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Personality TraitsChoose one of the five traits(Extraversion,Agreeableness,Conscientiousness,Emotional Stability, Openness to experience) and formulate a short response for the class. You will be...

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Personality Traits

Choose one of the five traits(Extraversion,Agreeableness,Conscientiousness,

Emotional Stability, Openness to experience) and formulate a short response for the class. You will be required to research one of these, considering the following to guide your inquiry and responses:

Consider the following to guide your response:

  1. Identify the trait you have selected.

  2. What does the trait actually mean? What is your interpretation of the meaning?

  3. Can you identify other words or terms that might be used to help describe the trait if you had to explain it to someone else?

  4. What are the personal characteristics/attitudes/behaviour of someone who possesses that trait?

  5. What are the personal characteristics/attitudes/behaviour of someone who does not possess that trait?

  6. Why is that trait an important workplace consideration?

  7. Explain a workplace situation where that personality trait would be quite important.

Answered Same Day Nov 22, 2023


Dipali answered on Nov 22 2023
26 Votes
Last Name     4
Trait: Agreeableness    3
Meaning and Interpretation    3
Alternate Descriptors    3
Characteristics of someone possessing this trait    3
Characteristics of someone lacking this trait    3
Importance in the Workplace    4
Workplace Scenario Highlighting the Trait    4
Response for the Class    4
Trait: Agreeableness
Meaning and Interpretation
The trait of agreeableness is a person's propensity for cooperation, empathy, and consideration for others. It shows a person's warmth, compassion, and openness to working with others.
Alternate Descriptors
Other vocabulary to explain a person who is agreeable may also be friendly, cooperative, empathetic, or amiable.
Characteristics of someone possessing this trait
People with high Agreeableness demonstrate qualities like...

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