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cO層PO傭A帽FIMNcE 圏悶胃酸㊥囲弼㊨鞘⑱醐 The purpose of this graded project is to bring togethe「 in a practica看way some important COnCePtS yOu’ve lea「ned in the course. Once you,ve completed this prqiect, yOu Can...

1 answer below »
The purpose of this graded project is to
ing togethe「 in a practica看way some important
COnCePtS yOu’ve lea「ned in the course.
Once you,ve completed this prqiect, yOu Can Perfe「m simiIar analyses on other o「ganlZa-
tions. Some of the wo「k for this p「Qject w川be compIeted in ExceI・ Once you’ve compieted
these prob-ems in Excel, and ifyou,ve linked a= your cells properIy, yOu Can 「euSe yOu「
sp「eadsheets, On-y changing the inputs" Go to you「 Student portai and downIoad the
500306_PrpjecしFiles. This sp「eadsheet contains information needed to complete the
prQject, Ybu冊e submi軸g this Excel sp「eadsheet along with you「 P「Oject.
EI Cap Ciimbing Company (ECCC) is a sma= sta血P that manufactu「es and se=s
high-quaIity c看imbing gea「 in F「esno’Ca=fo「nia. The founde「 Of the company- Leah・
has been incredibly successful, but hasn,t kept the company,s financiaI 「ecords as
We= as she might have.
The initia=nvestment fo「 EI Cap was p「ovided by her f「iends and fam時and was sma=・
Howeve「, Cu「rent OPerations can,t meet the demand fo「 the p「Oduct) and Leah has plans
to increase both production and the numbe「 Of storefronts.
These p-ans 「equire a la「ge investment f「om both equity and debt financing・ The new
investors and creditors require detaiied financiai statements・ Leah has hired you’a finan-
cial anaiyst, tO P「ePa「e these statements and give insight into the血ancial position of
the fi「m. Leah has provided information from he「 bank statements, b冊s) and receipts in
an Excel sp「eadsheet, Which is found in your downloaded prQject files. She expIained to
you thattaxes are paid ata 「ate of30 percent, and dividends are paid ata rate of40 per-
cent. (Note: You can create the statements in the same Excei sp「eadsheet that has the
financia=nformation. Be su「e to Iet the instructor know if you choose to do this instead of
C「eating them in a Wo「d document・)
Prepa「e the fo11owlng:
漢 An income statementfo「2015 and 2016
音 Abalance sheetfor 2015 and 2016
臆Operating cash fIows for the two yea「S
看 Cash fIows from assets in 2016
漢 Cash fIows to creditors for2016
園 Cash fIows to stockholders fo「 2016
Graded PrQject
B, Answer the fo=owing:
1. How would you desc「ibe the fjnancial position ofthe fi「m in 2016?
W「ite a
ief overview.
2. What do you think about Leah’s pIans to expand?
In orderto expand, Ei Cap Climbing Company (ECCC) is considering taking out a mort-
gage for a new store location, a nOn「eSidentiai real property that inc看udes land and a
uiIding. Leah is unsure ifshe has the cash fiow to take on any more debt. She asked you
to create a ioan amortizatjon scheduIe for the proposed mortgage loan. Then, yOull create
a chart that represents the po巾On Of each payment that goes toward principaI and inte「est.
A. P「epare the fo=owing:
漢 A Ioan amortization schedule
漢A chart showing the percentage ofthe payment applied towa「d the p「incipal
and interest
First, yOu’= need to create a ioan amortization schedu看e in the downIoaded Excel
sp「eadsheet. C「eate the table on the tab namedくくPart 2 Loan Amortization Sched.’’
The foliowing table iiiustrates the payments and inte「est amounts for a fixed-「ate, 30-yea「,
$500,000 mortgage, at a five-PerCent inte「est rate. The monthiy payment w川be 2,684.11.
