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Cow's Milk ProductionPlace: Where has this food traditionally been grown and consumed, and has it changed?Scale: Is the food typically produced by many small-scale operations, or few specialized...

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Cow's Milk ProductionPlace: Where has this food traditionally been grown and consumed, and has it changed?Scale: Is the food typically produced by many small-scale operations, or few specialized large-scale operations? What is the scale of processing and distribution? Has it changed over time?Technology: Has mechanization, chemical inputs, irrigation, genetics, or other technological advances occurred in the production, processing, or distribution of this food?Environment: Have changing environmental conditions impacted where or how this food is produced? Are there environmental implications for technologies used, which impact other aspects of production?Economics: Have the costs of production, structure of the supply chain, or the demand for the product changed over time?Culture/Social Norms: Has the general acceptance of this food changed in the culture over time? Has this food been central to particular cultures? Has the cultural acceptance of this food changed as other factors (like technology, labor, environment, etc.) changed?Policy: Have there been major policy changes that have impacted production of this food, such as food safety, labor laws, or others?As you write this paper, you may want to organize it by changes over time, being sure to touch on the causal relationships between the listed factors (or others that you discover). For example, the plow led to larger scale production of grains, which reduced labor required, reducing costs of production…later the introduction of chemical fertilizer and pesticides led to environmental impacts and social movements which gave rise to organic methods and certification programs, allowing farmers to gain a price premium … etc.
Answered Same Day Jun 30, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jul 02 2021
142 Votes
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Title: Cow’s Milk Production
Introduction    3
Place of Cow Milk Production    3
Scaling of Cow Milk Production    4
Technological Factors Associated with Cow Milk Production    5
Environmental Factors Associated with Cow Milk Production    6
Economical Factors Associated with Cow Milk Production    6
Cultural and Social Factors Associated with Cow Milk Production    7
Policies Associated with Cow Milk Production    7
Conclusion    8
Work Cited    9
    Production of cow’s milk is an essential activity and major contributor to the money earned by dairy-farming activities in US. Dairy-farming can be defined as a class of agriculture, which focuses on the production of milk that can then be processes for selling it eventually as a dairy product. Cows have been domesticated and used for dairy production since the seventh millennium BC. With the passage of time this small scale industry is now turning out to be million dollar business. Technology has transformed the way cows were milked in the past and the way they are being milked now. Through this essay we shall discuss about the cow milk production places and various factors that have been influencing the production of cow’s milk over these years.
Place of Cow Milk Production
    Cow milk production in US has undergone a lot of changes in the past 50 years. California has turned out to be the largest milk producing state in US. Traditionally the Northeastern states of America such as Boston and New York City have been the largest producers of cow milk. It was later that the western lands opened for dairy farmers and provided them with less expensive lands in the interior (United States Department of Agriculture). Expansion of Cow milk production farms towards west is considered to be non-nontraditional. Cow milk production became a major source of income for Lake States like California that produced 40,413 million pounds of milk in 2019 followed by Wisconsin and Idaho, which produced 30,579 and 15,149 million pounds of milk respectively.
Scaling of Cow Milk Production
    The cow milk production industry has managed to grow from a small scale industry to large scale operations industry. United States has turned out to be the largest producer of milk in the world with their rapidly evolving diary framing industry. Milk has now turned out to be a global industry. These small scale industries have turned out to be for the profit business farms. 86% of the cow milk produced in US comes from 26% of the farms, which have more than 100 cows. The milk we drink in our daily routines or the milk that is used to produce several other dairy products now rarely comes from a small family farm. Rather, it comes from huge dairy farms, who commercially domesticate cows to produce milk that can be sold.
    With the advent of factory farming, the modern dairy farms in most parts of US can domesticate hundreds and thousands of cows. The cattle living in such modern dairy farms are fed through feedlots, which are crowded by several other cows or through indoor stalls. The operations are now being specialized so that more and more money can be made by making the cows produce milk for at least 305 days a year. This is done through practices and processes like constant impregnation and artificial insemination. Hormones have been developed to increase the milk production from the same number of cows.
    The scale of production and distribution has increased manifolds. California produced 40,413 million pounds of milk in 2019 followed by Wisconsin and Idaho, which...

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