Assessment item 3 – Final Research Report
Due: XXXXXXXXXXSunday of Week 13, 11 pm AEST
Length: XXXXXXXXXX-7,500 words
Conditions: XXXXXXXXXXIndividual
Weighting: XXXXXXXXXX%
You are required to present a final written report based on your completed research project. This should follow the structure outlined in the Final Report checklist document. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
Marking criteria: Next page
Marking criteria:
Assessing criteria
Executive summary
· Informs why and how the research was conducted
· Includes key findings and recommendations
2 marks
Introduction & Research problem
· Includes the context and overview of the industry partner
· Clearly states the research problem, aim and outlines the report structure
1 marks
Literature review & Research questions
· Literature reviewed was relevant to the research problem
· Literature reviewed was comprehensive, clearly identified potential factors causing the research problem/ knowledge gap
· Research question(s) was/were based on literature, and specific to the research problem or the research gap identified
· Presents a conceptual map which clearly explains all independent and dependent factors or the knowledge gap
7 marks
Research design
· Research method adequately justified, sample and sampling method was appropriate, type of analyses conducted were informed and all ethical concerns addressed
4 marks
Research findings
· Analysis was comprehensive
· Properly presented and supported by evidences
8 marks
· Included evidence of triangulation (if mixed method was used)
· Findings were compared with the literature reviewed
· Answers to research questions were clearly stated
8 marks
· Recommendations based on evidence (research findings)
· Recommendations specific to the research problem
8 marks
Conclusion and Limitations
· Limitations of the research co
ectly noted
· Summarises the project including major findings, recommendations and potential outcomes if recommendations are implemented
2 marks
Structure, overall presentation and referencing
· Presentation completed within recommended word count
· Good use of visuals (co
ectly labelled), sentences co
ectly constructed with no spelling or grammatical e
· All sources (both in-text and reference list) were co
ectly cited
· Structure of the report was appropriate
10 marks
50 marks
Final report – Checklist
Title page
· Choose an interesting and catchy title for your report.
· The name of your industry partner should be part of the title or subtitle.
· Indicate the nature of problem you investigated.
· If you do not wish to disclose the name of your industry partner, you can just write ‘company X’.
Executive summary
· Keep it short and simple (ideally not more than 2 pages – well formatted)
· Summarise the background of the research
· Summarise the research approach
· Summarise the findings (dot points is fine, but write full sentences)
· Summarise the implications
ecommendations (dot points is fine, but write full sentences)
Table of contents
Introduction and research problem (around 5-10% of your total word count)
· Introduction to topic
· Overview of the industry partne
· What real problem does your research seek to resolve?
· Why is this problem such a big issue for your industry partner? Why is it important that you research it? Convince us that your project is important and that it will help your industry partne
· State the overall research aim based on this problem
· Outline the structure of the report (for the audience
Theoretical background – Literature review (around 25-30% of your total word count)
· Clearly identify the factors investigated in the project
· Discuss what others have found in this research space and individual factors
· Link your literature review back to your problem space and use this as a foundation to formulate your research questions.
Methodology (around 5-10% of your total word count)
· Only provide an overview of YOUR research design
· Inform and justify the nature of your research approach (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods)
· Describe and justify your sample (who, how did you find them, sampling method and technique used)
· Describe how data was collected (in-person/online/..) and which research tools (e.g. interviews, surveys, etc.) were used
· Inform how data was analysed (e.g. themes analysis, frequency distribution, mean-score, etc.)
· Explain how the research plan addressed all ethical concerns
Findings (around 10-15% of your total word count)
· Present sample characteristics (e.g. age, gender, income...)
· Clearly differentiate between quantitative and qualitative findings
· Use figures, graphs, tables to visualise findings. Add numbers and titles for all visuals. Be creative in presenting the findings!
Discussion (around 20-25% of your total word count)
· If you are using a mixed method, triangulate quantitative and qualitative findings
· Compare findings with the literature reviewed earlie
· Clearly state the answers to research questions you found from the findings presented above
Recommendations (around 10-15% of your total word count)
· Clearly list and discuss the recommendations specific to the research problem
· Make sure all recommendations are based on findings of your research project
· Can also include any suggestions you have for the industry partner in regards to implementing your recommendations
Limitations and Conclusion (around 5-10% of your total word count)
· Inform the readers and management of any limitations that they should be aware of if they are to implement your recommendations
· Provide a
ief summary of the project including major findings, recommendations and potential outcomes if recommendations are implemented by the management
Footnotes (as required – avoid if at all possible)
List of References
Appendix (as required)
For use with online submission of assignments
Please complete all of the following details and then make this sheet the first page of each file of your assignment – do not send it as a separate document.
