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Grading Rubric for MGMT 3013 Short Paper 4 – International Management Length and Format – Paper must be: · Between XXXXXXXXXXwords (works cited should be a separate page) · Double-spaced · 12-point...

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Grading Ru
ic for MGMT 3013 Short Paper 4 – International Management
Length and Format – Paper must be:
· Between XXXXXXXXXXwords (works cited should be a separate page)
· Double-spaced
· 12-point Times New Roman font
· 1-inch margins
· Name located in the heade
· Proper in-paper citations and works cited
    Length and Format
(4 points)
    4 points
    Paper meets all length and formatting requirements
    2 points
    Paper deviates from one (1) of the length and formatting requirements
    0 points
    Paper deviates from more than one (1) of the length and formatting requirements
(8 points)
    8 points
    The paper contains few or no grammatical or spelling e
ors (1-2)
    4 points
    The paper contains several grammatical or spelling e
ors (3-5)
    0 points
    Paper contains more than five (5) grammatical or spelling e
(8 points)
    8 points
    The paper covers all required aspects in adequate detail with examples.
    4 points
    The paper covers most of the aspects but fails to adequately give examples.
    0 points
    Very weak coverage of the needed aspects with few examples
Connection –
You should discuss (at least) the following aspects of the company’s activity according to several (at least 3) sources.
· What is the company’s background in regards to global reach?
· Where do they have offices located? In what way have they expanded globally?
· How do they compare to their industry?
· Rankings? Background to support this?
· What programs does the company have in place to make international managers’ jobs easier, if any?
· How does the company’s country of origin compare to others in regards to Hofstede’s/GLOBE cultural dimensions? Does it show in how they operate?
Answered Same Day Mar 04, 2020 MGMT 3013


Sarah answered on Mar 04 2020
151 Votes
Assignment Title
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Instructor Name
1. What is the company’s background in regards to global reach?
Citibank was founded in the year 1812. Banking is the backbone of every economy and country that make them go global (Citi Group).
2. Where do they have offices located? In what way have they expanded globally?
Citibank is present in North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa and Asia Pacific region. In other words, they are present across the globe in numerous country (Citi Group). Citibank expanded across the world using their financial activities of lending to the government, institutions, corporates, and consumers. Banking paved their way to expand their presence across the globe.
3. How do they compare to their industry?
Citibank is one of the top banks in the US, and globally they hold 14th position in the global ranking as of 2017 (Cunningham).
4. Rankings? Background to support this?
They hold a key position in the industry and their position has moved forward from 19th position in 2016 to 14th position in 2017 globally (Accuity).
5. What programs does the company have in...

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