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For this research paper, choose a specific company and discuss the reasons why their products are recalled. Companies such as Toyota, Odwalla, Johnson & Johnson, Ford, and General Electric are all...

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For this research paper, choose a specific company and discuss the reasons why their products are recalled. Companies such as Toyota, Odwalla, Johnson & Johnson, Ford, and General Electric are all excellent examples of ones to research. You should study the business as well as look to see what kind of recalls they have had in the past. You should discuss how the company has handled all aspects of the recall, such as how does it handle the marketing of the recall, what the company does to protect the brand, and what the company does to prevent a similar situation in the future.

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less thana seven-page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2020


Perla answered on Jun 01 2020
129 Votes
Discussion: Recall of Volkswagen Company vehicles
Volkswagen has recalled its vehicle owing to the fact that its emission control system in the recent models is circumvented. As per a recent estimation of regulators as high as 500,000 vehicles were impacted by this fraudulent action of Volkswagen. Once the situation got escalated and as the top management focussed on the issue, they decided to deal with the issue from customer centric actions. The company decided to pay very high compensation to the customers for the deception as well as compensation to the environmental harm observed by way of these fraudulent or mismanaged actions. As high as $14.7 billion of compensation is decided by Volkswagen as its immediate co
ective action of compensation to all its effected customers. The company taken extreme possible actions to protect its image and as an action to settle the damages due to its mistakes. Volkswagen decided to pay very high payment than any of its predecessors, like Toyota and GM etc, who paid very much less than Volkswagen, which is $1.4 and $2 billions, which is quite less than this (Moravscik, 2017).
In 2015, EPA issued legal notice to Volkswagen indicating that some of its models are not actually are in...

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