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Microsoft Word - Assignment 1.docx Assignment 1: Canada’s natural disaster mitigation strategy The objective of this assignment is to explore Canada’s natural disaster mitigation...

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Microsoft Word - Assignment 1.docx
Assignment    1:    Canada’s    natural    disaster    mitigation    strategy    
The    objective    of    this    assignment    is    to    explore    Canada’s    natural    disaster    mitigation    
strategies    as    well    as    an    earthquake    event    in    the    Cascadia    subduction    zone.    
uary    4,    2021    at    11:59:59PM    EST    (1    second    before    midnight)    
Upload    your    file    as    a    PDF.    
To    complete    this    written    assignment,    you    should    discuss    the    following:    
1. Review    Priority    3    of    the    Emergency    Management    Strategy    for    Canada    (Reference    1)    
and    answer    the    following:    
a. According    to    Priority    3,    what    is    the    most    effective    emergency    management    
activity?    (1    pt)    
. What    are    the    foundational    objectives    in    this    strategy?    (4    pts)    
c. What    are    the    outcomes    the    government    is    trying    to    achieve?    (2    pts)    
2. The    Emergency    Management    Strategy    for    Canada    specifies    the    return    on    investment    
for    a    mitigation    strategy    is    approximately    a    $6    savings    for    every    $1    spent.    We    will    
examine    the    source    of    this    statement.    
a. Which    organization    made    this    conclusion    (see    Reference    2)?    (1    pt)    
. How    was    the    $6    to    $1    ratio    calculated?    (4    pts)    
c. Why    is    the    $6    to    $1    ratio    applicable    to    Canadian    events?    Why    has    it    been    
adopted    in    Canadian    policy?    (2    pts)    
3. Look    up    the    Disaster    Mitigation    and    Adaptation    Fund    and    answer    the    following:    
a. Describe    the    fund.    (4    pts)    
. What    projects    are    cu
ently    being    funded?    (2    pts)    
4. Regarding    the    Cascadia    1700    earthquake,    review    the    article    in    Hakai    Magazine    by    
Ann    Finkbeiner    (Reference    3),    and    answer    the    questions    below.    Note    that    you    are    
expected    to    use    co
ect    terminology    when    refe
ing    to    Indigenous    communities.    An    
attachment    in    Brightspace,    Indigenous    Writes    Chapter    1    (Reference    4),    has    been    
provided    by    Carleton’s    Centre    for    Indigenous    Initiatives    as    reference.        
a. Which    First    Nations    communities    were    affected    by    this    event?    List    2    
communities    that    are    located    in    Canada.    (2    pts)    
. What    story    did    the    First    Nations    use    to    explain    this    event?    What    does    the    
ird    and    Whale    represent    to    the    First    Nations    communities    in    this    
egion    ?    (5    pts)    
Hint:    See    the    list    of    References    for    a    potential    reference    to    use.    
c. What    are    common    elements    in    these    First    Nations    stories    that    describe    the    
Cascadia    event.    (5pts)    
d. What    was    the    long-term    impact    on    First    Nations    communities    from    this    
event?    (1pt)    
5. Describe    the    event    using    geologic    terms    used    in    the    course    (5    pts)    
Other    requirements    
1. Maximum    3    pages.    Formatting    instructions    are    below.    
2. In    addition    to    the    above,    the    overall    quality    of    your    assignment    will    be    worth    5pts.        
3. At    least    6    references    should    be    used    in    your    assignment.    You    may    use    References    1    
to    3    as    part    of    your    6.        
a. The    remaining    references    should    be    from    credible    sources    such    as    
government    websites,    government    publications,    and    newspaper    articles.        
. Social    media    will    not    count    towards    your    5    references.        
c. Wikipedia    will    not    be    accepted    as    a    reference.        
d. References    can    be    on    a    4th    page    
A    template    is    provided    for    you    to    use.        
If    you    do    not    wish    to    use    this    document,    your    assignment    must    adhere    to    the    following:    
- 3    page    maximum    for    the    paper,    references    on    a    4th    page        
- 1    inch    margins    on    all    sides    
- Font    types:    Cam
ia,    Cali
i    or    Arial        
- Font    size:    12    
- Line    spacing:    1.5    line        
The    assignment    will    be    graded    out    of    50    pts    and    is    worth    10%    of    your    final    grade.    
The    following    penalties    can    be    applied:    
1. Maximum    5    pts    deducted    if    the    page    limit    is    exceeded.    
2. 5    pt    penalty    for    each    day    the    assignment    is    late.    The    maximum    deduction    will    be    15    
3. Maximum    5    pts    removed    if    the    formatting    guidelines    not    followed.    
4. 2.5    pt    penalty    for    each    missing    reference.    
Questions    regarding    the    assignment    should    be    posted    on    the    Forum.    
Additional    Tips    
1. Use    all    3    pages.        
a. References    can    be    on    a    4th    page    which    will    not    count    towards    the    page    total    
2. Each    discussion    point    above    should    be    contained    in    its    own    paragraph        
(the    TAs    are    marking    350    assignments,    make    it    easy    for    them    to    give    you    marks!!)    
3. A    title    page    is    not    necessary    
4. Review    the    marking    scheme.        
a. Each    section    is    weighed    differently,    so    use    your    space    wisely.    
5. Write    objectively    
a. Be    
ief    and    straight    to    the    point.    
. Use    numbers    when    possible.    Adjectives    are    subjective    but    can    provide    
6. References    should    use    APA    style    or    a    style    used    in    publications    in    your    area    of    study.    
You    will    not    be    graded    based    on    the    referencing    style    you    choose,    but    the    style    
should    be    consistently    applied    for    all    references.        
1.    Government    of    Canada.    (2019,    January    25).    Emergency    Management    Strategy    for    
Canada:    Toward    a    Resilient    2030.    
2.    Multihazard    Mitigation    Council.    (2017).    Natural    Hazard    Mitigation    Saves    2017    Interim    
Report:    An    Independent    Study.    Principal.    National    Institute    of    Building    Sciences,    
3.    Finkbeiner,    Ann.    (2015,    September    14).    The    Great    Quake    and    the    Great    Drowning.    
Additional    References    
4.    Vowel,    C.    (2016).    The    Terminology    of    Relationships.    In    Indigenous    Writes:    A    Guide    to    
First    Nations,    Métis,    and    Inuit    issues    in    Canada    (pp.    5–22).    Winnipeg,    Canada:    Portage    &    
Main    Press.    
5.    Queen’s    University.    (undated).    Office    of    Indigenous    Initiatives    
Additional    references    provided    by    Carleton’s    Centre    for    Indigenous    Initiatives    that    can    help    
with    the    meaning    behind    the    Thunde
ird    and    Whale.    
Answered 3 days After Feb 01, 2022