- �Payment �5%interest �Principal �Balance �Annual
Amount �Expense ���!nte「est Expense
常  0 � � � �500,000.00 �
」1 �2,684,11 �2,083.33 �600.78 �499書399.22 �
」 2 �2,684.11 �2,080.83 �603.28 �498,795.94 �
eak in the sequence"
The table serves as a= eXamPle ofwhat you判c「eate in Excei・ Note that the table shows
on-y the figures fo「 the first and the last year of payments; yOu判need to caicuIate the
amounts for the 「emaInlng PaymentS, and f冊hem in"
Once you,ve determined how each of the amounts in the table is obtained’yOu Can uSe
「eIative and absoiute cell 「eferences to fi旧n the ful1 360 payments.
Graded Prqject
The fo=owing is an explanation of the columns in the table:
看Payment佃mbe十十he first column in the table shows the 360 payments required
to pay off the mortgage loan (30 yea「s, With 12 monthly payments per yea「)・
■ Payment amounL-The second column shows the monthly payment amount.
臆/nteresトーThe thi「d coiumn shows the po由On Ofthe monthiy payment that goes
to inte「est.
獲P面函a」The fou軸COlumn shows the po巾On Paid towa「d the principal.
臆BaIance-The皿h column shows the starting balance of $500,000, and the
「emaining baIance each month afte「 the principa=s subtracted.
看Amua廟ferest expense-The last column provides a running total of the inte「est
expense on the mortgage fo「 the enti「e 12-mOnth period. It,s the amount that would
e reported on the financial statements.
漢7bta/s--The “lbtaIs】, unde「 the “5% lnte「est Expense” and “P「incipal’’coIumns
show the final totais for the 30-yea川fe of the mo巾gage.
Next, yOu判Create a Chart fo"owing these steps. C「eate the table on the tab named
(`Part 2 Chart.’’
1. Start by selecting the Inte「est Expense and Principal columns. Make su「e to
seIect the coIumn headers and values. Don’t select the Tbtals 「ow.
2. Ciickon the Inserttab and seIect a “Stacked Column.” Make su「e to label the
x-aXis (Payment mOnth) and yLaXis (do=ars), and inciude a legend for the two
Values (interest and principaI)"
3, You「finaI chart shouId be set up simiIa「to the chart beiow, With the data
popuiating the charL (The inc「ements don’t need to be the same)"
ー一   書臆喜               一一一一-○○‥一 、--了n i十i -〔-〇〇〇〇…i・〇一「‾二〇‾`二〇㌔一〇iかヽ/m〇〇〇車〔′〇一
Graded Prqiect
B. Answer the fo=owing:
1 , How can you desc「ibe the 「elationship between time and the amount paid
towards p「incipal and inte「est?
2. Knowing what we know about ECCC’s cash f10W f「Om Part申S it reason-
able to beIieve that ECCC can take on this new debt?
lt)s now 2017, and Ei Cap CIimbing Company (ECCC) has continued to grow" One of
ECCC,s majo「 「evenue-P「Oducing p「oducts is a sp「ing-ioaded camming device called
SLCD, Or CamS. 1t’s a device with a sma= handIe (Ca=ed the `一trigger”) and two sprIng
loaded ``cams” on an ax看e. When the t「igger is puiled, the cams move togethe「) dec「easlng
the size ofthe cams. It)s then inserfed into a c「ack or pocket in the rock. When the trigge「
iS 「eIeased, the cams expand・ These cams are used as ancho「s when `▲t「ad,十ock climbing∴
ECCC cu「「ently has one set of cams on the market, and saIes have been exce=ent.
The cams a「e lighte「 and perfe「m better than their competitors. Howeve「, aS Wjth any
high-Perfermance item, teChnoIogy changes rapidly- and the cams are now fa冊ng behind
the competition.
