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ENG417 Sustainability Role-play XXXXXXXXXXAustralia’s legacy mine sites Background Following the Global Financial Crisis of 2007, budgets are cash-poor but Australia’s mines have left, and will...

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ENG417 Sustainability Role-play XXXXXXXXXXAustralia’s legacy mine sites Background Following the Global Financial Crisis of 2007, budgets are cash-poor but Australia’s mines have left, and will continue to leave a legacy of waste and potential pollution that will require remediation. Task Investigate possible future scenarios for the remediation and rehabilitation of Australia’s legacy mine sites and the effects they may have on your special interest group. To explore this issue further, internal students will join one of the following special interest groups:  Major iron ore producer (operating in Australia, and globally)  Minor resources and mineral mining company (operating only in Australia)  The taxpaying public – Bruce and Sheila McKay, Aussie “battlers”  Manufacturer of consumer goods  Stockbroker trading on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX, Sydney, NSW)  Australian Green Party Senate candidate  Environmentalist/green activist  Senior school science/mathematics teacher  Beef cattle/pastoral lease holder in the NT  Aboriginal Land Traditional Owner under the provisions of the Native Title Act 1993 No. 110, 1993.  NT News Editorial team  Chief Economist (Federal Government) External students may choose to represent any of the aforementioned special interest groups as the balance of numbers amongst externals is unimportant given that only internal students will actually attend the roleplay workshop for which balanced numbers and equal representation are more important. Each student is to prepare one A4 page of notes on the effects of the measures required to remediate and rehabilitate Australia’s legacy mine sites on the special interest group to which they have subscribed. These are to be (relatively rough) notes, certainly not in the form of a formal report/essay. Notes must be submitted electronically in .pdf format through Learnline. After marking (see below), your notes may be placed on Learnline, so that they can be reviewed by other students thereby helping to shape their opinions as well. Marking scheme The written notes should be your own thoughts and deductions from the research you carry out to complete this exercise. No marks will be awarded for material copied from the InterNet or other sources. Your notes will be marked on their depth and extent of factual content, rather than emotive argument. This exercise is worth 5% of the total marks for this unit. Late submissions cannot be accepted, as this will delay the up-loading of your submissions on Learnline.
Answered Same Day Aug 03, 2020 ENG417


Akansha answered on Aug 04 2020
147 Votes
"Role Play 1-Australia's legacy mine site
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"Role Play 1-Australia's legacy mine site
The mining sector of Australia is the most significant contributor to the country's economic development. Australia ranks in top 5 producers of the world's primary mineral commodities. Australia is the world’s leading producer of bauxite, rutile, alumina and tantalum, and also the country maintains good rank in many other minerals (Cheshire, Everingham & Lawrence, 2014). The mining companies are continuously growing, and there are better prospects for future development.
The mining industry is an old tradition in Australia, but "sustainability" is still a...

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