Your assignments must be submitted as either Word documents, text documents with .rtf extension or as .pdf documents. If you wish to submit in any other file format please discuss this with your lecturer well before the assignment submission date.
Student Name:
Bal Sukhrajkaur Avtarsingh
Student ID No.:
Unit Name:
Industry Research Project
Unit Code:
Tutor’s name:
Yvonne Brunetto
Assignment No.:
Assignment Title:
Research Project Details
Due date:
22nd July 2018
Date submitted:
22nd July 2018
I have read and understand the Rules Relating to Awards (Rule 3 Section 18 – Academic Misconduct Including Plagiarism) as contained in the SCU Policy Li
ary. I understand the penalties that apply for plagiarism and agree to be bound by these rules. The work I am submitting electronically is entirely my own work.
(please type your name)
Bal Sukhrajkaur Avtarsingh
Report title
Quality Management Issues: Managing productivity to improve overall efficiency of the Organization
Industry partne
The Industry Partner is Company Y. Company Y has started the operations recently in the restaurant food business. With increasing demand, it is becoming difficult for the top-level management to manage all the orders simultaneously. As a result, the quality of food served to the customers is impacted. There are no proper quality management strategies implemented by the organization.
Also, due to recent starting of the business, the company is not able to forecast the overall demand of the customers. I have been working with this organization in the field of operations management. However, due to lack of application of operations management techniques, there are several complexities and issues arising within the working environment.
Research field
The research field that will be undertaken will be related to Operations Management (OM). It will reflect issues related to quality management, improper management of customers and their orders, and lack of customer services during the working hours of the restaurant. The operations management team thereby needs to identify new strategies through which these problems can be solved at Company Y. subsequently; it will increase the productivity levels of all the employees in the organization.
Overarching problem
The problem is related to quality management and services management in the organization related to food industry. Due to increasing demand from the customers and lack of group-working approach in the organization, employees are not able to manage order properly in a given organization. It is thereby affecting the quality of food served as well as services delivered to the customers.
Earlier, similar issues were found in Burger King, KFC, and other such restaurant outlets. However, the company took this issue on priority basis and through Quality Management technique they were able to overcome these challenges in their organization. It improved communication gaps, improvised the support from senior management, re-formulated workplace policies, and overcame intra-group conflicts.
Overarching research aim
The research aim of this research will focus on quality management issues, operations management issues, and services management at the workplace. There is also a need to motivate employees to work for this organization in a given direction.
For this purpose, the operations management needs to train these employees on operations management principles such as quality management, six sigma principles, ISO standards, and other approaches through which quality of the food served will get better. The company can implement Six Sigma Model to improve the quality of services offered to the customer during the dining time.
Research questions(s)
The major research questions that will be included in this research are:
1) Why there are quality management issues at the workplace?
2) How employees are serving the customers during the dining time? What are the conflicts taking place?
3) What are the recommendations suggested to the organization for improvement?
Literature review: Keywords used for literature search
Keywords: Quality management, Services Management, Root cause analysis, Coaching concept, Business Ethics, Knowledge management, Quality Assurance, QM Methodologies
Literature review: Name 2 relevant articles
1) Genicot, G., & Skaperdas, S., 2002, ‘Investing in Conflict Management’, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 46, no. 1, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
2) Beardsley, K., & Lo, N., 2014, ‘Third-Party Conflict Management and the Willingness to Make Concessions’, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 58, no. 2, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Company lette
· Company Y
· Location Address
· Name, Position and Contact Details of Manager of Company Y
· Bal Sukhrajkaur Avtarsingh
1. Genicot, G., & Skaperdas, S., 2002, ‘Investing in Conflict Management’, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 46, no. 1, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
2. Beardsley, K., & Lo, N., 2014, ‘Third-Party Conflict Management and the Willingness to Make Concessions’, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 58, no. 2, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
TTs270718_736539_3 Employee Retention and Turnover in the Organisation: Managing Workplace Issues to improve Human Resource Management Efficiency
Quality Management Issues: Managing productivity to improve overall