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Good afternoon all, i have two assignment writing: the first essay is to analysis fiction of short story with 5 paragraphs, all the details i will send it and the second is to write a paragraph ( at...

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Essay #2: Analysis of Fiction Short Story
Read “The Escaped Man,” by C.T. Platt, available here: https:
Write a 5 paragraph essay wherein you analyze the short story. Your essay must use the following structure:
· Paragraph 1: What is the story about? Describe the plot of the story. What are the many conflicts in the story? When do the conflicts begin, and at what point do we reach the climax of the story? Does the story have a falling action and resolution?
· Paragraph 2: Analyze the setting of the story. What parts of the story help create tension and a perfect setting for the plot and conflicts in the story? Think about the weather, time of day, lack of music, etc.
· Paragraph 3: Describe the characters of the story. What do we know about them, and what in the story makes us know this? How are the characters developed and revealed (direct vs. indirect characterization)? Who are the “good” and “bad” characters, and how do we know this?
· Paragraphs 4 and 5: The story seems to end in the middle of the climax. Write two paragraphs wherein you create an ending to the story, with a falling action (result of climax) and denouement (resolution of conflict). Both conflicts must be resolved – the conflicts with the setting (rainy day) and conflicts with the two characters.

Using Flashbacks to Grab Reader's Attention. Top of Form
We've discussed the elements of a plot - exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement. We've also discussed tools that we can utilize in order to grab the reader's attention before we begin the story. This includes starting the short story with a flashback - describing events that took place before the story begins.
Using the same story for our next essay (The Escaped Man, by CT Platt), write a paragraph (at least 8 sentences) of a flashback that may be added to the beginning of the story, to grab the reader's attention. Given that the story is about a patient at a psychiatric institution, with a history of murder, and who escaped, some potential flashbacks can include flashbacks of: 1) what he did that led him to be institutionalized, 2) him stealing a car, and 3) him escaping from the mental institution.
The story can be found here: https:
Bottom of Form

Using Flashbacks to Grab Reader's Attention. Top of Form
We've discussed the elements of a plot - exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement. We've also discussed tools that we can utilize in order to grab the reader's attention before we begin the story. This includes starting the short story with a flashback - describing events that took place before the story begins.
Using the same story for our next essay (The Escaped Man, by CT Platt), write a paragraph (at least 8 sentences) of a flashback that may be added to the beginning of the story, to grab the reader's attention. Given that the story is about a patient at a psychiatric institution, with a history of murder, and who escaped, some potential flashbacks can include flashbacks of: 1) what he did that led him to be institutionalized, 2) him stealing a car, and 3) him escaping from the mental institution.
The story can be found here: https:
Bottom of Form

Essay #2: Analysis of Fiction Short Story
Read “The Escaped Man,” by C.T. Platt, available here: https:
Write a 5 paragraph essay wherein you analyze the short story. Your essay must use the following structure:
· Paragraph 1: What is the story about? Describe the plot of the story. What are the many conflicts in the story? When do the conflicts begin, and at what point do we reach the climax of the story? Does the story have a falling action and resolution?
· Paragraph 2: Analyze the setting of the story. What parts of the story help create tension and a perfect setting for the plot and conflicts in the story? Think about the weather, time of day, lack of music, etc.
· Paragraph 3: Describe the characters of the story. What do we know about them, and what in the story makes us know this? How are the characters developed and revealed (direct vs. indirect characterization)? Who are the “good” and “bad” characters, and how do we know this?
· Paragraphs 4 and 5: The story seems to end in the middle of the climax. Write two paragraphs wherein you create an ending to the story, with a falling action (result of climax) and denouement (resolution of conflict). Both conflicts must be resolved – the conflicts with the setting (rainy day) and conflicts with the two characters.
Answered 3 days After Dec 01, 2023


Bidusha answered on Dec 05 2023
17 Votes
Flashback        2
I would never have believed, not even in my darkest nightmare, that my relatives were institutionalizing me in a psychiatric facility in order to take my riches, having been allocated to my family's fortune. All I can recall is waking up on a cement bench without any blankets to shield myself from the bitter cold after attending a season ball at one of my properties. I came to the realization that I had been drugged and
ought to this te
ible place by fa
icating a story about myself as a dangerous, psychotic serial murderer. This was done with the assistance of a dishonest doctor who had faked my medical...

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