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Discussion 4: Social Media View Topic View Topic in Reading View Subscribe Must post first. Social media, commonly thought of as digital technology, offer a way for marketers to communicate one-on-one...

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Discussion 4: Social Media

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Social media, commonly thought of as digital technology, offer a way for marketers to communicate one-on-one with consumers and measure the effects of those interactions. Social media include social networks, microblogs, and media sharing sites, all of which are used by the majority of adults. Smartphones and tablet computers have given consumers greater freedom to access social media on the go, which is likely to increase usage of social media sites. Many advertising budgets are allotting more money to online marketing, including social media, mobile marketing, and search marketing. Describe the social media tools in a marketer’s toolbox and how they are useful. Also, describe the impact of mobile technology on social media. Be sure to comment on your fellow classmates posts.... Please give three APA references with this discussion

Answered Same Day Nov 13, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
149 Votes
Social Media
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Social Media
Social Media has become one of the biggest tools for marketing and online selling across the globe. Different Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and other online websites have become the biggest tools for advertising. The people are looking forward for online ventures and has become the customers new help line.
Social media uses different forms like Internet discussion forums, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, online pictures, videos, and wikis. Social media can help in giving access to people and does not require any kind of training, Social media is quite effective and gives access to the people easily....

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