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Discussion 05.1: Drawbacks of Theory Includes assessment. Must post first. Many of the policies and strategies companies create are based on business theories. Select a theory and describe the...

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Discussion 05.1: Drawbacks of Theory Includes assessment. Must post first.

Many of the policies and strategies companies create are based on business theories. Select a theory and describe the drawbacks of basing a strategy or policy on that theory. Discuss why the theory is necessary. How might a company avoid the drawbacks? Your response must be made using a minimum of three scholarly resources and be cited and referenced using proper APA formatting. You must respond to a minimum of four of your fellow classmates

Answered Same Day Mar 06, 2020


Soumi answered on Mar 07 2020
141 Votes
Running Head: DRAWBACKS OF THEORY        1
Table of Contents
The selected business theory    3
Drawbacks of that theory    3
Significance of that theory    3
Ways to avoid the drawbacks    3
References    4
The selected business theory
A business theory is an interdisciplinary field of study that provides a platform for the organisational people to comprehend the situations and take the best possible measure to combat any critical circumstance. The theory, which influences the policymakers of each business organisation to
ing out optimum productivity is McGregor’s theory of X and Y.     Sorensen and Yaeger (2017) stated that the X and Y theory classifies the two categories of employees, those who are constantly supervised by their work and those who are self-motivated to perform their...

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