Design a sequence of three innovative lessons (annotated) with a general introduction and a specific XXXXXXXXXXword rationale for each lesson. Students are required to develop and justify three sequential annotated lessons plans that demonstrate ability to plan, teach and assess an area of multimodal literacy in an ESL/EFL/additional language setting. The general introduction and the three introductory rationales: • • must provide details of the intended learner group (e.g., institutional setting, age, level of English language proficiency, etc.); • • course and overall lesson goals/outcomes; • • must be written in academic essay style and include references where appropriate; • • refer to and demonstrate understandings of concepts related to multimodal second/additional language literacy learning; • • reflect specific circumstances and needs of ESL/EFL/LOTE students or learners of an additional language. Lesson plans must: • • be related to your current or intended ESL/EFL/LOTE/additional language teaching setting; • • include lesson outcomes or learning objectives (as appropriate for your context) • • include use of multimedia in support of specific multimodal literacy strategies; • • include annotated second/additional language literacy activities/strategies describing what the teacher will do, what the students will do, and, where appropriate, referenced to academic sources; • • be designed to cater for a range of English/additional language abilities; • • indicate assessment points and provide details of formative assessment processes; • • be presented in annotated tabular format with the covering introduction; |