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Assume that you have been asked by the Community Health Center to educate community members on the topic you selected. You are asked to create a pamphlet, brochure, or handout to summarize the topic...

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Assume that you have been asked by the Community Health Center to educate community members on the topic you selected. You are asked to create a pamphlet,
ochure, or handout to summarize the topic and the importance of physical, cognitive, and emotional/ psychological health and development in adulthood.
Do not need to create a PowerPoint presentation for this assignment but need will be creating one of resources (pamphlet,
ochure, or handout) to educate your community members (these are people who are in early to late adulthood).
Some example topics (discuss how one of the following topics affect one’s physical, cognitive, psychological health).
· Divorce
· Widowhood
· Grandparents raising grand children
· Relationships with adult children and grandchildren
· Intelligence and age
· The sandwich generation
· Caregiving for aging parents
· Adulthood learning/ education
· Midlife Crisis
· Housing issues/ nursing homes
· Retirement
· Work related stress
· Substance issues (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
· Discrimination and stereotype against aging/ elderly
· Elder abuse
· Dementia/ Alzheimer’s disease
· Depression and suicide
· Physical health
· Death and dying
· Othe
Create a pamphlet,
ochure, or handout.
1. Identify the topic you chose and discuss why audience should learn the topic you chose (provide the title of your pamphlet etc.).
2. Provide a
ief summary of how aging affects one’s physical development (some highlights of physical development as we age) AND how the topic you chose affect one’s physical health.
3. Provide a
ief summary of how aging affects one’s cognitive development (some highlights of cognitive development as we age) AND how the topic you chose affect one’s physical health.
4. Provide a
ief summary of how aging affects one’s psychological development (some highlights of physical development as we age) AND how the topic you chose affect one’s psychological health.
5. Share your “Acton Plan” (similar to what you did for your presentation 1). Share your ideas how your audience can promote their physical, cognitive, and social/ psychological well-being. Provide details of your
6. Discuss benefits your audience may gain if they participate your program/ action plan. Discuss if there would be any limitations in your program (and how you would reduce those challenges).
7. Include at least three references in the end.
Please organize information and use visual resources effectively.
Also, need to use font bigger than 9. No page requirements but usually it’s expected about 1-3 pages

Who we are
Helping young adults live healthy lifestyles, we strive to create personal
health and fitness guides, as well as meal plans. Additionally, we offer
knowledge based learning programs to educated individuals on the
importance of health.
Come get healthy with us today; not just physically, but also mentally.
 Schedule an appointment for personalized plans
 Sign up for any, or all, of the amazing programs we offer
Contact Us
Web: WWW.Stayfitwithus.Org
Reference: Berker XXXXXXXXXXDevelopment through the lifespan. Worth
Physical Health
Development for
Young Adults

Table of Contents
Health Risks of Early Adulthood ............................................................ XXXXXXXXXX1
Health and Well-Being ............................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX2
Ethnicity Differences ................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX2
Gender Differences ...................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX2
Impact of Lifestyle Choices....................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX3
Impacts of Psychological Stress ............................................................. XXXXXXXXXX3
Heredity and Environmental Contributions..................................... XXXXXXXXXX4
Maintaining Good Health .......................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX5
Maintaining Good Health

Fuel your body with only the finest
Diet influences the risk of heart disease and
cancer. High fat diets are associated with
high cholesterol levels. A low fat, high fiber
diet reduces the risk of certain cancers.

Exercise is imperative for individuals of all
ages. It is recommended to engage in 30
minutes of moderate activity every day.
Exercise burns calories, elevates the
metabolism, and lowers body mass index.
Exercise also improves self-concept, lowers
anxiety, and decreases depression.

Ensure you are getting enough sleep; usually
about seven to nine hours per night.
Sleep deprivation is linked to increased
appetite and obesity, increased risk of
diabetes and heart problems, increased risk
for psychiatric problems, and decreased
attention span.

Heredity and
Environmental Factors
How heredity and environmental factors jointly contribute to
cardiovascular, respiratory health, and the functioning of the immune
Immune System Functioning
Heredity: Rarely the cause of immune deficiencies, most can be treated.
Environment: Aging, substance use, secondhand smoke, and vitamin D
insufficiency are just some of the environmental factors that weaken the
immune system.
To boost immune system function engage in physical activities, take
vitamin D supplements, especially in the winter months, avoid toxic
substances, and consume lots of antioxidants.
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Health
Conducted studies attempting to determine whether heredity or
environment play a bigger part in cardiovascular and respiratory
diseases hold inconclusive results. In fact, most diseases involve both
environmental influences as well as genetic contributions. For instance,
an individual may be at higher risk for developing a certain disease if it
is common within members of their family; however, one is not
necessarily born with the disease (World Health Organization, 2014).
Health Risks of Early
Substance Abuse

Substance abuse including smoking
marijuana or cigarettes, and drinking.
Extra organ capacity starts to decline
towards the end of early adult hood, so
engaging in substance use poses huge risks.
Lack of Sufficient Health Care

Young adults struggle with maintaining
health insurance, and the costs associated
with health care. Avoiding medical checkups
and evaluations may lead to chronic
problems in later adulthood. If you lack
health insurance, we can help you.

Not getting enough sleep, an unhealthy diet,
and lack of exercise can all lead to, or
encourage, increased obesity. Heredity may
increase the likelihood of obesity, but
environment plays a more drastic role. Let
us show you how to create a healthy life
4 1

Health and Well-Being
Ethnicity Differences
Causes of
per 1,000
M: 37%
F: 50%
Heart disease,
cancer, and
Hispanics 10%
M: 34%
F: 43%
Answered Same Day May 24, 2021


Tanaya answered on May 26 2021
141 Votes
PowerPoint Presentation
These negative aspects can be overcome through satisfaction and motivation, which needs ton to be cultivated by the companies so that the work-related stress can be controlled. Some of the symptoms of stress due to work includes anxiety, fatigue, problems in sleeping, muscle tension and social with a drawl. In order to control workplace stress, refine ca
ohydrate and sugar need to be controlled, increase in the intake of fatty acid and omega-3. Further, it is important to control alcohol consumption and avoid nicotine will help in controlling anxiety.
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