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1 ACC210 Assignment – Semester 2 2022 Due Date: Friday 16 September 2022 (Week 8) at 5pm Word count: approx 1,500 words Weighting: 50% The assignment requires you to address the following questions in...

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ACC210 Assignment – Semester 2 2022

Due Date: Friday 16 September 2022 (Week 8) at 5pm

Word count: approx 1,500 words

Weighting: 50%

The assignment requires you to address the following questions in report format.
The assignment must be your own individual work, i.e. it is not a group assignment.
If it is believed that a student has copied material from another student or any other
source without appropriate referencing, the necessary action will be taken under the
University’s Student Academic Integrity - Governing Policy:
governing-policy). Therefore, it is critical that you provide complete referencing for
any and all sources of information (e.g. course textbook, other textbooks, journal
articles, website documents etc) that you use in preparing your assignment. This
includes both in-text references and a list of references at the end of your

Other general points about the assignment:
• The assignment should only be submitted electronically via Turnitin on the
ACC210 Canvas site. If you wish to apply for an extension to your
submission date, please email your Course Coordinator
( XXXXXXXXXX) to explain the circumstances and attach any
necessary supporting documentation.
• Late penalties will be applied for assignments submitted after Friday 16
September 2022 (Week 8) at 5pm without an extension approved by your
Course Coordinator Michelle Joubert. More details on late penalties are
provided in the course outline.
• The introduction and conclusion for the assignment does not count
towards your overall word limit.
• The suggested word count for each of the questions provides you with a
guide to the approximate number of words that you should use in answering
each question. The suggested total word count is approximately 1,500 words.
But if your word count is above 1,800 words, I will not continue marking
your assignment after reading that number of words.


Select two companies from different industries listed on the ASX and visit their websites
to access their annual reports and other relevant information. Address the following
questions in report format:

(a) Provide a summary of the backgrounds and operations of the two companies
that you have chosen (this information can be found on the company website –
usually on the home page XXXXXXXXXXwords)
(b) Analyse the corporate governance disclosures of both companies and discuss
whether they comply with the ‘Eight Essential Principles of Corporate
Governance’ identified by the ASX. If either company discloses non-
compliance, evaluate the reasons provided for this non-compliance (this
information can be found on the company website – use the search function to
locate it easily XXXXXXXXXXwords)
(c) Determine and
iefly discuss whether your chosen companies include a
discussion of the impairment of assets in their summary of significant
accounting policies and, if so, what their approach is (this information can be
found in the summary of significant accounting policies and other notes to the
financial statements within the most recent annual reports. It is helpful to open
the annual report (usually a PDF) and hit “CTRL + F” and then enter search
terms to reduce the time spent looking for information XXXXXXXXXXwords)
(d) Determine and
iefly discuss on what basis your chosen companies value
property, plant and equipment (50 words) (this information can be found in the
summary of significant accounting policies and other notes to the financial
statements within the most recent annual reports). Why might directors choose
to ca
y property, plant and equipment at historical cost and not revalue
property, plant and equipment (it is useful to look at some journal articles to
assist this part of the discussion)? (200 words)
(e) Discuss the treatment of intangible assets for each of your chosen companies
(if there is more than one intangible asset in each of your chosen companies,
discuss the treatment of only one intangible asset for each of your chosen
companies) (this information can be found in the summary of significant
accounting policies and other notes to the financial statements within the most
ecent annual reports XXXXXXXXXXwords).
(f) Provide a summary of the use of fair value and accounting estimates and
judgments in each of your chosen companies (this information can be found in
the summary of significant accounting policies and other notes to the financial
statements within the most recent annual reports XXXXXXXXXXwords).

Assessment criteria:

The assignment will be marked according to the following assessment criteria:

• logical application of concepts to situations, with adequate justification for
choices made
• professional presentation, including co
ect use of spelling, grammar and
Harvard referencing.
The ru
ic on the following pages provides more detail as to how the assignment will
e marked:
(Assignment marked out of 100)
High distinction
Distinction (75%-
(a) (10%): Summary of
ackgrounds and operations of
two ASX companies (150 words).
Demonstrates a
thorough and
concise summary
of backgrounds
and operations.
Demonstrates an
summary of
ackgrounds and
Demonstrates a
good summary of
ackgrounds and
Demonstrates a
asic summary of
ackgrounds and
Demonstrates little
or no summary of
ackgrounds and
(b) (20%): Analysis of corporate
governance disclosures of two
ASX companies and discussion of
compliance with eight essential
principles and any reasons for
non-compliance (350 words).
Demonstrates an
extensive and
very logical
analysis and
Demonstrates a
clear and
effective analysis
and discussion.
Demonstrates a
good analysis
and discussion.
Demonstrates a
asic analysis
and discussion.
Demonstrates little
or no analysis and
(c) (15%): Determination and
discussion / explanation regarding
companies’ approaches to the
impairment of assets (250 words)
Demonstrates an
extensive and
very logical
and discussion /
Demonstrates a
clear and
and discussion /
Demonstrates a
and discussion /
Demonstrates a
and discussion /
Demonstrates little
or no
determination and
discussion /
(d) (15%): Discussion regarding
choice of valuation of companies’
property, plant and equipment and
possible reasons for choice
etween cost and revaluation (250
Demonstrates an
extensive and
very logical
discussion of
choice of
valuation and
easons for
Demonstrates a
clear and
discussion of
choice of
valuation and
easons for
Demonstrates a
good discussion
of choice of
valuation and
easons for
Demonstrates a
asic discussion
of choice of
valuation and
easons for
Demonstrates little
or no discussion of
choice of valuation
and reasons for

