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Create a Power Point presentation that analyzes the campaign. The company would be Nestle. Give specific details of what works and what could be improved in the campaign. Use information from the...

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Create a Power Point presentation that analyzes the campaign. The company would be Nestle. Give specific details of what works and what could be improved in the campaign. Use information from the slides that attached in file to support your analysis of the campaign.

The presentation needs to be 10 slides, include a cover slide and a reference slide in the presentation.Your fist slide is your cover slide, your last slide is you reference slide. Use at least two other sources along with the textbook for this assignment.

Note: Regarding to the cover page please add the details below:


- MKT 315

- Southern States University

- Nestle

Answered Same Day Jun 02, 2021


Abhishek answered on Jun 05 2021
140 Votes
· Nestle is widely renowned multinational food and drink processing company
· It deals with the different types of the food and drink manufacturing
· This is mainly initiated from Switzerland and its headquarter is situated in this country as well
Nestle is a food and drink processing company which originated from Switzerland. Nestle, with its extraordinary food product range and attractive campaigns, was able to attract the attention of the mass throughout the world. That is the reason why expansion of this organization has become easier in the time of the globalization. The demand of the Nestle Company is the guiding force that enabled the company to achieve immense success throughout the world.
Nestle Campaigns
· The advertising campaigns are the ones which enabled Nestle to attract the attention of the customers
· The customer's range from the children to the adults as well
· There are different campaigns initiated by the Nestle, which are unique in nature.
This report deals with a proper campaign strategy initiated by Nestle. Amongst the different types of Advertising campaigns, the one associated with Nescafe Gold has been very popular. Coffee is always known for attracting a greater group of people (Dhanesh & Sriramesh, 2018). Along with that popularity, the advertising campaign initiated by Nestle is able to attract a larger group of customers. The details about this campaign are described below.
Description of the Campaign
· The campaign associated with Nescafe Gold was a video advertisement
· In this age of globalization and advanced technology this advertisement is considered as beneficial
· Both the digital, social media platforms has been used for this campaign
The Nescafe gold is a premium product of the Nestle, which is internationally acclaimed. Coffee is a very good beverage that bounds a number of people momentarily. The advertisements are full of deep messages, which can have social impacts (Thomason, 2018). That is the reason why this campaign has been chosen as one of unique and heart touching video campaigns of Nestle. The different parameters of the video have been described with
ief description.
Analysis of the Campaign
· The video campaign of the Nescafe gold shows a person to come and go directly to the stage
· The audience...

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