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find the following attachments. the topic and model project. please don't use .edu, .com, .org, .net websites. use academic or government websites only. use in-text citations with references. Drafting...

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find the following attachments. the topic and model project. please don't use .edu, .com, .org, .net websites. use academic or government websites only. use in-text citations with references.

Drafting the Background Section

For this week's discussion, you will present a draft of the background section of your project. This section will build upon the introduction and explain in detail the problem that you are studying. In our example of postrelease employment, the background section would include data that define the problem: recidivism, unemployment among parolees, and perhaps some input from actual parole officers about the difficulties faced by parolees and the effects of those difficulties.
Answered Same Day Mar 06, 2020


Meenakshi answered on Mar 07 2020
151 Votes
Post Release Employment
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Authors’ Note
Post release employment is often a problem for the convicts who were put in prison for quite a long period of time. This has been interpreted by various people in various ways and also has put forward their statements and views on it (Duwe & Clark, 2014). The basic issues or problems that post release employment has include recidivism, unemployment among the parolees and others. These are however the aspects that I am studying now and thereby have provided an explanation about the...

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