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From the very beginning of the class, while you’ve been working as member of a team you have, also, been tasked with formulating individual thoughts as to what you would do differently if working on...

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From the very beginning of the class, while you’ve been working as member of a team you have, also, been tasked with formulating individual thoughts as to what you would do differently if working on the project, alone. At this point you will be required to capture those thoughts and submit them.

Individually, you will complete an “Extended” Executive Summary of XXXXXXXXXXwords. Extended in that you must offer detailed comments on each element of the Strategic Case Analysis, while the team’s Executive Summary will be the “highlights” (key points) of each section. The intent here is to allow you enough opportunity to prove your grasp of the tools and concepts as you present, both in writing and in a 6-9 minute video, your findings and recommendations for the case you and your colleagues spent the last seven weeks developing. While it is not necessary for you to spend time explaining the points of differentiation between you and your team members, it is very important that you do explain how you came to the conclusions and recommendations you are submitting.

Do the following:

Complete an “Extended” Executive Summary by providing detailed comments on each element of the Strategic Case Analysis you completed with your CLC group. Where appropriate among the various elements of the Strategic Case Analysis, address the following points:

  1. Recommend strategic plans to improve the company’s competitive advantage.
  2. Explain how leadership skills can be used to encourage innovation to improve the company.
  3. Recommend specific decisions company leadership can make in order to capitalize on untapped business opportunities.
  4. List the sources you used to inform the development of your strategic case analysis as well as the sources that inform your suggestions in points a-c above.
Answered Same Day Aug 12, 2021


Parul answered on Aug 12 2021
143 Votes
Competitive Advantage are the factors that can differentiate one organization from other and puts it in an advantageous position in the market like Apple, Google, LinkedIn etc. By the virtue of this assignment, I have realized that if any organization wants to survive in the market and thrive in future then it is imperative for them to establish a strong competitive advantage for themselves such that others are unable to copy. Personally, I have worked on comprehending the customers and assembling the requirements in the business as well as analyzing them. While working in the project, competitive advantage was able to get us more sales, generate more leads with superior margins as compared to its rivals. Although, competitive advantages of an organization is based on the corporate's business strategy for instance, an organization wants to dominate in volume so they would focus on cost leadership as competitive advantage. This essentially means organization offers their products or services at the least cost to its customers as compared any other organization in the market.
Well, if I would recommend a strategic plan to enhance the company's competitive advantage then I would suggest companies should focus on building a strong competitive advantage. Using differentiation as a strategy is golden. After working on Strategic Case Analysis, I have discerned that strategy of cost or price leadership can always be challenged by existing players or any new entrant in the market. Besides, cost and price leadership operate at extremely low margins. However, using strategy of differentiation can help in establishing a new
and authentic to your business and vision that can always set you apart from other. Therefore, I strongly recommend that organization needs to work on finding their niche in order to develop their differentiation factors that sets it apart from others.
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