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Critically discuss the following statement: “The positive economic, sociocultural and/or environmental benefits that tourism can achieve for the host community far outweigh any negative impacts...

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Critically discuss the following statement: “The positive economic, sociocultural and/or environmental benefits that tourism can achieve for the host community far outweigh any negative impacts brought about by tourism.”

In your discussion you need to use a minimum of two current impact issues (economic, environmental, and/or sociocultural) and discuss both the positive and negative impacts of the issues you choose. Use specific, concrete examples from at least two countries of the Pacific Asia region to demonstrate your argument(s). You may compare and contrast how these impact issues play out in different geographic contexts. These could be, for example, economic benefits versus costs, environmental benefits versus costs, and sociocultural benefits versus costs. Try to explain why there are different outcomes in your different country case studies and how these may be best managed. Finally, conclude whether or not “The positive economic, sociocultural and/or environmental benefits that tourism can achieve for the host community far outweigh any negative impacts brought about by tourism.” As in Assignment 1, you are encouraged to use visual devices such as figures and table
Answered Same Day May 27, 2020 MKT01425 Southern Cross University


Azra S answered on May 29 2020
138 Votes
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    Tourism in Pacific Asia
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    Mr. Steve Thorpe
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Tourism is increasingly becoming a part and parcel of several economies. This increase is not restricted to developing countries but is also very widely prevalent in developed countries that provide cleaner, greener and more varied forms of tourist attractions. Even though the cost of tourism is higher in developed countries, the attractions they provide gives them the upper hand as a tourist attraction.
Developed countries such as USA, Germany, Switzerland have a very large tourism industry. While developing countries such as Indonesia, Malasia, Fiji, Samoa depend heavily on the tourism industry, developed countries enjoy the advantage of being developed as such. The attractions in these countries are focussed on few cultural venues and more on natural and modern structures for visitation.
Studies have shown that for six consecutive years, Travel and Tourism has shown more growth in GDP (3.1%) than the global economy (2.5%). The estimate for net job growth worldwide has been 292 million in 2016. These data point to the fact that travel and tourism have the potential of becoming one of the most profitable industries in the world.
For our study, we shall focus on Australia and Newzealand as popular tourist venues in Asia Pacific region. We shall look at the economic and environmental factors that are affected in these two countries by tourism and to what extent. We shall also observe whether these factors have positively or negatively impacted the two countries.
New Zealand is more of a naturally focussed tourist place. It's "clean, green adventure playground" image makes the place a haven for nature lovers. The major tourist destinations of New Zealand are centered in Auckland, Rotorua, Queenstown, and Wellington. Bay of islands, Mount cook, and Waitomo caves are some other destinations that tourists flock to see.
Majority of tourists in New Zealand come from Australia. Domestic tourism is also a thriving industry in New Zealand. Activities like hiking, cycling, bungee jumping and whale watching are unique experiences that people travel to New Zealand to get the first-hand experience of. In addition, the quiet countryside and serene greenery and local cuisine are a great source of attraction.
The rise in tourism has been significant in New Zealand after the Great Economic recession. Most visitors have been from the developed countries that were hard hit by the recession.
Australia is...

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