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D-iplo_ma of Community Services CHC52o15 CHCDEVoo2 - Analyse impacts of sociological factors on clients in community work and services Assessment Three - Social Institutions Group zG 16 | n I 17...

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D-iplo_ma of Community Services CHC52o15
CHCDEVoo2 - Analyse impacts of sociological factors on clients in
community work and services
Assessment Three - Social Institutions
Group zG
16 | n I 17 (Submission after the due date is subject to penalty)
Email to Michel I e McCa nn @mel bo u & includ e y our
nqme, student number, subject and name of ossessment
Michelle McCann
Assessment Task
ln this assessment you will research one major Australian social
institution. You willwrite a 1-2 page (maximum) report that includes
the role this social institution plays in Australian society, and the
impacts it has on individuals, communities and groups within
Australian society. You will outline the organisational policies,
procedures and processes this social institution applies to maintain
social order and cohesion. You will also outline t or z maior social
policies of, or applicable to this social institution.
From your own imagination, suggest a social policy that could
improve the circumstances of individuals, communities or groups
this social institution is designed to serve.
Answered 903 days After Nov 14, 2019 CHCDEVOO2


Nasreen answered on May 05 2022
103 Votes

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