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Describe the two broad levels of diversity in a work place and discusswhat leaders have to do to be effective when team members are from differentcultures and have different expectations? Answer this...

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Describe the two broad levels of diversity in a work place and discuss
what leaders have to do to be effective when team members are from different
cultures and have different expectations?
Answer this question in 300 words.

Answered Same Day Oct 20, 2022


Rochak answered on Oct 20 2022
52 Votes
Diversity at the workplace means the range of experiences present in the workplace like gender, sex, race, religion, etc.
oad levels of diversity in the workplace:
· Surface level diversity:
Surface-level diversity is one of the
oad levels of diversity which means the readily visible characteristics. The surface-level diversity includes different traits like age, sex, gender, etc.
· Deep-level diversity:
The deep-level diversity includes all the characteristics which are not observed, these traits are the ones which are not visible. The traits which are part of deep-level diversity are...

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