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In an essay explain the correlation of the data points to the equations. Sent in an attached file : Figure 4.3 (How can better data be acquired?), and review Figures 4.4A, 4.4B, and 4.4C What...

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In an essay explain the correlation of the data points to the equations.

Sent in an attached file : Figure 4.3 (How can better data be acquired?), and review Figures 4.4A, 4.4B, and 4.4C

What assumptions are being shown in these figures?

Be sure to provide research to support your ideas.

Use APA style, and cite, in-text cite and reference your sources.

Answered Same Day Apr 04, 2020


Pooja answered on Apr 07 2020
140 Votes
Scatterplot & Co
elation coefficient
The scatter plot explains the direction and strength of linear relationship between two variables.
Two variables are said to have a positive linear relationship when scatter plot indicates an Upward Trend. Variables are observed to have a negative linear relationship when there is a downward trend in the scatter plot. In a situation when there is no specific direction in scatter plot, the relationship between X and Y is not linear. Bluman, A. G. (2013). 
The strength of the relationship is measured by the closeness of all points in the scatter plot. If points are plotted close to each other (or close to fit line) then there is a strong linear relationship between them. If points are plotted moderately close to each other (or moderately close to the fitted line), then there is a moderate linear relationship between X and Y. If points are plotted far away from each other then there is an extremely weak linear relationship between two considered variables. Bluman, A. G. (2013). 
Figure 1
In figure 1) it is evident that points have a rising Trend. Thus a positive linear relationship is expected between them. The points are plotted on the fitted line indicating the strength of the relationship is perfect.  Statistically, I can say that there is a very strong positive linear relationship between X and Y. As the value of x increases, the value of Y also increases tremendously. The value of co
elation Coefficient is expected to be perfect positive, +1. Bluman, A. G. (2013). 
Figure 2
In figure 2), points have a rising Trend. Hence I expect a positive linear relationship between X and Y. All points are plotted close to the fitted line. Thus, it...

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