagrams/graphs/ illustrations used to enhance report)
 Practical and professional skills (work has right level of detail/ complexity)
GSM London Generic Marking Criteria
Graduate Skills:
employability, practical
and academic skills
Factual and conceptual
knowledge and
understanding; use of
class materials;
independent reading
Critical thinking;
creativity; synthesis,
analysis and
application; problem
solving and
Written, oral and
presentation skills;
interpersonal, group
and teamwork skills;
leadership skills;
numeracy; digital skills;
practical, professional
and academic skills
XXXXXXXXXX% FIRST (1ST) Includes all required
factual content, accurately
and succinctly
Well developed, highly
elevant, reasoned
introduction and
demonstrating some
Within word count or
presentation time.
Includes relevant factual
content only.
Clearly and logically
structured material,
showing excellent
understanding of the
Accurate spelling,
grammar, punctuation,
Systematic, accurate
identification of relevant
concepts, theories and/or
principles, appropriate to
this level.
Information or data
selected from a very
good range of highly
elevant, cu
primary and secondary
sources, and
categorised, analysed
or evaluated using
elevant, methods or
Professional, fluent writing
style, appropriate to the
assignment OR
professional, engaging,
confident, audible and
well paced presentation.
Excellent use of technical
vocabulary, where
understanding of factual
and conceptual material,
elative to this level,
including some
understanding of the limits
to knowledge in this area.
Well developed,
coherent arguments,
eferencing primary and
secondary literature,
with clear rationale for
Professional visual
presentation, including
font, spacing, margins,
headings, graphics,
images and appendices.
Calculations are accurate,
clearly set out, with
precise explanations.
Excellent integration of
theory and practice, for
this level, using
appropriate conceptual
ect and systematic
use of academic
conventions, references
and bibliography.
Independent, wide-
anging, relevant reading
Excellent application of
numerical and
Outstanding, consistent,
flexible delivery of group
GSM LONDON Page 7 of 11
and research, from
authoritative primary and
secondary sources,
appropriate to this level.
statistical methods to
defined problems.
work obligations, for this
Answered Same Day Jul 27, 2020 DMKT5008


Soumi answered on Aug 03 2020
144 Votes
Executive Summary
The cele
ated report
ings forth the importance of digital marketing in the modern era of communication technology, considering Clintons as a chosen organisation dealing with the issue of improper digital marketing. After giving the short introduction to the topic of the report, a comprehensive detail is provided for both – traditional and digital marketing, their way of functioning and benefits. This section also presents an argumentative approach; on what grounds should Clintons give priority to digital marketing than traditional marketing. In the next section, the popular techniques for web optimisations are discussed in length, which includes web page design, search engine optimisation and pay per click techniques.
The following section of the report contains suggested systematic directions that Clintons could follow properly, to implement the processes of search engine optimisation and pay per click technique. This section also provides details about the audience the SEO and PPC can target and the legislature that need to be followed. The following part of the report makes a comparison between digital display and video advertisements with social media marketing, on the context of their effectiveness in catering online customers. This section also proves the supremacy of social media marketing, through rational arguments.
The next section discusses the influence of content marketing and email marketing as well as the technique through which Clintons can benefit from them. The sixth section of the report importance of web analytics is discussed with a special alignment with Clintons’ digital marketing performance. Based on the understanding the six parts of the report delivered a comprehensive and legible conclusion is provided at last.
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
1. Understanding Traditional and Digital Marketing and Why Digital Marketing is good for Clintons    4
Traditional Marketing    4
Digital Marketing    5
Why Digital Marketing is good for Clintons    5
2. Web Optimisation Techniques, and Their Contribution in Enhancing Clintons Performance    6
Web Page Designing    6
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)    7
Pay-Per-Click Advertisements    7
3. Use of SEO and PPC by Clintons for Competitive Website Visibility Improvement over its Rivals    8
Proper Steps for SEO and PPC Implementation    8
Ways in Which SEO and PPC Would Find Right Audience for Clintons    9
Laws and Regulation Considered at the time of SEO and PPC Implementation    10
4. Effectiveness of Online Display-Video Advertising and Social Media Marketing for Customer Retention and Attraction    10
ect Way of Implementing Social Media Marketing for Clintons    11
Reason for deeming Social Media Better than Digital Display and Video Advertising    11
5. Ways to Incorporate Content and Email Marketing into Clintons Digital Marketing Approach    11
Incorporation of Content marketing    11
Incorporation of Email Marketing    12
6. Assessing Ways in which Web Analytics Could Improve Clintons Digital Marketing Performance    13
Conclusion    14
References    15
In earlier decades, when business organisations used their capital power to form market dominating force, monopoly of product line up and use of popular media platforms of that time, namely, televisions, radios, newspapers for advertising their products and services, the competition was minimal. However, with the advent of modern technology and better understanding of human psychology, business organisations have turned down the use of traditional marketing techniques and have adapted to digital marketing. The basic structure of supply and demand have remained the same, however, due to the changes in the media platforms prefe
ed by modern customers, many business organisations have lost their market leading position and despite venturing into digital marketing, has not found expected success. In the cele
ated report, in depth information has been provided for the understanding for companies, struggling with digital marketing technique implementation, through selecting Clintons as a real life example.
