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Explain Descartes proof for the existence of God. What fallacy does this argument commit? Do you find this argument convincing or not? How might he have argued more convincingly, if at all?...

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Explain Descartes proof for the existence of God. What fallacy does this argument commit? Do you find this argument convincing or not? How might he have argued more convincingly, if at all?

Answered Same Day Oct 17, 2019


David answered on Dec 28 2019
133 Votes
Question: Explain Descartes proof for the existence of God. What fallacy does this argument commit? Do you find this argument convincing or not? How might he have argued more convincingly, if at all?
Solution: Descartes gives no less than two contentions for God's presence. The first, found in I.14, is a form of the ontological contention for God's presence. Descartes' ontological contention goes as takes after: (1) Our concept of God is of an immaculate being, (2) it is more impeccable to exist than not to exist, (3) in this manner, God must exist.
The second contention that Descartes gives for this conclusion is much more perplexing. This contention lays on the refinement between two sorts of reality. Formal the truth is the truth that anything has in ethicalness of existing. It is quite...

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