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Assessment 3: Lifespan development and social work practice Length: 3000 words Weight: 50% Task There are two parts to this assignment: The first one is a written task and the second is a podcast. The...

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Assessment 3: Lifespan development and social work practice
Length: 3000 words               
Weight: 50%                      
There are two parts to this assignment: The first one is a written task and the second is a podcast. The word count guide next to each section is just a suggestion for those seeking guidance. 
Part A: Choose a case study from the attached case studies.  This cannot be Tracey who was the focus of Assignment One.  Then describe the role of a social worker whom you determine to be working with the client in the case study and
iefly outline the functions/services of the agency they work in (e.g. social worker in a community health setting, school-based counsellor, social worker at the local hospital on the geriatric ward etc). Then write a bio-psycho-social / multidimensional assessment of the client that is consistent with the social work position you have described and is in a format that could be included in a client's file. You may wish to use a standardized proforma and embellish slightly to expand on the description of your chosen client (750 words approx);
Part B: Choose two issues that you have identified in the biopsychosocial assessment. In a podcast, describe these in sufficient detail, and in relation to how you would use knowledge of human development to both inform your assessment (understanding) of what is occu
ing for the client and to plan your intervention.  Discuss what social work theories might inform your practice, the social work role, and potential practice standards and ethical issues in working with the client (approx 2000 words equivalent to maximum of 20 minute podcast). Record your audio file in MP3 format. See guidance for how to create audio files in the Assessment section of Moodle.
Structure, presentation and marking
Download and save the Assessment 3 template, adding your own name to the template file when you save it. Use the file to prepare your assignment. The marking criteria are included in the assignment template. APA is the required referencing style for this unit. Follow the link at the top right of this page for information about the APA style.
Use the links on this page to upload your completed files to Moodle and submit them for marking. 
Submission status
This assignment will accept submissions from Saturday, 5 May 2018, 9:00 AM
    Submission status
    No attempt
    Grading status
    Not graded

