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Festivals and events : MNG 00421Task 3 - Case Study ReportGuide to Assignment three – Attend the event nominated in Assignment 2. Identify and critically analyse the positive and negative impacts of...

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Festivals and events : MNG 00421Task 3 - Case Study ReportGuide to Assignment three –
Attend the event nominated in Assignment 2.
Identify and critically analyse the positive and negative impacts of the event utilising the principles of sustainability and the triple bottom line approach.
Provide recommendations for future activities which clearly identify issues relevant to event management.
The evaluation report should use creativity in the approach to the task style.
The task is a report on the event nominated in assignment Two that uses the triple bottom line approach to identify and critically analyse - the attainment of the events aims and objectives; the positive and negative economic, environmental, sociocultural impacts of the event; and recommendations which clearly identify issues relevant to the event management.

The report should start with a brief description of event – name, date, location, type of event, and attendance numbers.
This should be followed with –
1. an evaluation of the success or failure in achieving the event’s aims and objectives expressed in measurable terms.
2. recommendations about the attaining the aims and objectives
3. identification and critical analysis of the positive and/or negative economic, environmental, sociocultural impacts of the event;
4. recommendations arising from the assessment of the impacts of the event
5. description of the assessment process used.
There should be use of an appropriate report style, with supporting visual data [i.e. photo, video] as evidence to strengthen, support and reiterate analysis.
There should be an engagement with the study materials, and use of literature to support recommendations
Answered Same Day May 17, 2020 MNG00421 Southern Cross University


Akansha answered on May 22 2020
149 Votes
Event Management
Event Management
Student Name
University Name
Evaluation of the success or failure of the event    2
Evaluation of the success or failure in achieving the event’s aims and objectives    3
Recommendations about the attaining the aims and objectives    4
Identification and critical analysis    5
Positive impact of event:    5
Triple bottom line:    5
People:    5
Planet:    5
Profit:    5
Negative impact of event:    6
Recommendations arising from the assessment of the impacts of the event    6
Prioritize the risks-    7
Reduce risk through experiments-    7
Assessment process used    7
Conclusion    8
References    9
Evaluation of the success or failure of the event
Illuminant Vollandilly, Wollondillys Community Arts Festival, which includes digital projections on landmark buildings, market stalls, and entertainment. The Igrimnart art exhibition has been held at Wollondilly Shire Hall in Metangal Street Picton, curated by the Wollondilly Arts Group, exhibits showcasing artistic diversity of regional and local works, artisans and craftsmanship made by people. People are welcomed to participate in the People's Choice Award. There are many markets and food stalls to see shops and local shops, cafes and restaurants throughout the city. Other highlights of the event are the Lantern Parade and the Fireworks display. Landline Parade, proud of having children and adults with a paper lantern taken in the workshop, starting at 7 o'clock from 9 o'clock and audiences are able to enjoy the results of the program - cracker performance. Illuminati Villandelli is the biggest event on Waldilly's calendar. This festival encourages the tourists to move around a delightful town in the picturesque city of Chittrunton, which explores the landmark buildings for the awakening of the historic buildings (Fox, 2012). Market stalls sold locally made arts and crafts, designer fashion and accessories, packaged gourmet food and other unusual, innovative and unique items. Nevertheless, people who are under the international influence of traditional "churning, aroma and theater" focus on traditional street fashions prepared on the site by the food marketers. A family fun day program was organized at Picnic RSL Park, which includes the charm of community BBQ, jumping castle and other kids. As night falls, the Angel Memorial and Gum Trees was lit with colorful lights and activities are continued after sunset. The live entertainment was added to the atmosphere from the play and performances from local bands, soloists, groups and buskers also continue through the performance of special guest from Liam Mahihi, along with a top four finalist on the hit show "The Voice" on Channel 9's show.
During the night, children and adults attracted the audience in workshops and master classes by taking lantern paper serving proudly at the Lantern Parade. The finale is a fireworks spectacular over the historic town capping off a night of colour, light and creativity.
Evaluation of the success or failure in achieving the event’s aims and objectives
Such programs are great for Wollondilly and shows how much Wollondilly has to offer. The local and tourists enjoying the atmosphere were wonderful all day and evening. Thousands of people have been attracted to the Wholandili by the event and proud of our community of volunteers, local businesses, community groups and sponsors, and teamwork again. " "This program was supported by many sponsors, which included Southern Tableland Arts, Picton Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vollandely Arts Group etc (Martino, 2015). Businesses are encouraged to extend their business hours so that the growing number of citizens and Picton are open till 9. For the sale of food during the festival and Ke
side dining has also been approved for outdoor food experience. IlluminarteWollondilly attracts over 25,000 people looking for a unique experience. Local entrepreneurs are encouraged to create packages that can attract sales on festival or return visits, so that you can get rewarded gifts by residents, visitors and tourists. Such cultural events, as external music festival, have a negative effect on the traffic. It is clear that transport is still a major challenge for music festivals. When people come to this festival with their cars, they live in the park and tents for several days. The pollution caused by vehicle shocks as well as emissions pollution causes serious health problems. In addition, ga
age pollution is also a serious problem for the local community. Many visitors who live in tents during the festival - just keep it behind the tent because they are cheap and useless to take home. It is said that the use of mobile generator is required to supply electricity to such external program. Today, most generators must use sustainable fuel or the so-called "zero-emission technology" to run mineral diesel and polluting...

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