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IntroductionThe delivery of successful projects is often critical to business success. This assignment will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and application of the principles of project...

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IntroductionThe delivery of successful projects is often critical to business success. This assignment will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and application of the principles of project management. You are not required to deal with the budget as the finance director will set this. Although you should demonstrate how you will manage and monitor the budget, the team and risk etc.
Task: Title: A Project Plan You have been appointed as Project Manager of a project to plan to carry out the project presented in Assignment 1. Using the organisation you have chosen you are to produce a Project Initiation Document (PID) of 3,000 words for this project. Your audience are the People Team who are keen to see the benefits that the project will deliver. In this PID you should cover learning outcomes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes: 1 Define a project, its characteristics and the role of the project manager. 2 Justify the application of the theoretical frameworks and methodologies within a project environment. 3 Critically evaluate the composition and management of teams in a project environment. 4 Formulate a project management plan. 5 Appraise measures to control and monitor project risk, quality, change and configuration. 6 Evaluate project success and failure and disseminate the key learning points from the delivery of the project.

Answered Same Day May 24, 2021


Swati answered on May 28 2021
138 Votes
Assessment number-2
Word count- 3000
List of Tables and Diagrams
    Page No.
    Key project details
    Objectives- SMART
    Milestones and deliverables
    Gantt chart
    Project organization
    Initial project plan
    Time schedule
    Evaluation plan
    Communication channel and schedules
Executive summary
· TESCO, established in 1919 being the leading supermarket chain in Hertfordshire, England is able to provide a wide product range to its customers. There are about 3400 stores of Tesco in UK having operations in 11 different countries. With a great experience of 101 years, Tesco has spread well into several subsidiaries like Tesco Mobile, Booker group, Tesco Bank, Tesco Family Dining Ltd and many more such subsidiaries. Tesco fulfills need of all customer groups ranging from low to high range products. (Tesco,2020)
· In today’ world, supermarkets industry is growing rapidly. They are in great demand even after inception way back. Due to great demands, there has been great expansion around different parts of world including the host country. The entire process of operation is termed as project operation and to ensure its no compromised, timely and effective delivery, there is formation of project by the organization. The way project is managed, and the process flow is ca
ied out basically decides the failure or success of a project at the end.
· Thus project report discusses in detail about the role of a project manager, the framework, the methodologies and analysis that is required from initiation till close out of the project. Evaluation at each step is also ca
ied out to maintain the efficiency of project.
For this relocation project, there is a need of a project manager who can lead and complete project in a successful manner as per requirement of client TESCO. Also the timeframe of 3 months needs to be taken care of as this is a time bound project. Several methodologies, evaluation, strategies and workflow process as well as risk analysis are the vital part of this project which is studied till the delivery of project.
    Page No.
    List of diagrams and figures
    Executive summary
    a. Project overview
    b. Key project details
    c. Purpose
    d. Objectives- SMART
    e. Project Scope
    f. Milestones and Deliverables
    g. Constraints
    h. Assumptions
    Project rationale
    a. Business Case: Reason for project
    I. Options/approach
    II. Benefits from the project
    III. Cost
    IV. Timescale
    b. Risk case : Risk Analysis:
    I. Risk Identification and Source of Risk
    II. Risk Prevention
    III. Risk Control/Management/Monitoring
    IV. Contingency planning
    Project stakeholders and mapping
    a. Stakeholders
    b. Roles and Responsibilities
    c. Project Organization
    Project plan and management
    a. Project methodology
    b. Initial Project Plan
    c. Resources
    d. Schedule: activities and timelines
    e. Project /Quality Control: Monitoring Mechanisms
    f. Communication Channels and Schedules
    Project evaluation and Closing
    a. Project evaluation
    b. Termination
    c. PIR( Post-Implementation Review)
a. Project overview
The project is about the relocation of the Head Office teams to Welwyn Garden City which will be followed by the removal and the clearance from the previous Tesco’s head office located at Chestnut. The relocation is needed because of the necessity for the cost reduction and reduction of manpower. (Haapakangas et al. 2018).The business relocation will help in lowering the operation cost. The cost will alone determine that the business is in profitable mode or is losing money every month.
The entire project will involve the refu
ishment of the Welwyn Garden City workplace and then moving of the furniture, IT and AV covering around 6300 positions over 5300 staffs and that to across 45 different departments. This entire remanufacturing will save around UK Sterling 315000.
In this scenario the project manager needs to handle the relocation process of the entire project and the proper budgeting of the entire project as that could serve the purpose of setting up of new office which is meant to reduce the cost handled by the company and further to ensure that the work should not get hampered.
Project includes studying existing structure, planning, budgeting, evaluating new proposed infrastructure and then finally implementing it. It is expected to complete the assigned project within duration of 3 months and under the assigned budget from the finance team.
. Key project details
    Project Title
    Tesco Head office Relocation.
    Project Description
    Â· Relocation of HO from chestnut to Welwyn Garden City.
· Movement of around 6300 positions over 5300 staffs across 45 different departments.
    Project managers
    Smith ray, Helen ju, Remona and Ade
    Project duration
    3 months
    Project cost
    UK Sterling 2 billion for redesigning and contingency cost
c. Purpose
Relocation of the Head office teams of Tesco from chestnut to welwyn garden city so as to save costs. It will involve movement of 6300 positions over 5300 staff across 45 departments. Manpower reduction as well as cost reduction at new location will increase profits of Tesco making the operating cost low. Purpose of this project is laying down a plan to follow a step by step process to clear up the old infrastructure and to build the new one without distu
ing the routine work of employees in the organization.
d. Objectives- SMART
    Relocation of HO teams.
    Visible observation.
    Constant feedback and follow up support.
    Relocating with a planned process.
    Time bound
    Deliver the project in 3 months time frame.
e. Project scope
· Relocation of Tesco HO teams.
· Understanding the requirement of client Tesco.
· Refu
ishment of existing workplace and then moving of furniture, IT and AV.
f. Milestones and Deliverables
    Relocating assessment
    Â· Obtain information about existing structure.
· Study the requirement of client clearly.
· Complete assessment of project.
    Â· Establish project teams.
· Define project scope.
· Obtain approval from project charter.
    Â· Prepare project management plan.
· Obtain approval from stakeholders.
    Â· Assign resources for infrastructure design.
· Preparation of technical drawings and plans.
· Plan emergency evacuation route.
    Team formation
    Â· Form a team to work on project.
· Procure infrastructure molding tools and equipments, and locally sourced furniture needs.
    Evaluating new infrastructure
    Â· Study for loopholes in new design.
· Feedback based evaluation.
    Relocating plan
    Â· Refu
ishment of existing structure.
· Construction of new infrastructure.
· Placement of infrastructure with new location.
· Interior finishes and electrical works.
· Installation of goods and furniture for workplace.
    Monitor and control
    Â· Prepare milestones report.
· Regular meetings.
· Feedback.
    Close out
    Â· Inspection of new structure, interiors and checking for defects if any.
· Quality check.
· Handover to the workforce.
· Post-handover feedback for any changes if required.
g. Constraints
· The...

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