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· Topic 1: Juvenile Waivers Juvenile waivers have become a very controversial issue within the criminal justice system. Under the waiver system, juveniles can be transferred to the adult court system...

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· Topic 1: Juvenile Waivers
Juvenile waivers have become a very controversial issue within the criminal justice system. Under the waiver system, juveniles can be transfe
ed to the adult court system technically as young as 7 years of age. Once in the adult court system, juveniles can receive punishments up to life without the possibility of parole (LWOP). With the ruling in Roper v. Simmons (2005), many juveniles who previously would have received the death penalty are now being sentenced to LWOP and will be incarcerated for 60 to 70 years in many cases. With a growing movement to rehabilitate juveniles and a growing interest in restorative justice, do you believe that juveniles should be provided rehabilitation and/or potentially reduced sentences for their crimes? Explain your answer.
Topic 2: Weekly Research Discussion
Research and locate a news article or op-ed that addresses an issue you believe is relevant to the unit. This resource must address a critical or controversial issue. Please post the article and indicate why it is indeed a critical or controversial issue.
Note: Ensure that your responses to the topics follow the guidelines of the Discussion Board Ru
ic concerning word length, number of submissions, and citations.
NB: Please make sure each question ca
ies its own references under it. Do not join all the references together.
You can use 500 words to answer both questions.
Answered Same Day Jul 15, 2021


Somudranil answered on Jul 16 2021
136 Votes
Running Head: Juvenile Waivers & CIA Torture     1         
Juvenile Waivers & CIA Torture        2
Table of Contents
Topic 1: Juvenile Justice System    3
Topic 2: CIA’s Torture Program    3
References    5
Topic 1: Juvenile Justice System
    It is important to note that in the practice there will always exist a tension that will be persist in between the social control as well as the welfare. It will be instrumental in focusing on the best interests pertaining to the individual child whom is to be held versus focusing on the incapacitation, punishment and therefore providing protection to the society with regards to certain offences (Ramstad, 2019). For a juvenile is not charged with crime but with what is known as delinquencies. There have been various studies which explores deeply into the punishment that is inflicted on the juvenile in a confined space. It effectively is instrumental in promotion of a change in behaviour and therefore when they return to the society the crime rates are bound to amplify. For I believe that it will be within the best interests of the judiciary if they reduce the term of the...

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