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Microsoft Word - 1 itech 7400 ethical discussion forum XXXXXXXXXXpdf Page 1 CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Assessment 1 ITECH 7400 IT Service Management and Professional Culture Name Ethical Discussion...

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Microsoft Word - 1 itech 7400 ethical discussion forum XXXXXXXXXXpdf

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CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
Assessment 1
ITECH 7400 IT Service Management and
Professional Culture
Ethical Discussion Forum

The purpose of the critique is to help students develop a knowledge of ethics.
Timelines and Expectations
Percentage Value of Task: Post 1 (10%) + Post 2 (5%) = 15%.
Post 1 – Ethical Theories 1 and 2 – Due: Week 4 – Friday 21, August 2020, 4:00 pm.
Post 2 – Professional Ethics – Due: Week 6 – Friday 04, September 2020, 4:00 pm.

Minimum time expectation: This task will take approximately 20 hours to complete.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K1 – K4, S1 and
Assessment Details

Case Study
Robotic surgery sounds like the ultimate in safe, efficient and effective 21st-century health care.
Instead of a surgeon's potentially fallible human hand, you have a robot with its precision-built
mechanical arms able to perform micro-accurate procedures on tissues deep within the body.
With robot-assisted surgery, the surgeon sits at a nea
y console with a 3D view of the surgical
site. Computer technology translates their hand movements into precise manoeuvres of the
instruments. If the surgeon's hand develops a tremor, the computer system knows to ignore it.

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CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
The technology also means surgeons can use finer instruments that cause less damage to the
ody. In turn, this should reduce blood loss and the need for blood transfusions - and mean that
patients recover more quickly. With this kind of promise, little wonder that multi-million-pound
obot machines are performing ever more operations across Britain.
The technology, which was first used in 2000, is employed increasingly in intricate surgery such
as hysterectomy, gallbladder removal and repair of damaged heart valves.
But while for many patients robot surgery will have been entirely smooth, the technology is not
isk-free. And leading experts are now voicing growing fears about its safety and effectiveness,
warning of a growing human toll.
Good Health has learned of one particularly alarming case in which a man suffered grievous
injuries from a robotic procedure that nearly killed him when it went wrong.
The patient, who can't be named for legal reasons, was suffering from prostate cancer and
ecently had his prostate gland removed by keyhole surgery using robot technology. His solicitors
say the remote camera attached to the robot arm damaged the man's bowel, leading to severe
infection, organ failure and cardiac a
est (Nash, 2013).
Ethical dilemma:
To what extend are IT professionals responsible for the surgery accuracy of robots they program?
This is an individual task. Students are required to write two (2) forum posts in moodle which
provide an analysis of an ethical dilemma associated with robotic assisted surgery from a
software developer’s perspective.
• Post 1: In post one (1) students should provide an answer to the ethical dilemma through
the lens of each of the ethical theories presented in lectures. These include utilitarianism,
deontology, social contract theory, character-based ethics1. The post should be
approximately two to three pages long XXXXXXXXXXwords). It should contain a
overview of each of the four ethical theories, and a discussion and proposed solution for
the dilemma, from each of the four ethical theoretical viewpoints. The discussion should
show an analysis and synthesis of research undertaken and your own ideas.
• Post 2: In post two (2) students will apply ACS code of ethics2 in order to solve the ethical
dilemma. The post should be approximately one page long XXXXXXXXXXwords). The
discussion should show an analysis and synthesis of research undertaken and your own
Each post should contain a bibliography containing authentic academic literature. Post 1
(approximately 6–10 references), and Post 2 (approximately 4–8 references). Gather these
eferences from various sources such as the Internet, assigned textbooks and readings etc. For
assistance with in-text referencing and formatting your reference list in APA format, see the link to
General Guide to Referencing provided.

1 Select two (2) virtues
2 Select one (1) ACS element

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CRICOS Provider No. 00103D

A quality post will include an introduction and conclusion and demonstrate a synthesis of
content, knowledge, skills and ideas acquired from lectures, tutorials and academic authors.
For assistance in writing blog posts:
Academic Presentation
Blogs should be presented in accordance with:
• General Guide to Writing and Study Skills:
• Assignment Layout and Appearance Guidelines:
• General Guide to Referencing:
This task will be marked by the course coordinator, lecturer and/or tutors. Students will be
equired to submit an electronic copy of their post via Moodle. Students are encouraged to keep a
copy in MS Word.
Feedback and marks will be provided in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is
one's own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy
your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the
plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at

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CRICOS Provider No. 00103D
Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions,
and special consideration. A reminder all academic regulations can be accessed via the
university’s website, see: http:
Marking Criteria/Ru

Assessment Criteria

Marking Scale
Poor Excellent
Outline of theory 0
Discussion 0
Application and recommendations 0
Academic presentation – writing and layout 0
Referencing and bibliography 0
Total Mark [25 marks]

Total Worth [10%] + [5%]

Answered Same Day Aug 18, 2021 ITECH7400


Hartirath answered on Aug 19 2021
146 Votes
Student Name:
Unit Name:
University name;
Part 1    3
Part 2    6
References    8
Part 1
When we make choices in decision-making, are also called moral dilemmas. In some cases, sometimes we have two choices, and we must accept one choice, which may be morally unacceptable. Robotic surgery is generally safe or secure, and its efficiency and effectiveness will increase over time. There are always opportunities for human e
or, as well as it is said that the potentially prone hands of experienced surgeons can cause e
ors moreover ruin the operation (Burmeister, 2017). On the other hand, the robot can have such precision that the operation performed by the robot can be expected to be completely smooth. However, there is an ethical dilemma because technology is not always risk-free. In the past, the patient's surgery was really bad, and due to some e
ors, the robotic arm ca
ier almost caused a fatal operation. In the specific case suggested in this case study, a patient with prostate cancer needs to use the keyhole surgery of a robotic arm to remove his prostate, thereby damaging the person's intestines. This leads to patient organ failure (CACIUC, 2014).
After understanding the risk-benefit analysis of using IT a well as robotic surgery, we can now review the moral theory introduced in the lecture. The ethical theories discussed in the lecture include utilitarianism, deontology, social contract theory, and character-based ethics. Now, we can
iefly review each theory and
iefly outline each of the four moral theories (Chan, 2019). When discussing these theories, we can propose solutions to difficult problems from each of the four moral theories. In utilitarian theory, people would think that the program is not very ethical because it is not helpful or safe, because they think that even if they can benefit from it, the undesirable consequences will be worse. Their position is that if negative results lead to neutral or positive results, then it is moral. In this case, if an accident happens to the machine, the result will be death. If the person is guaranteed to survive after surgery, then it will be considered ethical and safe (Co
edig, 2009).
In social contract theory, this is considered moral because the person agrees in advance as well as knows the danger. Therefore, the doctor will take out the patient's signature to explain the risk, for example, if the robot arm eats indiscriminately, it will cause complications (Funk, 2011). Role-based ethics is considered ethical because such behavior can
ing the greatest benefits. The problem is that it is not always good and can lead to undesirable results. Although it is difficult to say in this case that it is because of the belief that people will gain morality, robots cannot do this (Gotte
arn & Miller, 2017). Although this technology was created by people with moral intentions.
Deontology believes that this is moral because the intention is good, as well as the theory focuses more on the intention of the action rather than the result of the action (Kogelmann, 2018). Even this theory can be used to prove that it is co
ect, because the doctor can say that the intention is good, even though the outcome did not happen as expected. Any technology has positive and negative risks. For example, people use cars or even airplanes as a faster way to travel, but sometimes airplanes crash....

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