1. Understanding Traditional and Digital Marketing and Why Digital Marketing is good for Clintons
Traditional Marketing
Traditional marketing is a significant term and it generally implies all the widely used marketing techniques of the earlier decades. As stated by Zahoor and Qureshi (2017), traditional marketing is the technique of marketing, in which organisations do not rely upon the use of any electronic media. The statement however, is not totally co
ect, as Kumar et al. (2017) argued that traditional marketing involves the use of traditional techniques that have yielded success for business, consistently. Traditional marketing involved the use of printed media, such newspapers, leaflets, handbills, billboards, sports jerseys of eminent sports personals and also
oadcasting channel advertisements such as television commercials, radio advertisements and many more.
Traditional marketing media, being majorly, tangible objects, can be kept for future usage, easy to comprehend and are also low on budget, reducing the risk of ove
urdening an organisation. As opined by Sinha and Singh (2018), traditional marketing techniques are good for start-ups in developing countries, as in developing countries, business organisations face the risk of slow investment amount recovery. Local businesses can also profit from traditional marketing techniques for they are less experimental and more inclined towards generating predicted outcomes.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing can be termed as a by-product of internet technology improvement and increasing number of people
owsing on the internet. As defined by Kannan (2017), digital marketing is the combined use of electronic devices, internet and social virtual platforms that aim at attracting a huge number of people, who invest their time on the internet, namely, being online. Digital marketing involves the use of techniques that are digitally framed and where data plays an important role. Digital marketing can be done through the use of digital techniques such as search engine optimisation, web page designing, social media advertising, content creating, email marketing and many more. As mentioned by Kwon et al. (2017), digital marketing does not make use of the fundamental ideas of the traditional marketing techniques and therefore, organisations moving their marketing strategies from traditional techniques to digital often find it hard to inculcate.
While in case of traditional marketing, the business organisations depend highly on advertising firms and
oadcasting organisations, organisations have to consider the significance of the search engines, online customers and the social platforms, at the time of opting for digital marketing. Business organisations that tend to operate its business worldwide could use digital marketing techniques as the reach of digital marketing is far more wide reaching, as it uses the internet to communicate to potential customers. Digital market is beneficial for start-ups that are aiming for grasping the interest of customers online. As digital marketing takes more initial investment and less maintenance later, it is often opted for long term marketing plans.
Why Digital Marketing is good for Clintons
Clintons has majorly been using traditional marketing techniques in the earlier decades. Back then Clintons sold greeting cards of all kind and was one of the very few in the market, engaged to such a business. Therefore, it can be assumed that there was hardly any option for customers in the market to buy greeting cards from. However, recently, new companies have entered the greeting card selling business, taking away Clintons’ market dominance. In order to compete with the competition in the market, Clintons need to use the digital marketing as the reach of traditional marketing has not been as effective as it was before.
Clintons’ management believed that greeting cards never go out of fashion and will always be sold. Accepting the fact that greeting cards will always be in demand, it also became evident that modes of buying has changed. As stated by Pappu and Christodoulides (2017), Modern information technology revolution and improvement of internet connectivity, people tend to buy products online, generating more importance for digital marketing. In order to improve the market condition of Clintons in a more competitive environment, the company needs more customers, which can easily be done by digital marketing as a huge number of people remain on the internet and seek the products and services they want (BBC UK, 2012).
2. Web Optimisation Techniques, and Their Contribution in Enhancing Clintons Performance
Clintons have developed its own web page to compete with the likes of rivals in the market, who are using the digital marketing platform to perform better. However, it is a fact that, despite having a fully working web page and a popular company name in the market, Clintons have not been able to get the satisfactory level of response from the online customers. The undermining of the web page’s performance implicate that the company web site is optimised to reach its full potential. There are however, web optimisations techniques such as web page designing, search engine optimisation, and pay-per-click advertising, which has the potential to improve Clintons’ digital marketing standards and improve the traffic of customers visiting the company web page.
Web Page Designing
The design of the web page of a company plays significant role in keeping the interest of the online customers visiting the page. The use of the colours, the layout planning, the level of connectivity and lastly, the ease of use, in the web page makes considerable amount of contribution in the web page optimisation process. As mentioned by Katarya and Verma (2017), web page optimisation, a skilled developer is required, as an ordinary person in an organisation would not be able to program the codes that are required to make the web page function properly.
In order to make a legit web page designing process, a web developer must follow a series of steps. In the very first stage, the web developer must know the purpose of the web page from the management of the company, and then based on that information; the basic frame of the page will be prepared. The base coding will be done in this phrase. Considering the design of the web page of the rivals in the market, the design of the web page would be made differently, making it stand out in the crowd of other web pages. In the second stage, the web page designer will present an early copy of the web page to the management of the organisation, namely, a prototype. Based on...

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