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ACC XXXXXXXXXXAssessment Items 2 and 3 Strings Pty Ltd Overview of the Revenue Cycle from the CFO Strings Pty Ltd (Strings) is a medium size, privately owned, Australian enterprise. They manufacture...

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ACC XXXXXXXXXXAssessment Items 2 and 3
Strings Pty Ltd
Overview of the Revenue Cycle from the CFO
Strings Pty Ltd (Strings) is a medium size, privately owned, Australian enterprise. They manufacture musical instruments and the parts required for their repair. Strings are the key supplier to music retailers and repairers across Australia. Strings is 12 years old and uses an integrated ERP system. The administrative offices are on the outskirts of town with the production, shipping, and receiving departments located just a few block away.
Customers place orders on the company’s website, via email, or by telephone. Due to a renewed interest in music, this year sales have increased significantly. All sales are on credit, with 17% of credit sales in the last 12 months needing to be written off as uncollectible. This included several large online orders to first-time customers who denied ordering or receiving the merchandise.
Customer orders are picked and sent to the warehouse, where they are placed near the loading dock in alphabetical sequence by customer name. The loading dock is used both for outgoing shipments to customers as well as receiving incoming deliveries. There are ten to twenty incoming deliveries every day, from a large number of sources.
The increased volume of sales orders has resulted in a large number of e
ors where customers have been sent the wrong items. There have also been delays in shipping as items that supposedly were in stock could not be found in the warehouse. Although a perpetual inventory is maintained, there has been no physical count of inventory for over two years. When an item is missing, the warehouse staff notes the information down in a log book. At the end of the week, the warehouse staff uses the log book to update the inventory records.
The system is configured to prepare the sales invoice only after shipping employees enter the actual quantities sent to a customer, thereby ensuring that customers are billed only for items actually sent and not for anything on back order. Terms of trade are payment within 21 days of invoicing, with a 2% discount offered for payments made within 5 days. Approximately 50% of Strings long standing repeat customers pay within the 5 days.
System documentation assignment
Question 1. Interpretation of Financial Reports (4 marks)
Using the system reports generated for your Outdoor Adventures in Assessment 1, prepare a short business report (maximum 750 words) that covers the following:
· What advice can you provide Andrew and Stephanie on how their business has performed for the month of March 2018, with particular focus on the profitability of the business, including segment profitability?
· Provide your client with five (5) recommendations, including specific actions, to improve the profitability and efficiency of the business.   
Question 2. Systems Documentation (8 marks)
Strings Pty Ltd (Strings) is a medium sized, privately owned Australian manufacturing business. They are the key supplier of musical instruments and their parts to retailers across Australia. As they grow, Strings have hired you to review their revenue cycle in an endeavour to improve efficiencies in this area. To make any recommendations, you must first understand the cu
ent process being undertaken within the cycle. A transcript of your interview with the CFO, Olivia Johns is provided in Interact Resources.
Task requirements:
Using the interview transcript and an applicable system tool, create a Level 0 logical data flow diagram to document the existing system for the revenue process.
A system tool includes software such as Word, Excel, Smartdraw or Edraw. There are many tools that are available to trial for free on the internet.
This assessment task has been designed to develop your ability to interpret and evaluate the concepts covered in Topic 2. More specifically, it seeks to assess your progress towards the learning outcome:
• be able to analyse and evaluate business processes and model them using systems documentation.
Marking criteria
    Analyse the profitability and performance of the organisation and provide appropriate recommendations, employing academic writing skills.
    Relevant and detailed analysis of the processes and profitability of the business, and by business segment. Identification of 5 key recommendations and provision of explicit actions to improve profitability and efficiency. Accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation; succinct and effective use of accounting terminology. Co
ect report format used. APA referencing is co
ect and consistently applied.
    Relevant analysis of the processes and profitability of the business, and by business segment. Identification of 5 key recommendations and provision of appropriate actions to improve profitability and efficiency. Accurate use of syntax, spelling and punctuation; succinct and effective use of accounting terminology. Co
ect report format used. APA referencing is co
ect and consistently applied.
    Analysis of the profitability of the business, including discussion of their business segments. Identification of 5 relevant recommendations and provision of actions to improve profitability. Mostly accurate spelling and punctuation. Co
ect report format used. APA referencing is mostly co
ectly and consistently applied.
    Analysis of business profitability and identification of their business segments. Identification of 5 recommendations and basic actions to improve profitability. Some spelling and grammar e
ors. Report format used with some e
ors or omissions. APA referencing is used with minor e
    Model business processes  using systems documentation.
    Appropriate selection and exemplary use of a system tool in the creation of a detailed model of the business processes from the information provided, with consistent application of co
ect symbols. Uses na
ative provided to accurately document the existing system.
    Appropriate selection and detailed use of a system tool in the creation of a detailed model of the business processes from the information provided, with a consistent application of co
ect symbols. Uses na
ative provided to document the system.
    Appropriate selection and use of a system tool to create a sound model of the business processes, with a few minor e
ors. Uses most of the na
ative provided to document the system.
    Selects an appropriate system tool and uses it to capture most of the selected business processes. Some information is either omitted or the model is partially drawn at the inco
ect level and lacks some clarity.
Part A
Your business report should include:
· a cover page addressed to your required audience;
· an executive summary (refer to the note below regarding an executive summary);
· a table of contents (linked to the headings in the report);
· headings and sub headings clearly identifying what is being discussed;
· a conclusion; and
· referencing (using APA style).
Resources to assist you with writing a Business Report are available in Interact under Assessment Resources.
Note: an Executive Summary is not an introduction. An Executive Summary should be an overview of an entire report, including recommendations, and no longer than one (1) page in length. This may be the only page read by busy managers.
Writing in a clear and concise manner is an important skill. You will be penalised where you have exceeded the given word count for your assignment. Your word count for this assessment does not include your cover page, executive summary, table of contents, referencing and any tables of figures.
Part B
Your level 0 data flow diagram (DFD) needs to be prepared using a systems tool. This is a completely separate question to Part A. Whilst both parts should be submitted in the same word document, you should insert a new cover page for the DFD you are preparing for Strings.
Note, no advice is required for this client. You have only been requested to prepare the systems documentation.
APA must be used to reference all sources you have used for your assignment.
The CSU Li
ary site provides an on-line guide to APA style referencing. This is the referencing style adopted by the School of Accounting and Finance. The guide can be found at: https:
Review the rules regarding plagiarism and if you are not sure contact your lecturer or student learning skills advisor for advice. There is no excuse for presenting the work of others as your own; this includes cutting and pasting material from the web without properly referencing the source.
Your assignment must be submitted via Turnitin in word format only (not in pdf). As a CSU student you are entitled to a free copy of Microsoft Office 2013 Suite. Details to find out further information can be found below under 'Online Submission'.
Any difficulties in submitting your assignments online electronically using Turnitin should be immediately reported by email. Include your name and student number in the header or footer of all documents submitted. Retain a copy of your assignment for your records.
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Answered Same Day Mar 31, 2020 ACC200 Charles Sturt University