Name: ____________________________ Student no: _________ Final word count: ______________
Podcast length (mins): _________
    Use this template for your assignment. The criteria that you will be marked against are below. Use them to guide you about what is important to include in your writing.
Start typing your assignment (or copy and paste it into this file) from page 6. Submit the assignment and vodcast through Moodle. Your assignment will then be assessed and you will receive your mark and feedback on this same form.
    Unit: HSSW305 Social Work through the lifespan
    Assessment: No 1
    Assessment Type: Written Assignment & Oral Presentation
    Unit Description:
    HSSW305 Social Work through the lifespan
This unit introduces students to the role of the social worker within the
oad human services through the use of case studies, with a particular focus on the needs of, and issues affecting, rural communities. Core methods and practice processes are introduced along with threshold concepts. The unit examines human development across the lifespan to understand and critique the changing needs of individuals in relation to their
oader relationships with family, community, and society. Particular attention is paid to the biopsychosocial culture model to assess needs at different life stages and the role of the social worker. Students will be presented the Australian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics as the foundation framework for ethical practice throughout their education and future professional practice.
    Unit Learning Outcomes:
    Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
1. Identify and critically reflect on social work roles across a range of settings;
2. Utilise a variety of psychosocial theories in understanding the needs and challenges of working with a diversity of people, including Indigenous and those in rural communities;
3. Apply a
oad and coherent knowledge of the Australian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics as integral to ethical social work practice;
4. Critically evaluate the needs of individuals at different stages across the lifespan;
5. Generate and transmit solutions to complex problems related to the main developmental phases that individuals pass through from birth to death; and
6. Demonstrate advanced teamwork skills to communicate ideas with peers.
    This assessment piece relates to learning outcomes 1 - 5.
    Value & length:
    50% XXXXXXXXXXwords (equivalent)
The template and reference list are not included in the final word count, but all other words in the body of the assignment are counted and must not exceed 1000 words (+/- 10%). The podcast is set at a maximum of 20 mins equivalent to 2000 words.
    Assignment Task:
    There are two parts to this assignment: The first one is a written task and the second is a podcast. The word count guide next to each section is just a suggestion for those seeking guidance. 
Part A: Choose a second case study.  This cannot be Tracey who was the focus of Assignment One.  Then describe the role of a social worker whom you determine to be working with the client in the case study and
iefly outline the functions/services of the agency they work in (e.g. social worker in a community health setting, school-based counsellor, social worker at the local hospital on the geriatric ward etc). Then write a bio-psycho-social / multidimensional assessment of the client that is consistent with the social work position you have described and is in a format that could be included in a client's file. You may wish to use a standardised proforma and embellish slightly to expand on the description of your chosen client (750 words approx);
Part B: Choose two issues that you have identified in the biopsychosocial assessment. In a podcast, describe these in sufficient detail, and in relation to how you would use knowledge of human development to both inform your assessment (understanding) of what is occu
ing for the client and to plan your intervention.  Discuss what social work theories might inform your practice, the social work role, and potential practice standards and ethical issues in working with the client (approx 2000 words equivalent to maximum of 20 minute podcast). Record your audio file in MP3 format. See guidance for how to create audio files in the Assessment section of Moodle.
    Task Description:
    Explore the topic with an understanding of the following:
· The field of practice and organisational context relevant to the case you have chosen, and the issue/s you are addressing
· The priorities for the client’s needs and the interventions.
· The need to succinctly capture the contact and issues in the BPS, role description and case notes.
· The development life stages relevant to the client and their family and how being cognisant of these stages might inform your practice.
· The social work theories utilised with the client/service user.
· The ethical issues relevant to working with the client/service user to conclude your essay.
HSSW305: Social work through the lifespan Assignment 2
Marking Criteria & Standards of Performance for Written and Oral Components
    Grade of 7 (High Distinction)
    Grade of 6 (Distinction)
    Grade of 5 (Credit)
    Grade of 4 (Pass)
    Grade of 3-1 (Fail)
    Criteria 1:
Critical evaluation of the needs of individuals at different stages across the lifespan and how theories are applied to explain and understand these conditions.
(20% of total marks)
    Excellent multi-faceted understanding of relevant key concepts and characteristics of practice and theories
    Well-developed understanding of relevant key concepts and characteristics of the practice applicable for conditions across the lifespan.
    Generally good understanding of relevant key concepts and characteristics of practice and theories for chosen practice field.
    Sound understanding of relevant key concepts and characteristics but fairly superficial or partial explanations at times for chosen practice field.
    Understanding extremely limited or not evident. Confusing explanation of key aspects for chosen practice field.
    Criteria 2:
Critical reflection of contemporary social work roles across a
ange of settings including functions and characteristics.
(20% of total marks)
    Distinctive, insightful and well-founded understandings about the contemporary nature etc. of social work. An excellent level of appreciation for the inte
elationship of these elements.
    Well founded and complex understandings about the contemporary nature etc. of social work. A high level of appreciation for the inte
elationship of these elements.
    Generally good and supported understandings about the contemporary nature etc. of social work. A good level of appreciation for the inte
elationship of these elements.
    Sound understandings about the contemporary nature etc. of social work. Some level of appreciation for the inte
elationship of these elements.
    Capacity to demonstrate well founded understandings about the contemporary nature of social work, its role, mandate, functions and characteristics is not demonstrated. This may be due to not identifying relevant concepts etc., not appreciating the nature of these, or not applying these in a relevant or professionally appropriate way.
    Criteria 3:
Complex problem solving related to the main developmental phases that individuals pass through from birth to death.
(20% of total marks)
        Proposes many and varied solutions/hypotheses that indicates a deep comprehension of all problems.
Solution/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as all of the following: ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem

