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In your reflection, you may wish to ask yourself the following questions:1) what new information have I learned from this article?2) how has that knowledge affected my ideas or attitudes about the...

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In your reflection, you may wish to ask yourself the following questions:1) what new information have I learned from this article?2) how has that knowledge affected my ideas or attitudes about the topic?3) what parts of this article were most meaningful to me?
Answered Same Day Mar 27, 2020


Ritika answered on Mar 28 2020
142 Votes
Running Head: ASSIGNMENT
Assignment        3
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Name of Professo
1. Information that I have learned from this article is regarding the preclinical investigation that is done on animal models. This test is also known as ma
le burying test where compulsive behavior of mice needs to get affected by locomotor activity and coordination. This article has also provided knowledge about the recently included disorder of hoarding which mainly includes persistent difficulty in parting with possessions and cluttered living that involves distress, impairment and space shortage. Several studies have also initiated regarding this disorder and this too has...

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