Dr answered on Apr 02 2020
145 Votes
A Formal Business Report
Submitted By
Name of Student
Student No.
Table of Contents
Introduction                                             4
Advice to Andrew and Stephanie on how their business has performed
for the month of March 2018                                      4
Five Recommendation including specific actions to improve the profitability of business 5
Conclusion                                             6
References                                              6
Executive Summary
Andrew and Stephanie
Strings Pty. Ltd. Australia
A Formal Business Report to Strings Pvt. Ltd
Business of Strings Pvt. Ltd. Related with the manufacturing of musical instruments and parts of musical instruments. These musical instruments and parts of the musical instruments are ordered by customer all around the Australia. The customers of musical instruments and parts of musical instruments are mostly retailers. The integrated ERP system of Strings Pvt. Ltd. Is not online connected to the website of this business firms so that various business functions associated with the business are manually processed by the different categories of staff members of the company. This manual process results the e
ors and so that business profitability is not much optimal as per the increased demands of the customers with their orders of the musical instruments and parts of the musical instruments.
This formal business repots suggest the Andrew and Stephanie of Strings Pvt. Ltd. To deploy the mentioned recommendations to their business to get maximum profit with the business of manufacturing and sales. In March 2018 the company can gain maximum profit by clearing all the orders fast and realizing all the credits with realization of payment till end of the month. Further, it is also advised that to deploy the integrated online e-commerce website with a customer cart which has to be logged first while ordering the items.
Name of Student
Business Firm Name, Address
Strings Pty Ltd. Manufactures musical instruments and its parts and sales them to the retailer whole over the Australia. It is 12 year old manufacturing company of the musical instruments and its parts. The mode of the e-commerce activity of the Strings Pty Ltd. Is based on the integrated ERP that requires the manual entry of the orders, sending the orders to warehouse, and picked order from warehouse to by alphabetical order of name of customer to load the dock for delivery. The manual entry of items to load into dock for delivery is taken by the warehouse staff. This results the wrong selection of items and number of items that...

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