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Discussion Questions: "Organization and Classification of Federal Agencies" Please respond to the following: The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is the law under which U.S. government federal...

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Discussion Questions:
"Organization and Classification of Federal Agencies" Please respond to the following:
  • The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is the law under which U.S. government federal regulatory agencies create the rules and regulations necessary to implement and enforce major legislative acts. Speculate as to what might happen if these agencies become indiscriminant in their rule-making activities.
  • Assess the effectiveness of the constitutional principle that the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of government should not exist within the same person or group of persons. Provide an example of an instance when this principle does not work as intended.
Answered Same Day Jun 07, 2021


Jose answered on Jun 07 2021
158 Votes
The University of Queensland
Federal Regulatory Agencies
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1. The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is the law under which U.S. government federal regulatory agencies create the rules and regulations necessary to implement and enforce major legislative acts. Speculate as to what might happen if these agencies become indiscriminant in their rule-making activities.
If we are making rules or laws without careful judgement it will affect the overall legislative systems. It also affects the life of the common people. Being indiscriminant in creating laws always creates different problems for the government and society. It provides the option for the...

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