ECCC spent $200,000 to develop a p「ototype fo「 a new Iine of cams that has aii the
featu「es of the existing cams, but a「e made from an even lighte「 and stronger 7075-T6
aIuminum a=oy. The company has spent a further $150,000 for a ma「keting study to
determine the expected sales figures for the cam line.
ECCC can manufactu「e a set ofthe new cams fo「 an average of $140 each in va「iabie
costs. Fixed costs for the ope「ation are estimated to run an additional $2.1 m冊on per yea「
ifthe new project is undertaken. The estimated sales volume is 75,000' 85'000’80,000’
70,000, and 65,000 pe「yea「fo「the next five years) 「eSPeCtiveiy" The unit p「ice ofthe new
cam setw冊e $240. The necessary equipment can be purchased fo「 $10.5 m冊on and w川
e dep「eciated on a seven-year MACRS schedule. It,s beIieved the vaiue of the equipment
in five yearsw紺be $1.1 m冊on.
P「oduction ofthe cu「「ent cam line is expected to be terminated in two yea「S. If ECCC
doesn’t introduce the new Iine ofcams, SaIes w冊be 45,000 units and 25,000 units for the
next two yea「s, 「eSPeCtive-y" The p「ice of the cam set is $150・ With variable costs of $95
each, and fixed costs of $1.5 m冊on per yea口f ECCC does introduce the new cams’Saies
ofthe existing productw冊fall by lO,000 units pe「yea「 and the price ofthe existing sets
should be Iowered to $120 each. Net working capitaI for the cams w川be 22 percent of
sales and w=l occu「with the timjng ofthe cash flows fo「the yea「; for example, the「e’s no
initiaI outiay fo「 NWC, but changes in NWC wⅢ occu「 i= Yea「 1 with the first year’s sales・
ECCC has a 30-PerCent COrPO「ate taX rate and a required retu「n of lO percent・ (Note: You
can c「eate the solutions in the same ExceI spreadsheet that has the data report informa-
tion. Be su「e to let the inst「uctor know ifyou choose to do this instead ofc「eating them ln a
d document.)
Graded Pl,Qject
Leah has p「ovided you with a data 「eport in an Excel sp「eadsheet that contains information
to answe「 the fo=owing questions:
1. What’s the payback peried ofthe prqiect?
2. What’s the profitab帥ty index ofthe prqiect?
3. What’s the lRR ofthe project?
4, What’s the NPV ofthe project?
5, Shouid Leah accept the project?
6. if Leah needs to adjust the price of the product, What’s the /owest Leah couid make
the price ofthe new cam set and s細have a positive NPV p「。ject (keeping a= othe
assumptions the same)?
亡ぶ「二こ、二三二二二二二三三二二二二二一二二一一∴二二二二ミニ二二二二二間ここ二二三振批二二二罷工二二こここ二二二二言開-こ一一- --二二二二ここ二二二‾二二-- =二二二二ここ=こ=ここ〔二二二ご二二二〇
LastIy言ust fo「 fun, Ei Cap Ciimbing Company (ECCC) is Iooking at determining thei
SenSitivity to market fIuctuations.
Since ECCC isn’t pubiica=y t「aded and can’t look at thei「 own stock history, they must
evaIuate their competitors. Black Diamond Equipment is their cIosest competitor’but the
COmPany doesn’t have enough t「ading volume to make any sound conclusions・ Leah
identifies Callaway Goif Company (ELY) as ECCC’s cIosest publicly-t「aded competitor"
Even though ELY se=s golf equipment言t too is a specialized company se冊ng high-teCh
SPOrtS equlPment.
Note: 777is高foma飯プn /s a/so in your fextbook.
丁he CAPM is one ofthe most tho「oughly researched modeIs in financiai economICS.
