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Answered Same Day May 21, 2020 MNG10720 Southern Cross University


Shashank answered on May 24 2020
158 Votes
Research Project Report
1. Problem Statement & Research Objectives
To explore the factors that attracts tourist in Queensland around which strategies can be built in long run for sustainable development of tourism in the region. The objective of research is to identify how people are getting benefit from tourism and what measures have helped to create a vi
ant and safe environment for tourists. (Prideaux, 2013)
2. Research Design
To work towards the research objective a mixed study will be conducted with the help of Exploratory Study. The core function of the research will be applied research with an objective to address the research questions.
Exploratory Research: The style of research helps in discovery of ideas and get fresh insights. This is possible due to flexibility it provides to consider various aspects of problem in the process of research. The requirement of inbuilt flexibility exists because the research problem transform into one with more precise meaning which may require to
ing changes for gathering relevant data. (Bansal and Eiselt 2004)
Methodology: Qualitative analysis: Will be done to identify the factors addressing the research questions.
Qualitative Analysis: Interviews conducted will provide qualitative data which help gain insights about the tourist viewpoint. The interview can give rise to new questions and explore different aspects which are not pre-decided. This is completely based on how the interview goes.
3. Data Collection Methods
The target population will be incoming tourist to Queensland. The method of collecting survey data will be questionnaires which can be sent via mail or asked to be filled manually in one to one interactions. Around 150-200 responses are required to be collected in order to keep a safe mark if any specific response form cannot be used in analysis. These surveys include 10-15% rejection rate due to various reasons like incomplete form, not relevant response etc. These surveys can be analyzed by assigning numerical values to Likert-type scales. The process is done by coding of data by entering it into an excel file and filtering is done where suitable response are not there.
In addition to this, interviews can be conducted in one to one interaction or on a telephonic conversation to get more qualitative response which can help gaining insights that questionnaire will not be able to find out. Formal or informal method of interviewing can be done. It is expected to get a clear, focused and open-ended responses from candidate participating in interviews. The number of interviews that are required to be conducted are from 10-15. If required, focus group discussions can be done for detailed qualitative response of target population.
Methods that has not been chosen:
Observation: These methods are good source of providing information without interfering with the candidate. This can be done by recording a video to product both qualitative and quantitative data (length of interactions, frequency counts etc.) This method cannot be used in the research study because of the feasibility problems associated with it. Tourists might not allow to record a video to observe them for longer period. This requires individual consent to participate in research. Considering tourist come to enjoy with different mood, they don’t prefer to participate in this manner. (Chaleunvong, 2009)
Case Studies, Oral History: Case studies can be help in getting a real response in various situations that case study includes but this process consumes time. Also, this involves the process of studying which won’t suit the candidates participating in the research. Oral history...

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