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ENG 123 Writing Plan Guidelines and Rubric Put the argument into a concrete shape, into an image, some hard phrase, round and solid as a ball, which they can see and handle and carry home with them,...

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ENG 123 Writing Plan Guidelines and Ru

Put the argument into a concrete shape, into an image, some hard phrase, round and solid as a ball, which they can see and handle and ca
y home with them,
and the cause is half won.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Overview: Persuasion is a constant in each of our lives. No matter where we look, what we read, what we see, or who we interact with, we are inevitably going to
encounter some form of persuasion. Advertisements want us to buy things. Newspapers and television want to convince us of how we should feel about events.
We are put into positions where we must defend our thoughts and beliefs to others, and the process we apply is typically some form of persuasion.

Persuasive writing is one of the most powerful forms of writing—it has the ability to influence one’s thoughts, and also the ability to change one’s mind about a
particular issue. The persuasive essay is an ideal opportunity to support an opinion on an issue using researched facts and information. It also gives you the
chance to recognize opposing viewpoints and refute it, noting that those who hold the opposing viewpoints are the intended audience of the piece.

Prompt: For this essay, you will identify an issue in your cu
ent major, a major you are interested in pursuing, or your field of work. You will then establish an
argument and support that argument with research and relevant evidence.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Writing Plan: Use this writing plan as a way to gather your thoughts and determine your strategy for writing your critical analysis essay. This process will
allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively communicating and supporting your claim. This plan will be helpful in keeping your thought
process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay.
A. Describe the argument to be addressed in your persuasive essay. Explain how the argument relates to your major, the major you are considering
pursuing, or your field of work.
B. Determine three key points that will be helpful in supporting your argument.
C. Identify the audience who will be reading your essay. What potential challenges will you encounter in supporting your argument with this
D. Establish a goal that you hope to accomplish with this essay. What will this essay need to be successful?
E. List potential resources that could be used as supporting evidence for your argument, and provide a
ief description of each and how they will
einforce your argument.
F. Align key points of your argument with supporting resources for establishing an effective essay structure.
G. Based on your argument, determine at what points in the essay integrating evidence would be most effective, and explain why.
H. Describe a revision strategy that would be most effective while writing this essay. Why would this strategy be effective?
I. Review the feedback provided by your instructor on assignments submitted thus far. How does this feedback influence your progress moving
forward? What changes did you make to your writing plan after receiving this outside feedback?


Guidelines for Submission: Your writing plan must be 1–2 pages in length. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This
milestone will be completed through the interactive activity provided in your MindEdge eLearning materials and then submitted through the learning

Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Writing Plan:
Describes the argument to be
addressed through the essay,
including how argument is derived
from major, major being
considered, or field of work
Describes the argument to be
addressed through the essay,
including how argument is derived
from major, major being
considered, or field of work, but
argument contains gaps in detail
Does not determine an argument
to be addressed throughout the
essay (0%)
Writing Plan: Key
Determines key points and
ationale that will be helpful in
supporting the validity of the
argument (100%)
Determines key points and
ationale, but they are cursory or
inaccurate (55%)
Does not determine key points
and rationale (0%)
Writing Plan:
Identifies audience and
determines potential challenges
Identifies audience but does not
determine potential challenges
Does not identify audience (0%) 8
Writing Plan: Goal Establishes a goal to be
accomplished with the essay
Establishes a goal for the essay,
ut goal is not aligned with essay
topic (55%)
Does not establish a goal to be
accomplished with the essay (0%)
Writing Plan:
Lists potential resources for
supporting evidence and provides
ief description of each (100%)
Lists potential resources for
supporting evidence, but does not
provide a
ief description of each
Does not list potential resources
Writing Plan:
Aligns key points of argument with
supporting resources for
establishing an effective essay
structure (100%)
Aligns key points of argument with
supporting resources, but there
are issues regarding accuracy of
alignment (55%)
Does not align key points (0%) 12
Writing Plan:
Determines places where
integrating evidence would be
most effective and provides
ationale for each (100%)
Determines places to integrate
evidence, but there are gaps in
ationale (55%)
Does not determine places to
integrate evidence (0%)
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Writing Plan:
Identifies a revision strategy that
would be effective and describes
why it would be effective (100%)
Identifies a revision strategy but
does not describe why it would be
effective (55%)
Does not identify a revision
strategy (0%)
Writing Plan:
Describes how instructor’s
feedback influenced progress
moving forward, describing
specific changes made to the
writing plan based on the
feedback received (100%)
Describes how instructor’s
feedback influenced progress
moving forward, but did not
describe specific changes made to
the writing plan based on the
feedback received (55%)
Does not describe how
instructor’s feedback influenced
progress on the writing plan (0%)
Articulation of
Submission is free of e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format (100%)
Submission has no major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
ideas (0%)
Total 100%
Answered Same Day Jul 24, 2021


Parul answered on Jul 25 2021
150 Votes
In today’s fast-paced world, we all live in constant state of stress and pressure in the name of attaining some far-fetched dreams. Ultimately, we all are losers in long run since we end up trading our peace of mind for something so uncertain in future. Indeed, Serenity is golden in life! If one can understand it and practice implementing serenity in their routine, they can achieve more in much healthier way.
Main Thesis
Serenity is the state of composure and tranquility that comes when one trades expectation for acceptance. There is always an excuse for putting the personal life and health at back front until and unless there is a medical urgency. Essentially, Serenity is the fundamental element of success and happiness in life. The state of being calm and composed requires effort and investment of time. I would like to explain it with a simple analogy of proper exercise that is required to keep the body healthy similarly there is requirement of good mental exercise to achieve peaceful minds. Serenity helps one to discover deeper meaning in life and attain higher level of...

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