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In your reflection, you may wish to ask yourself the following questions:1) what new information have I learned from this article?2) how has that knowledge affected my ideas or attitudes about the...

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In your reflection, you may wish to ask yourself the following questions:1) what new information have I learned from this article?2) how has that knowledge affected my ideas or attitudes about the topic?3) what parts of this article were most meaningful to me?
Answered Same Day Mar 27, 2020


Brindha answered on Apr 03 2020
139 Votes
1. The role of glucocorticoids in hampering memory retrieval in humans owing to fear that arises out of stressful experiences is a relatively new information as these steroid hormones are otherwise considered only as medicines for allergies and sepsis. The very fact that the release of these hormones from adrenal cortex when stress activates the HPA axis, and their ability to access the
ain and influence the general physiology and behaviour of humans shows the opposite effect these hormones exercise upon memory processes.
2. The article has made it clear that...

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