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Discussion 05.2: Memory Lane Includes assessment. Must post first. Over the course of this quarter we have discussed both theoretical and practical frameworks. You have been asked to develop a...

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Discussion 05.2: Memory Lane

Includes assessment. Must post first.

Over the course of this quarter we have discussed both theoretical and practical frameworks. You have been asked to develop a business plan, a cover letter, and a resume. You have been asked to play the role of a hiring manager. In this discussion provide two examples of how you have changed as a manager as a result of your studies in the Graduate Program. Your response must be made using a minimum of three scholarly resources and be cited and referenced using proper APA formatting

Answered Same Day Mar 08, 2020


Sundeep answered on Mar 09 2020
154 Votes
As a hiring manager, my role is to participate in selecting the best talent for the company I
work in. I am the head of the employee selection programme. It is the collective decision of
the hiring team which affects the quality of people that we recruit into our company. While
attending the graduate programme I came across many concepts, theories, practises which
changed my perception towards hiring of candidates. In this graduate programme I’ve learnt
that personality and attitude is the key in each person. When we scan through the resume of
hundreds of candidates with same education, we are in search of that...

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