When beta is estimated in p「actice, a Variation of CAPM, Cal看ed the maIket mode/ is
often used. -fo de「ive the ma「ket model, We Start With the CAPM:
E(Ri) = Rf+ l【E(RM)一Rf]
Since CAPM is an equation, We Can Subtract the risk-free rate f「om both sides, Which
E(R,) - Rf二β【E(RM) ‾ Rf]
丁his equation is dete「ministic-that is, eXaCt. In a reg「ession’We 「ealize that the「e’s
some indeterminate e「ro「. We need to fo「ma=y recognize this in the equation by adding
epsiIon, Which 「ep「esents this e「ro「:
E(Ri)一Rf= P[E(RM) - R予] + 8
Graded PrQject
Finaiiy, think ofthe above equation in a reg「ession. Since there’s no inte「CePt in the equa-
tion, the inte「cept is zero. However, When we estimate the 「egression equation- We Can
add an intercept term, Which we判ca= alpha:
E(RI)喜Rf= αi十β[E(RM) - Rf寒+ 8
The inte「cept te「m is known as Jensen,s alpha, and it 「epresents the “excess’十etum. If
CAPM holds exactly, this intercept should be ze「o. Think ofalpha in terms ofthe SML‥ if
the alpha is positive, the stock pIots above the SM口fthe alpha is negative, the stock piots
e看ow the SML, You’i冊St Create a SCatte「 PIot and then perfo「m a 「eg「ession analysis fo
ELY stock and the mutual fund. Then use those results to compa「e and anaiyze the resuIts.
A. Scatte「 PIotting and Reg「ession Analysis
Use the following steps to c「eate the scatter piot:
1. Go to the Part4 Stock
Answered Same Day Oct 16, 2020


Aarti J answered on Oct 23 2020
135 Votes
Part 1 financial Information
                            2015        2016
            Cost of Goods Sold                235,942        297,915
            Cash                36,542        51,940
            Depreciation                61,056        69,011
            Interest Expense                13,877        15,905
            Selling and Admin Exp                40,952        58,569
            Accounts Payable                32,194        33,999
            Net Fixed Assets                269,369        328,185
            Sales                482,155        587,715
            Accounts Receivable                24,120        24,089
            Notes Payable                24,866        26,972
            Long-Term Debt                142,148        161,000
            Inventory                32,766        58,798
            New Equity                0        16,000
            Income Statement
            EL Cap climbing company
            As on Dec 2015
            Sales    482,155
            Cost of goods sold    235,942
            Gross Margin    246,213
            Operating expenses
            Depreciation    61,056
            Selling and Admin Exp    40,952
            Total operating expenses    102,008
            Operating income    144,205
            Interest Expense    13,877
            Income before taxes    130,328
            Income tax    39,098.40
            Net income    91,229.60
            Income Statement
            EL Cap climbing company
            As on Dec 2016
            Sales    587,715
            Cost of goods sold    297,915
            Gross Margin    289,800
            Operating expenses
            Depreciation expense    69,011
            Selling and Admin Exp    58,569
            Total operating expenses    127,580
            Operating income    162,220
            Interest expense    15,905
            Income before taxes    146,315
            Income tax    43,894.50
            Net income    102,420.50
            Balance Sheet
            EL Cap climbing company
            As on Dec 2016
                2015    2016
ent Assets:
            Cash    36,542    51,940
            Accounts Receivable    24,120    24,089
            Inventory    32,766    58,798
            Total Cu
ent Assets    93,428    134,827
            Net Fixed Assets    269,369    328,185
            Total Assets    362,797    463,012
ent liabilities
            Accounts Payable    32,194    33,999
            Notes Payable    24,866    26,972
            Total cu
ent liabilities    57,060    60,971
            Long-Term Debt    142,148    161,000
            Total Debt    199,208    221,971
