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OverviewFor this assignmnet students are expected to study the production and shipping costs of a potato manufacturer and formulate a Linear Programming model representing the problems, to implement...

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OverviewFor this assignmnet students are expected to study the production and shipping costs of a potato manufacturer and formulate a Linear Programming model representing the problems, to implement the model on a spreadsheet, to optimise the solution and to write a report discussing the recommendations to the problem.Students are required to complete two components: A Word file, for the report containing the details of the model (including writing the objective function), the solution and the recommendations to the problem. And an Excel file for the model using Solver.The problem is documented in the attached screen capture.
Answered Same Day Nov 02, 2019 OMGT2287


David answered on Nov 30 2019
136 Votes
    Route trsucture, flows and rote capacity constraints
    Label    Ship    To    Cost    Flow        Route capacity
    X12    1    2    6    0    <=    200                Node balance constraints
    X13    1    3    4    0    <=    200                Plant Constraints
    X14    1    4    6    0    <=    200                Node    Net Outflow        Capacity
    X15    1    5    6    0    <=    200                1    0    â‰¤    150
    X16    1    6    21    0    <=    200                2    -400    â‰¤    250
    X17    1    7    21    0    <=    200                3    -320    â‰¤    350
    X21    2    1    10    0    <=    200
    X23    2    3    10    0    <=    200                Warehuse constraints            Keeps nothing
    X24    2    4    2    200    <=    200                Node    Net Outflow
    X25    2    5    2    0    <=    200                4    0    â‰¤    0
    X26    2    6    9    200    <=    200                5    0    â‰¤    0
    X27    2    7    16    0    <=    200                Customer constraints            Demand
    X31    3    1    1.4    0    <=    200                Node    Net Inflow
    X32    3    2    9    0    <=    200                6    500    =    500
    X34    3    4    2    0    <=    200                7    220    =    220
    X35    3    5    1.5    200    <=    200
    X36    3    6    11    100    <=    200
    X37    3    7    13    20    <=    200
    X45    4    5    2.2    0    <=    200
    X46    4    6    3    200    <=    200
    X47    4    7    13    0    <=    200                    node    In-out
    X54    5    4    1.8    0    <=    200                    1    0    64
    X56    5    6    3    200    <=    200                    2    -400    49
    X57    5    7    13    0    <=    200                    3    -320    37.9
    X67    6    7    2    200    <=    200                    4    0    18.2
    X76    7    6    8    0    <=    200                    5    0    17.8
    Objective Minimize cost            64                                6    500    2
    Total    5460                                        7    220    8
Answer Report 1
    Microsoft Excel 15.0 Answer Report
    Worksheet: [Assignmnet 2.xlsx]test
    Report Created: 11/10/2017 11:43:26 AM
    Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
    Solver Engine
        Engine: Simplex LP
        Solution Time: 0.203 Seconds.
        Iterations: 25 Subproblems: 0
    Solver Options
        Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001
        Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative
    Objective Cell (Min)
        Cell    Name    Original Value    Final Value
        $B$30    Total Ship    7260    7260
    Variable Cells
        Cell    Name    Original Value    Final Value    Intege
        $E$3    X12 Flow    50    50    Contin
        $E$4    X13 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$5    X14 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$6    X15 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$7    X16 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$8    X17 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$9    X21 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$10    X23 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$11    X24 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$12    X25 Flow    200    200    Contin
        $E$13    X26 Flow    100    100    Contin
        $E$14    X27 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$15    X31 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$16    X32 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$17    X34 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$18    X35 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$19    X36 Flow    200    200    Contin
        $E$20    X37 Flow    200    200    Contin
        $E$21    X45 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$22    X46 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$23    X47 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$24    X54 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$25    X56 Flow    200    200    Contin
        $E$26    X57 Flow    20    20    Contin
        $E$27    X67 Flow    0    0    Contin
        $E$28    X76 Flow    0    0    Contin
        Cell    Name    Cell Value    Formula    Status    Slack
        $L$12    <= Net Outflow    0    $L$12<=$N$12    Binding    0
        $L$13    <= Net...

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