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The Grade 1 File has the grades of the students calculated for the following category weighting: Category Weight Exam 50% Excel 35% Quizzes 15% You are to copy the information into a new worksheet,...

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The Grade 1 File has the grades of the students calculated for the following category weighting:
Category Weight
Exam 50%
Excel 35%
Quizzes 15%

You are to copy the information into a new worksheet, label it Grade 2 and change the category weighting to the following:
Exam 25%
Excel 55%
Quizzes 20%

Use a Vlookup to put the percentage grade in the column labeled Grade 2 in the Grade 1 Worksheet.
Use an If function to give the student the highest percentage.
Use a Vlookup to give the students a letter grade based on a 90% for A, 80% for B, 70% for C, 60% for D, F for all below 60%..
What is the grade distribution (i.e., number of A, B, C, D, and F).
If we want the top 20% of the students to get an A, what must the percentage be changed to for getting an A.

Answered Same Day Nov 19, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
150 Votes
Grades distrubution
    Row Labels    Count of Grades
    A    8
    B    76
    C    100
    D    47
    E    10
    Grand Total    241
A    B    C    D    E    (blank)    8    76    100    47    10    
new percentage
    Category    Exams            Excel            Quizzes
    Weight    50%            35%            15%
    Points Possible    200            900            100            Grade 1    Grade 2    Highest percentage    Grades                                percentage
    Student ID    Grade     Percent    Weighted    Grade    Percent    Weighted    Grade    Percent    Weighted    Grade%    Grade...

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