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Describe your Change Control Process stating importance and benefits of the process, and process narrative. Develop a Change Request Form and fill out for an approved change that reflects change in...

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Describe your Change Control Process stating importance and benefits of the process, and process narrative. Develop a Change Request Form and fill out for an approved change that reflects change in schedule and cost by at least 10% for each. Revise your project schedule in MS Project for the approved Change Request.

Submit PMP sections up to Section 11 - Integrated Change Control embedding filled out Change Request Form and revised project schedule (mpp file).

Ensure that your project in MS project is baselined prior to making any change. Note that once completed, your project should reflect revised cost by at least 10% and schedule change by at least 10%. Indicate the tasks changed for the Change Request by different color, a new change control activity or other means. When submitting the pdf file of the MS Project Schedule, include Finish date, Baseline Finish Date, Cost, Baseline Cost, Fixed Cost in the Gantt Chart view to show that the changes are made.

Answered 2 days After Nov 11, 2023


Shubham answered on Nov 13 2023
24 Votes
Youth Empowerment Programs for Community Development
PMGT 699-50- B-2023/Fall - Applied Project Management II
Prepared By
Tapshak Augustine
Table of Contents
1.    Executive Summary    1
2.    Project Overview    2
2.1    Project Description    2
2.2    Goals and Project Objectives    2
2.3    Project Assumptions and Constraints    2
2.4    Project Risks    2
2.5    Project Deliverables    2
2.6    Milestone Schedule    2
2.7    Project Budget Summary    2
2.8    Project Success Criteria    2
2.9    Definition and Acronyms    2
3.    Stakeholder Management    3
3.1    Overview and Purpose    3
3.2    Stakeholder Analysis    3
4.    Schedule Management    4
4.1    Overview and Purpose    4
4.2    Schedule baseline    4
4.3    Schedule Control    4
5.    Resource Management    6
5.1    Overview and Purpose    6
5.2    Resourcing Strategy & Assumption    6
5.3    Resourcing Development    6
6.    Cost Management    7
6.1    Overview and Purpose    7
6.2    Estimate Cost    7
6.3    Contingency Reserve    7
6.4    Budget    7
6.5    Performance Monitoring    7
6.6    Project Reports    7
6.6.1    Cost Overview Report    7
6.6.2    Cash Flow Report    7
7.    Risk Management    8
7.1    Overview and Purpose    8
7.2    Risk Identification    8
7.3    Risk Analysis    8
7.4    Risk Response    8
7.5    Risk Monitoring and Controlling    8
8.    Communication Management    9
8.1    Overview and Purpose    9
8.2    Communication Matrix    9
8.3    Communications Guidelines    9
8.4    Issue Management Process    10
9.    Procurement Management    11
9.1    Overview and Purpose    11
9.2    Request For Proposal    11
10.    Quality Management    12
10.1    Overview and Purpose    12
10.2    Quality Management Plan    12
10.3    Quality Assurance    12
10.4    Quality Control    13
11.    Integrated Change Control    14
11.1    Overview and Purpose    14
11.2    Process Na
ative    14
11.3    Project Change Request Form    14
PMGT 699 PMP Template 2022 v0.docx
PMGT 699 PMP Template 2022 v0.docx Page 13
Executive Summary
The organization focuses on community development through youth empowerment programs. The initiative is development of response for pressing need for youth of community to acquire essential life skills, leadership abilities and opportunities for personal growth. As the junior project manager working in a church setting, it is important to identify that the project has crucial step toward nurturing the potential of youth, enhancing community cohesion and contributing positively to society. The motivation behinds the project is the commitment for creating more prosperous and harmonious community. It includes recognizing the investment in the development of youth is key for addressing societal challenges and shaping future leaders. This requires providing with comprehensive empowerment programs that aims to equip with the necessary tools and knowledge to become productive, responsible and engaged citizens. The business justification of the project lies in potential to significantly impact of well-being for community. Empowered youth are likely to contribute positively to local development, reduce the prevalence of social issues and create sense of unity among community members. It aligns with mission and values of the organization to reinforce commitment to serve the community.
This project will include stages like planning, development, and execution of youth empowerment programs spanning a duration of 12 months, from [15/10/2023] to [16/10/2023]. It will include cu
iculum design, resource procurement, participant recruitment, program implementation and rigorous evaluation. The estimated project budget is $300,000 and funds will be allocated for program development, staffing, outreach and overhead expenses. After the completion of the project, it is anticipated to have delivery of well-structured youth empowerment program that includes participants with critical life skills, leadership qualities and personal development opportunities. The aim of the project is to engage and empower minimum of 200 youth in the community. The project represents significant investment in future of community. It reflects dedication to fostering positive change and empowers youth to become leaders that will shape
ighter tomo
ow. It includes collaboration, dedication and effective project management that ensures confidence for achieving goals and realizing the envisioned outcomes of the project.
Project Overview
Project Description
The project aims to establish and implement youth empowerment programs for community development that focus on personal growth, leadership skills and community engagement among the youth. The project will be executed in the context of a church setting that includes identifying a pressing need to address the challenges faced by young members of community.
Goals and Project Objectives
The primary goal of the project is to empower and equip youth in community with the necessary tools and skills to become responsible, engaged and effective leaders and contributors to society.
Specific Objectives:
