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Indoor, urban axe throwing is quickly becoming one of the hottest adult entertainment experiences in Sydney (Lewin XXXXXXXXXXA new company, hoping to enter this market, isAxeChix. AxeChixwant to...

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Indoor, urban axe throwing is quickly becoming one of the hottest adult entertainment experiences in Sydney (Lewin XXXXXXXXXXA new company, hoping to enter this market, isAxeChix.

AxeChixwant to create a woman-only entertainment experience whereby women can gather a group of friends together, come to their venue, and experience something quite unique. Women will attend, train with an accredited and experienced coach, and thenplay a ‘tournament’ against each other tosee which friend wins bragging rights as the champion axe thrower. Bookings are made in two hour blocks, with coaching and safety trainingtaking the first half hour and the ‘tournament’ game play being the remaining time.AxeChixhas all-female employees, is forwomen only, players must be18 years and over, andno corporate bookingsavailable. They are trying to work out whether this would be a viable enterprise and have hired you to advise them.

You have been hired as an independent marketing consultant to helpAxeChixdesign a marketing plan to enable them to realise the opportunity the current environment presents. Your role is to develop a 2-part marketing plan consisting of segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategies (Assessment 3) and strategic recommendations (Assessment 4) to helpAxeChixachieve their objectives. The three (3) objectives of the 2-part marketing plan you are required to complete are to:

  1. Identify a suitable target market of potential user forAxeChix’s market offering.

  2. Identify howAxeChix’s market offeringshould be positioned within the market.

  3. DevelopanIntegratedMarketingCommunicationsstrategy(IMC)usingTHREE(3)of the 5 tools from the Promotional Mix element (i.e. 3 of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations and/or direct and digital marketing) that will enable increased users ofAxeChix’s market offering.

    YOU MUST NOT contact AxeChix or its personnel in relation to this Assessment UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES

We wish you an enjoyable time researching and developing your reports, and we look forward to reading your wonderful marketing ideas.


Lewin, E., 2021,“Why axe throwing is making new waves in the fitness world”,The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 October 2021, accessed 13 January 2022, available: making-new-waves-in-the-fitness-world XXXXXXXXXXp58vv7.html


AxeChixhas identified an opportunity within Sydney and wants advice as to whether this is a viable business opportunity.Your task is to segment the market, identify which segmentAxeChixshould target in relation to itsindoor, urban, axe throwing experience, and recommend howAxeChixshould differentiate and position itsexperienceto best attract the target market you recommend.

Answered 8 days After Mar 15, 2022


Tanmoy answered on Mar 24 2022
107 Votes
Table of Contents
Background    3
Market Segmentation    4
Target Market and Consumer Profile    6
Differentiation and Positioning    7
Positioning Statement    8
Competitors on the positioning map    8
Conclusion    9
References    10
AxeChix wants to create a woman-centric entertainment and gaming company where a group of women can come together and enjoy the axe throwing game in Australia. AxeChix should open its company in Adelaide, Australia. AxeChix will be located very close to the Adelaide Central Market. The city of Adelaide has a women population of 98.4 men per 100 women as of June 2019 (Statista, 2019). The women will be trained by experienced coaches before throwing the axes on the wall. There will be tournaments held where the women can play against each other and win championships in axe throwing competitions. Further, the bookings for entering the AxeChix and participating in the axe competition will be made within an interval of two hours block. The first half-hour will be educating the women on adherence to the safety norms and the second half will be consisting of the tournaments and games in axe play. AxeChix will employ all female employees for its women axe throwing department. Further, the players must be 18+ and there will be no corporate bookings allowed in AxeChix. Further, there will be a small restaurant and bar inside AxeChix for women who can enjoy delicious foods and
anded hard beverages.
Market Segmentation
The customers will be generally women above 18 years of age and who are game enthusiasts. Further, the axe throwing game appeals to various types of audiences such as women from the vape community, cigar lovers, and women interested in using firearms. The age limit till which the women can take part in the axe competition is restricted to 55 years. Further, the women who are ma
ied and are having girl child with age above 13 years can accompany them to the axe game in AxeChix. There will be no corporate booking allowed for women from various organizations in Australia.
Further, the market can be segmented into four bases which are as follows:
1. Geographic: As per the geographic segmentation the place where AxeChix will be located is in Adelaide, Australia. This is because as per the statistics report of 2019 it is observed that the women population in Adelaide per men is more than any other state in Australia. Thus, since AxeChix is targeting mostly the women community to provide them with an entertainment platform, Adelaide will be the best location. Further, Adelaide has a Medite
anean climate with warm and long summers, cold winters, and receiving low rainfalls. Further, the areas of South Australia are four times that of the UK (World Travel Guide, 2021). Since AxeChix will be located very close to Adelaide Central Market where young and energetic crowds visit from Tuesday to Saturday, this crowd will be targeted by the entertainment company (Thrillophilia, 2022).
2. Demographic: The demographics which will be targeted in Adelaide will be the Chinese which consist of 22.9% of the population. The women of this Chinese population will be targeted by AxeChix. Further, the English, Australian, Irish and Scottish women will also be offered to visit AxeChix (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2017).
3. Psychographic: The psychographic segmentation is based on the lifestyles, personality, activities, status in the society, attitude, and opinions that will be targeted by AxeChix. For this, women from all communities with moderate lifestyles and values will be allowed to participate in the...

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