... is related to Meaning, Motivation and Mastery
Those of you who have heard of the philosopher Alan Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) will be aware of his various writings and speeches. The video provided below is of Alan Watts speaking and is quite thought provoking.
Please watch the video and then read the following.
Watts' ideas are directed toward life in general but his discourse raises how people experience paradoxes and confront competing values in the consideration and pursuit of their careers.
Moreover, the essence of his comments concern the centrality of attaining mastery. In this, his discussion reflects the core elements of competing values framework (CVF) and relate to the four quadrants of the CVF, which are concerned with supporting people in their careers, developing their creativity, monitoring their performance and maintaining their motivation (Quinn et. al., XXXXXXXXXXAs such, Watts' discourse is a useful platform for thinking about CVF management theory in terms of the reality of managers and workers lives and experiences.
The hospitality, tourism and events industries are replete with young, vibrant and motivated individuals but it is also heavy with long-standing, sometimes exhausted, individuals; a context that is found present in other industries as well. Managers must not only find ways to motivate employees under their charge but also ensure that they themselves remain motivated to become master managers.
What CVF quadrant and competencies best help and guide managers in dealing with maintaining motivation for themselves and others in their workplaces? What strategies could managers apply personally to attain mastery in management?
Address these questions in your 200 word post
Link for video is:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khOaAHK7efc