            New Equity    108,851    124,851
            Retained earnings    54,738    116,190
            Total Equity    163,589    241,041
            Total liabilities and equity    362,797    463,012
            Operating Cash flows:
            Operating Cash flows:    2015    2016
            EBIT    144,205    162,220
            Add: Depreciation    61,056    69,011
            Less: Taxes    39,098    43,895
            Operating Cash flows:    166,162.60    187,336.50
            Cash flow from Assets
            Operating cash flows    187,336.50
            Less: Capital spending    127,827
            Less: Addition to NWC    37,488
            Cash flow from Assets    22,021.50
            Cash flow from creditors
            Interest expense    15,905
            Less: Ending Long term debt    161,000
            Add: Beginning long term debt    142,148
            Cash flow from creditors    -2,947
            Cash flow from stockholders
            Dividend paid    40,968.20
            Less: New equity    16,000
            Cash flow from stockholders    24,968.20
            The financial position of the company has improved in the year 2016 as compared to the previous years
            With the cu
ent financial position, I think Leah should plan to expand furthe
Part 2 Loan Amortization Sched
        Mortgage    500000
        Interest rate    5%
        Monthly payment    2684.11
        Nper    30
        Period    Payment amount    Interest    Principal    Balance    Annual interest
        0                500000
        1    2684.11    2083.33    600.78    499399.22
        2    2684.11    2080.83    603.28    498795.94
        3    2684.11    2078.32    605.79    498190.15
        4    2684.11    2075.79    608.32    497581.83
        5    2684.11    2073.26    610.85    496970.98
        6    2684.11    2070.71    613.40    496357.58
        7    2684.11    2068.16    615.95    495741.63
        8    2684.11    2065.59    618.52    495123.11
        9    2684.11    2063.01    621.10    494502.01
        10    2684.11    2060.43    623.68    493878.33
        11    2684.11    2057.83    626.28    493252.04
        12    2684.11    2055.22    628.89    492623.15    24832.47
        13    2684.11    2052.60    631.51    491991.64
        14    2684.11    2049.97    634.14    491357.49
        15    2684.11    2047.32    636.79    490720.70
        16    2684.11    2044.67    639.44    490081.26
        17    2684.11    2042.01    642.10    489439.16
        18    2684.11    2039.33    644.78    488794.38
        19    2684.11    2036.64    647.47    488146.91
        20    2684.11    2033.95    650.16    487496.75
        21    2684.11    2031.24    652.87    486843.87
        22    2684.11    2028.52    655.59    486188.28
        23    2684.11    2025.78    658.33    485529.96
        24    2684.11    2023.04    661.07    484868.89    24455.06
        25    2684.11    2020.29    663.82    484205.06
        26    2684.11    2017.52    666.59    483538.47
        27    2684.11    2014.74    669.37    482869.11
        28    2684.11    2011.95    672.16    482196.95
        29    2684.11    2009.15    674.96    481522.00
        30    2684.11    2006.34    677.77    480844.23
        31    2684.11    2003.52    680.59    480163.64
        32    2684.11    2000.68    683.43    479480.21
        33    2684.11    1997.83    686.28    478793.93
        34    2684.11    1994.97    689.14    478104.80
        35    2684.11    1992.10    692.01    477412.79
        36    2684.11    1989.22    694.89    476717.90    24058.33
        37    2684.11    1986.32    697.79    476020.11
        38    2684.11    1983.42    700.69    475319.42
        39    2684.11    1980.50    703.61    474615.81
        40    2684.11    1977.57    706.54    473909.27
        41    2684.11    1974.62    709.49    473199.78
        42    2684.11    1971.67    712.44    472487.33
        43    2684.11    1968.70    715.41    471771.92
        44    2684.11    1965.72    718.39    471053.53
        45    2684.11    1962.72    721.39    470332.14