· Develop a comprehensive youth empowerment cu
iculum focusing on specific needs and aspirations for youth of community.
· Recruit and engage 200 youth participants from diverse backgrounds in the program.
· Establish partnerships with local educational institutions, non-profit organizations and businesses to enhance the reach and impact of program (Shek et al. 2019).
· Procure the required resources including educational materials, facilities and support services.
· Implement the youth empowerment programs over 12-month period providing a structured and supportive environment for personal development.
· Conduct rigorous evaluation and assessment to measure the impact and effectiveness of the program.
· Ensure that project is completed in the allocated budget of $300,000.
Project Assumptions and Constraints
· The community is willing and receptive to the youth empowerment programs that can lead to active participation.
· Adequate resources are available that includes both financial and human that will be available to support program development and implementation.
· Partnerships with local entities can be established to leverage expertise and resources.
· The church facilities can be utilized effectively for program activities.
· The project team will have access to experienced mentors and advisors to provide guidance in program development.
· The project must follow strict budget of $300,000 that limits flexibility in resource allocation.
· The project is subject to potential delays due to unforeseen circumstances like external events and participant availability.
· Limited availability of volunteers and community leaders that may affect the scale and reach of the program.
· Compliance with regulatory and legal requirements that may introduce administrative challenges.
· The project duration of 12 months may create scheduling constraints for certain activities.
Project Risks
Financial Risk: There is a risk of budget ove
uns it may happen if unexpected expenses arise or if fundraising efforts fall short of the required funding.
Participant Engagement: It includes ensuring active and sustained participation from youth that could be challenging and impact effectiveness of the program.
Resource Availability: Delays in resource procurement like educational materials and facilities can hinder program implementation (Jacobs & Wright, 2018).
Community Support: The project relies on community support and involvement and lack of engagement from the community can hinder the success.
External Factors: Unforeseen external events like public health crises and natural disasters can disrupt program activities and scheduling.
Regulatory Compliance: Meeting legal and regulatory requirements can pose challenges that can cause potential delay in program initiation.
Project Deliverables
Youth Empowerment Cu
iculum: It includes comprehensive cu
iculum for defining specific needs and aspirations for youth of community that includes personal development, leadership and community engagement topics.
Recruitment and Engagement: Active participation of 200 youth participants in the program includes recruited from diverse backgrounds in the community.
Partnerships: Establish partnerships with local educational institutions, non-profit organizations and businesses for enhancing the reach and impact of program.
Resource Procurement: Procurement of necessary resources including educational materials, facilities and support services for ensuring program implementation.
Program Implementation: Successful execution of the youth empowerment programs over 12-month period providing structured and supportive activities for personal development.
Evaluation and Assessment: Rigorous evaluation and assessment processes for measuring impact and effectiveness of program in achieving objectives.
Budget Adherence: Completion of the project in the allocated budget of $300,000.
Milestone Schedule
Project Initiation (Month 1):
· Define project scope and objectives.
· Identify and engage project stakeholders.
· Establish the project team and roles.
iculum Development (Months 2-3):
· Develop a tailored youth empowerment cu
· Review and approval of the cu
iculum by stakeholders.
Resource Procurement (Months 4-5):
· Procure necessary educational materials, facilities and support services.
· Ensure compliance with procurement regulations.
Participant Recruitment (Months 6-7):
· Launch recruitment campaigns to engage 200 youth participants.
· Conduct participant interviews and selection.
Program Implementation (Months 8-11):
· Begin youth empowerment programs including workshops, mentoring and community engagement activities.
· Regular program evaluation and adjustments.
Evaluation and Reporting (Month 12):
· Conduct a comprehensive assessment of program impact.
· Generate final project reports and share results with stakeholders.
· Cele
ate the achievements of the youth participants.
Project Budget Summary
The project budget for Youth Empowerment Programs for Community Development project is estimated to be $300,000. The budget allocation includes following components:
· Cu
iculum Development: $50,000
· Resource Procurement: $100,000
· Participant Recruitment and Engagement: $50,000
· Program Implementation: $75,000
· Evaluation and Reporting: $25,000
Project Success Criteria
Youth Empowerment: Successful empowerment and personal growth of youth participants that will be measured through pre- and post-program assessments.
Community Engagement: Active engagement and participation of the community in program activities and events (Cahill & Dadvand, 2018).
Budget Adherence: Completion of the project in the allocated budget of $300,000.
Partnership Development: Establishment of partnerships with local educational institutions, non-profit organizations and businesses to enhance program reach and impact.
Program Impact: Positive impact on the community, reduction in social issues and sense of unity among community members measured through community feedback and assessment.
Participant Satisfaction: High participant satisfaction levels that can be measured through regular feedback and surveys.
Definition and Acronyms
SEVIS/CPT: Student and Exchange Visitor Information System / Cu
icular Practical Training
ROI: Return on Investment
PMI: Project Management Institute
KPI: Key Performance Indicato
PM: Project Manage
RFP: Request for Proposal
QA/QC: Quality Assurance/Quality Control
SOW: Statement of Work
Stakeholder Management