(e) (15%): Discussion of the
treatment of intangible assets for
each company (250 words).
Demonstrates an
extensive and
very logical
discussion of
Demonstrates a
clear and
discussion of
Demonstrates a
good discussion
of treatment.
Demonstrates a
asic discussion
of treatment.
Demonstrates little
or no discussion of
(f) (15%): Summary of the use of
fair value, accounting estimates
and judgements in both companies
(250 words).
Demonstrates an
extensive and
very logical
summary of use
of fair value,
estimates and
Demonstrates a
clear and
summary of use
of fair value,
estimates and
Demonstrates a
good summary of
use of fair value,
estimates and
Demonstrates a
asic summary of
use of fair value,
estimates and
Demonstrates little
or no summary of
use of fair value,
estimates and
Professional presentation,
including: overall introduction and
conclusion, co
ect use of spelling,
grammar and Harvard referencing.
excellent language
that clearly and
concisely conveys
meaning to
eaders with few
or no spelling and
grammar and/or
language that
conveys meaning
to readers with
minimal spelling
and grammar
language that
generally conveys
meaning to
eaders with
some spelling and
grammar and/or
language that
conveys meaning
to readers with
more spelling
and grammar
language that is
not clear and/or
does not convey
meaning to
eaders. It contains
frequent spelling
and grammar
and/or referencing
Answered 1 days After Sep 11, 2022


Prince answered on Sep 13 2022
66 Votes
Ans a.
1. Gold Road Resource Limited: - With a Tier 1 mine and development projects situated in the under explored Yamarna Greenstone Belt which is in Western Australia's i.e., north region of eastern Goldfields, It is a Australian gold producer. The renowned Gruyere gold mine, which was created in a JV with Gold Fields Ltd. and yielded its first gold in June 2019, is 50% owned by Gold Road.
2. 29Metals Limited:- Listed on the ASX, 29Metals is a producer, developer, and explorer of copper that gives investors access to the lucrative market for copper and other metals that are essential to the world's energy revolution. The company has two long-lived, producing assets: Capricorn Copper in Queensland and Golden Grove in Western Australia (copper, zinc, gold, and silver) (copper and silver). With its main office in Melbourne, Victoria, 29Metals also has support offices in Perth, Western Australia and others
Ans b.
1. Gold Road Resource Limited
1.The Board's responsibility is to steer Gold Road and oversee its operations while creating long-term, sustainable value for the company's stockholders.
2. When choosing and appointing a good candidate for the Board, a number of aspects are taken into consideration, including the candidate's character, experience, and accomplishment.
3. The Company's Core Values are available for viewing on its website,
4. The Board also requires the adoption of a similar declaration process to verify the veracity of every repeated corporate report that the Company makes available to the public (such as the Quarterly Report).
5. The Board makes every effort to ensure that contacts with security holders are efficient and understandable, and it fully promotes their attendance at public meetings.
6. The Board is dedicated to fostering investor trust by providing complete and timely information about the Company's actions to all equity holders & market participants.
7. Gold Road sees reliable risk management practices as essential to the future long term growth and success of the business. We are dedicated to constantly enhancing the ways in which we recognise, evaluate, manage, and monitor risk.
8. The Company's approach to pay is to make sure that the compensation package accurately represents the duties and responsibilities of the relevant individual.
2. 29Metals Limited
1. The Board is ultimately in charge of managing the company's affairs, including making sure that the necessary governance frameworks are in place.
2. The Board Charter stipulates that all Directors must pass thorough background checks before being appointed. In connection with 29Metals' application for inclusion on the ASX Official List
3. The COC verifies 29Metals' expectations of employees in 29Metals' workplaces, enshrines 29Metals' Values, and describes how 29Metals operates.
4. 29Metals understands the value of providing its stakeholders with accurate, timely, and valuable financial information.
5. 29Metals is dedicated to upholding its disclosure duties under the applicable provision of the Corporation Act as well as ASX Listing Rules.
6. Information regarding Company, the Board, the Executive Leadership Team, as well as 29Metals' corporate...

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