        46    2684.11    1959.72    724.39    469607.75
        47    2684.11    1956.70    727.41    468880.34
        48    2684.11    1953.67    730.44    468149.89    23641.31
        49    2684.11    1950.62    733.49    467416.41
        50    2684.11    1947.57    736.54    466679.87
        51    2684.11    1944.50    739.61    465940.26
        52    2684.11    1941.42    742.69    465197.56
        53    2684.11    1938.32    745.79    464451.78
        54    2684.11    1935.22    748.89    463702.88
        55    2684.11    1932.10    752.01    462950.87
        56    2684.11    1928.96    755.15    462195.72
        57    2684.11    1925.82    758.29    461437.43
        58    2684.11    1922.66    761.45    460675.97
        59    2684.11    1919.48    764.63    459911.34
        60    2684.11    1916.30    767.81    459143.53    23202.96
        61    2684.11    1913.10    771.01    458372.52
        62    2684.11    1909.89    774.22    457598.30
        63    2684.11    1906.66    777.45    456820.85
        64    2684.11    1903.42    780.69    456040.16
        65    2684.11    1900.17    783.94    455256.21
        66    2684.11    1896.90    787.21    454469.00
        67    2684.11    1893.62    790.49    453678.51
        68    2684.11    1890.33    793.78    452884.73
        69    2684.11    1887.02    797.09    452087.64
        70    2684.11    1883.70    800.41    451287.23
        71    2684.11    1880.36    803.75    450483.48
        72    2684.11    1877.01    807.10    449676.39    22742.18
        73    2684.11    1873.65    810.46    448865.93
        74    2684.11    1870.27    813.84    448052.09
        75    2684.11    1866.88    817.23    447234.87
        76    2684.11    1863.48    820.63    446414.24
        77    2684.11    1860.06    824.05    445590.19
        78    2684.11    1856.63    827.48    444762.70
        79    2684.11    1853.18    830.93    443931.77
        80    2684.11    1849.72    834.39    443097.38
        81    2684.11    1846.24    837.87    442259.50
        82    2684.11    1842.75    841.36    441418.14
        83    2684.11    1839.24    844.87    440573.27
        84    2684.11    1835.72    848.39    439724.89    22257.82
        85    2684.11    1832.19    851.92    438872.96
        86    2684.11    1828.64    855.47    438017.49
        87    2684.11    1825.07    859.04    437158.45
        88    2684.11    1821.49    862.62    436295.84
        89    2684.11    1817.90    866.21    435429.63
        90    2684.11    1814.29    869.82    434559.81
        91    2684.11    1810.67    873.44    433686.36
        92    2684.11    1807.03    877.08    432809.28
        93    2684.11    1803.37    880.74    431928.54
        94    2684.11    1799.70    884.41    431044.13
        95    2684.11    1796.02    888.09    430156.04
        96    2684.11    1792.32    891.79    429264.25    21748.68
        97    2684.11    1788.60    895.51    428368.74
        98    2684.11    1784.87    899.24    427469.50
        99    2684.11    1781.12    902.99    426566.51
        100    2684.11    1777.36    906.75    425659.76
        101    2684.11    1773.58    910.53    424749.23
        102    2684.11    1769.79    914.32    423834.91
        103    2684.11    1765.98    918.13    422916.78
        104    2684.11    1762.15    921.96    421994.82
        105    2684.11    1758.31    925.80    421069.03
        106    2684.11    1754.45    929.66    420139.37
        107    2684.11    1750.58    933.53    419205.84
        108    2684.11    1746.69    937.42    418268.42    21213.49
        109    2684.11    1742.79    941.32    417327.10
        110    2684.11    1738.86    945.25    416381.85
        111    2684.11    1734.92    949.19    415432.66
        112    2684.11    1730.97    953.14    414479.52
        113    2684.11    1727.00    957.11    413522.41
        114    2684.11    1723.01    961.10    412561.31
        115    2684.11    1719.01    965.10    411596.21
        116    2684.11    1714.98    969.13    410627.08
        117    2684.11    1710.95    973.16    409653.92