Overview and Purpose
Stakeholder management is an important aspect of project management along with initiatives like the Youth Empowerment Programs for Community Development. In the project stakeholder management is important for ensuring project success and achieving overarching goal of community development through youth empowerment.
The purpose of stakeholder management in the project includes:
Engagement and Collaboration:
Effective stakeholder management that aims to engage and collaborate with relevant stakeholders that includes both internal and external stakeholders that will have interest and influence in the outcome of the project (Quimbo, Perez & Tan, 2018). This includes community leaders, program participants, government representatives, funding agencies, local businesses, volunteers, educational institutions and non-profit organizations. Engagement of stakeholders are essential for gathering valuable insights, input and support to drive the project forward.
Alignment with Objectives:
Stakeholder management ensures interests and expectations of various stakeholders align with the goals and objectives of project. Community leaders may seek positive community impact while funding agencies may prioritize ROI. This requires managing and addressing concerns. This will help the project to maintain alignment and secure necessary support to meet objectives.
Mitigating Risks and Overcoming Challenges:
Effective stakeholder management helps identify potential risks, obstacles and resistance that may arise during project implementation (Penuel et al. 2020). This requires proactively addressing concerns and maintaining open lines of communication. The project team can work collaboratively to mitigate risks and find solutions to challenges that may threaten success of the project.
Stakeholder Analysis
4. Schedule Management
4.1 Overview and Purpose
Schedule management is important component of the Youth Empowerment Program project that aims to empower the youth in our community with essential life skills and leadership abilities. The purpose of schedule management in this project is to ensure that all project activities are executed efficiently and on time,...

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