P answered on Feb 04 2022
110 Votes
1. The most effective emergency management activity being followed is the proactive prevention /mitigation measures which helps in minimizing the risks during the disaster. Both structural and non-structural mitigation services are being followed as a part of the disaster management by either construction of flood ways, insurance, land-use planning etc [1] .
The fundamental objectives of this emergency management strategy are:
1. The non-structural mitigation activities and structural mitigation projects are encouraged by the FPT government to address the hazards and incentivising investment respectively [1].
2. The FPT government encourages and educates the interdisciplinary approaches between the DRR and other disciplines (climate adaptions etc) to keep update with the upcoming risk landscape [1].
3. The government collaborates with the private sector to develop private flood insurance which also includes mitigation of the flood risks for the entire population [1].
4. The government empowered the communities to conduct evidence based mitigation planning measures as well as to implement the projects to reduce the risk by giving assess [1].
The outcomes are:
1. To create the awareness of the hazards among the public by the government and other engaged EM partners.
2. To support and promote the public with the associated risks by confirming privacy and security.
2. The Federal agency performed the Interim study and concluded that Federal Mitigation Grants save $6 per $1 spent [2].
This interim report is based on the two-high level BCRs which represent the benefits by exceeding provisions of the federal programs. It includes both the addition of EDA and HUD benefits which results in the and it is a direct replacement to the original 4:1[2].
It is calculated by studying the new mitigation strategies and these were added to the aggregate number. The BCRs of each mitigation strategy was elected and if sufficient number of the BCRs for the strategies were identified and aggregated and it represent the overall benefits of the mitigation. The measures taken to reduce the impact of the disasters are called Mitigation. The emergency preparedness in Canadian is based on the Mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. The disaster mitigation saves lives, safety, reduce risks, create jobs etc. during the disasters by anticipating the risks in advance. It was also published by the National Institute of...

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