    Proposes numerous solutions/hypotheses that indicates comprehension of the problem.
Solution/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as most of the following: ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem
    Proposes some solutions/hypotheses that indicates comprehension of the problem.
Solution/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as some of the following: ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem
        Proposes limited solution/hypotheses that indicates limited comprehension of the topic.
Solution/hypotheses lacked understanding of the contextual factors as well as some of the following: ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem.
        Proposes a solution/hypothesis that is difficult to evaluate because it is vague or only indirectly addresses the problem statement.
    Criteria 4:
Research and Referencing
(20% of total marks)
    An extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been evaluated and synthesised, substantially supporting the arguments.
APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list have been accurately and consistently applied.
    An extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been synthesised in supporting the arguments.
APA referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list have been used almost always accurately and consistently applied.
    Literature from scholarly sources has been summarised and incorporated, supporting key points.
APA referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list are in evidence but there are inconsistencies.
    Literature from a range of sources, some of which are not credible or relevant, have been refe
ed to in the essay.
Attempt made to adhere to APA referencing conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list, but
Answered Same Day May 21, 2020 HSSW305


M answered on May 25 2020
150 Votes
Part B
Concern 1
    From the story of Kellie, a young woman in her 21st year with Down syndrome is the case on focus in the cu
ent study. The first issue that can be drawn on the perusal of her story in the context of bio-psychological element is her mental or psychological status. The fact that she exerts her anxiety and feeling of isolation on the family in the form of violence. The distu
ance on her mind that later sprouts into a dangerous act risking the life of near ones is indeed a concern.
    To trace the occu
ence of Kellie’s anxiety, there are few causes that can be pointed out from her story; she is a person with no friends, she is unemployed and desires to get a stable job, her daily routine has become boring with no regular activity, and she spends her day almost on flipping through the magazines and watching TV. Basically she has no company although her family keeps her company, they also have their own work to do and attend to daily. Day after day she feels the withdrawal and distance from people. Her emotional and social needs are not being satisfied. Thus she feels isolated, unwanted, and her life with no interesting ventures and fun seem to have become useless. She might have not felt so during her school days when she had to attend school daily, keeping her occupied and comparatively people were around then. But now times have changed, and she is unable to keep the anxiety to herself and wields on her family becoming physically as well as ve
ally abusive.
    Amaria (n.d) mentions that there are three components of anxiety; feelings, thoughts and behaviour. It is also seen as a protective mechanism but when it intrudes into day to day activity, it becomes a disorder. Distu
ance and in-stabilisation of the family in case of Kellie maybe seen as the product of her own feelings of loneliness, rejection, and stress that which is transported to her thoughts begetting anxiety. This begets her maladaptive behaviour which is no longer her an issue to herself but also a concern to the people around her. If this continues, it could be developed into a severe anxiety disorder where her life will be at risk as well as others.
    It is important to focus on mental health as it determines the overall health of a person; which also should be studied according to the life stages. The risk of various mental health problem varies from one life stage to another. As a young woman, Kellie’s cu
ent life stage of youth as mentioned by National Down Syndrome Society (n.d) have increased vulnerability to
· Depression, social withdrawal, diminished interests and coping skills
· Generalized anxiety
· Obsessive compulsive behaviours
· Regression with decline in loss of cognitive and social skills
· Chronic sleep difficulties, daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and mood related problems (raising concerns of co-existing sleep disorders and sleep apnea)
Now the question is how can this issue be treated or adjusted and where? Amaria (n.d) provides some practical solutions to anxiety;
· Focus on the positives: Can do vs. can’t do
· Foster strengths and talents
· Provide and grab opportunities to express feelings
· Support healthy lifestyle like exercises and diet.
· Support independence and decision-making.
· Counselling and Psychoeducation.
· Goal to express concerns and ideas
· Understand the ABCs: Antecedents, behaviours and consequences and
· Involve other care providers or support workers
These can be
ought about with coordination from the client, family and social worker, and further to the refe
ed health professional/counsellor. First of...

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