Part 1:
Getting Started withArcGIS OnlineOpen your web browser and go Sign in to yourArcGIS Onlineaccount. Explore theArcGIS Onlineinterface to become familiar with its features. Create a new map by clicking on the Map tab and selecting "Create Map." Choose a base map and add layers(Annual world rainfall, Covid 19 , etc.) to the map. Configure the map elements (title, description, etc.) and save your map.
Part 2: Analyzing Data withArcGIS Online
Add data to your map by clicking on the Add button. Use the Analysis tool to perform basic geoprocessing tasks, such as buffering or spatial querying. Create a new layer from the results of your analysis.
Part 3: Sharing/Printing Your Map with Others
Share your map with others by clicking on the Share button. You can share your online map using the sharing settings (public, private, or shared with a group) or embed your map in a website or blog. You can also create a pdf or PNG of your map.
Part4: Open a new Word document and insert 4 different maps with Title and Legend, Scale and North arrow, and a sentence XXXXXXXXXXwords) about your map and submit it as yourLab 2. Your final deliverable file MUST be namedYourLastName_Lab3.pdf )
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