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1. What are the four categories of products contained in the matrix that classifies products into one of four groups according to market share and market growth, developed by the Boston Consultancy...

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1. What are the four categories of products contained in the matrix that classifies products into one of four groups according to market share and market growth, developed by the Boston Consultancy Group? (BCG Matrix).
2. Name three sources of information about the latest products and trends in the hospitality and tourism industries:
3. What sustainability considerations can you take into account when developing a marketing plan?
Answered Same Day May 26, 2021


Nishtha answered on May 27 2021
140 Votes
1. What are the four categories of products contained in the matrix that classifies products into one of four groups according to market share and market growth, developed by the Boston Consultancy Group? (BCG Matrix).
Boston consulting group (BCG) matrix determines the strategic positioning of different strategic business units across a grid in order to understand the relative market positions of those Strategic business units (Mohajan 2017).
· Low growth and high market share
· High growth rate and high market share
· High growth rate and low market share
· Low growth rate and low market share (Shanbhag, Dutt & Bagwe, 2016)
2. Name three sources of information about the latest products and trends in the hospitality and tourism industries:
1) Social Media: People spent most of their time in social media, they consumes various news and information. Social media offers wide variety of insights and opinions. It is a great platform to get information about latest trend of various...

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