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Don’t answer each question individually, answer them as in one paragraph. section 2: surveys – design and application (330 words for this section) What is meant by rigour in social research –...

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Don’t answer each question individually, answer them as in one paragraph.

section 2: surveys – design and application (330 words for this section)

What is meant by rigour in social research – applied particularly to survey research?

What are some of the differences between quantitative and qualitative research? You can also write something about deductive and inductive methods here too.

Methods are important for helping you answer your research questions, when might some methods be better than others?

What was your experience of taking a survey? Was the survey user-friendly? Did it include good or bad questions? Provide a rationale for your thoughts.

If you were going to design a survey what things would you need to consider? Look at the online topic to help you find the answers. You will be asked to discuss this more fully in your tutorials.

What is the difference between using surveys for primary and secondary research?

In your area of study, what might be a survey (or surveys) you could use for secondary research?

What is the relationship between populations and samples?

It is important to write good survey questions. What are some of the things to keep in mind in writing good questions?

What are closed-ended questions? What are open-ended questions?

Why is it important to display your data?

What are some of the ways data can be displayed?

Find two examples of interesting and helpful displays of data? Put the links in case we discuss them in class.

What are some of the benefits and limitations of survey research?

Section 3: interviews – (330 words)

What is the difference between ‘structured’ and ‘unstructured’ interviews?

What are other names for ‘unstructured’ interviews?

Compared to surveys, what is a strength and a limitation?

How should we think about ‘rigour’ in qualitative research?

What is the difference between sampling in surveys and sampling in qualitative interviewing?

What is meant by the ‘researcher is central’ in qualitative interviewing?

What is the main difference between a ‘focus’ and ‘unfocussed’ group interview?

What are your main considerations in planning a focus group interview?

How would you go about conducting your focus group interview?

In your view, what is the main ethical consideration/ concern of conducting qualitative / in-depth interviews?

Section 4: UNOBTRUSIVE RESEARCH (330 words)

In your own words, describe what ‘Unobtrusive Approaches’ are.

Why are physical traces and archives ‘unobtrusive’?

Why are ‘observations’ not always ‘unobtrusive’?

Think of two ‘erosion’ physical traces

Pick one of the ‘accretion’ examples and describe how it could be used in social research.

Choose two examples and write down how they would be useful for social research. (Refer to Walliman’s list of Archive Records (pp. 82-83).

Content analysis is one way of analysing ‘texts’.

What are the key differences between ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ data analysis?

Which observational approaches are ‘unobtrusive’ and which would have an effect on the ‘observed’?

What is the connection between ‘big data’ and ‘social media’?

Answered Same Day May 20, 2020


Shanaaya answered on May 22 2020
138 Votes
surveys – design and application
[surveys – design and application]
Section 2: surveys – design and application (330 words for this section)
What is meant by rigor in social research – applied particularly to survey research?
Rigour in social research is differences in scales and times along with the inclusion of resources which includes the pioneering in qualities.
What are some of the differences between quantitative and qualitative research? You can also write something about deductive and inductive methods here too.
The main difference is the approach & to consider the deductive and inductive methods is with respect to market research. Quantitative is the mathematical approach while the qualitative research is conducting the primary and the secondary research.
Methods are important for helping you answer your research questions, when might some methods be better than others?
It includes the different perspectives and the methodology which can guide the research questions. It needs to be systematic and inbuilt methodology.
What was your experience of taking a survey? Was the survey user-friendly? Did it include good or bad questions? Provide a rationale for your thoughts.
Yes, I have enjoyed as they were concise and appropriately guided towards the research methodology along with the objective of understanding. As per the analysis, I completely agree that the survey's needs to be user-friendly along with outlining the co
ect content of the research.
If you were going to design a survey what things would you need to consider? Look at the online topic to help you find the answers. You will be asked to discuss this more fully in your tutorials.
The things which need to be considered is the audience related, the focus areas, conciseness and easy to understand is the objectivity of the surveys. Also, the survey's needs to be directive and in line with the research methodology, which needs to be focused as per the targeted audience.
What is the difference between using surveys for primary and secondary research?
The primary research is through the face to face, market research or aligning the research through the phone calls or surveys, while the secondary research is through the dependency on the primary research sources along with the
inging in the secondary data research.
In your area of study, what might be a survey (or surveys) you could use for secondary research?
It would be objective and based on the understanding of targeting audience.
What is the relationship between populations and samples?
the populations are vast numbers of the audience which does not have any specific count or identified numbers, while the sample is the comparatively small ratio in comparison to the population. Also, the sample is taken from the large population numbers as keeping a tab from the large population becomes difficult.
It is important to write good survey questions. What are some of the things to keep in mind in writing good questions?
Yes, as targeted audiences can be focused and the survey methodology and designing is dependent on the research results (Regmi, 2016).
What are closed-ended questions? What are open-ended questions?
Close-ended which have direct results while the open-ended often considers the audience perspectives and are more detail oriented.
Why is it important to display your data?
In order to understand the versatility of...

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