        118    2684.11    1706.89    977.22    408676.70
        119    2684.11    1702.82    981.29    407695.41
        120    2684.11    1698.73    985.38    406710.03    20650.93
        121    2684.11    1694.63    989.48    405720.54
        122    2684.11    1690.50    993.61    404726.94
        123    2684.11    1686.36    997.75    403729.19
        124    2684.11    1682.20    1001.91    402727.28
        125    2684.11    1678.03    1006.08    401721.20
        126    2684.11    1673.84    1010.27    400710.93
        127    2684.11    1669.63    1014.48    399696.45
        128    2684.11    1665.40    1018.71    398677.74
        129    2684.11    1661.16    1022.95    397654.79
        130    2684.11    1656.89    1027.22    396627.58
        131    2684.11    1652.61    1031.50    395596.08
        132    2684.11    1648.32    1035.79    394560.29    20059.58
        133    2684.11    1644.00    1040.11    393520.18
        134    2684.11    1639.67    1044.44    392475.74
        135    2684.11    1635.32    1048.79    391426.94
        136    2684.11    1630.95    1053.16    390373.78
        137    2684.11    1626.56    1057.55    389316.23
        138    2684.11    1622.15    1061.96    388254.27
        139    2684.11    1617.73    1066.38    387187.88
        140    2684.11    1613.28    1070.83    386117.06
        141    2684.11    1608.82    1075.29    385041.77
        142    2684.11    1604.34    1079.77    383962.00
        143    2684.11    1599.84    1084.27    382877.73
        144    2684.11    1595.32    1088.79    381788.94    19437.97
        145    2684.11    1590.79    1093.32    380695.62
        146    2684.11    1586.23    1097.88    379597.74
        147    2684.11    1581.66    1102.45    378495.29
        148    2684.11    1577.06    1107.05    377388.24
        149    2684.11    1572.45    1111.66    376276.58
        150    2684.11    1567.82    1116.29    375160.29
        151    2684.11    1563.17    1120.94    374039.35
        152    2684.11    1558.50    1125.61    372913.74
        153    2684.11    1553.81    1130.30    371783.43
        154    2684.11    1549.10    1135.01    370648.42
        155    2684.11    1544.37    1139.74    369508.68
        156    2684.11    1539.62    1144.49    368364.19    18784.57
        157    2684.11    1534.85    1149.26    367214.93
        158    2684.11    1530.06    1154.05    366060.88
        159    2684.11    1525.25    1158.86    364902.03
        160    2684.11    1520.43    1163.68    363738.34
        161    2684.11    1515.58    1168.53    362569.81
        162    2684.11    1510.71    1173.40    361396.41
        163    2684.11    1505.82    1178.29    360218.11
        164    2684.11    1500.91    1183.20    359034.91
        165    2684.11    1495.98    1188.13    357846.78
        166    2684.11    1491.03    1193.08    356653.70
        167    2684.11    1486.06    1198.05    355455.65
        168    2684.11    1481.07    1203.04    354252.60    18097.73
        169    2684.11    1476.05    1208.06    353044.55
        170    2684.11    1471.02    1213.09    351831.45
        171    2684.11    1465.96    1218.15    350613.31
        172    2684.11    1460.89    1223.22    349390.09
        173    2684.11    1455.79    1228.32    348161.77
        174    2684.11    1450.67    1233.44    346928.33
        175    2684.11    1445.53    1238.58    345689.76
        176    2684.11    1440.37    1243.74    344446.02
        177    2684.11    1435.19    1248.92    343197.10
        178    2684.11    1429.99    1254.12    341942.98
        179    2684.11    1424.76    1259.35    340683.63
        180    2684.11    1419.52    1264.59    339419.04    17375.76
        181    2684.11    1414.25    1269.86    338149.18
        182    2684.11    1408.95    1275.16    336874.02
        183    2684.11    1403.64    1280.47    335593.55
        184    2684.11    1398.31    1285.80    334307.75
        185    2684.11    1392.95    1291.16    333016.59
        186    2684.11    1387.57    1296.54    331720.05
        187    2684.11    1382.17    1301.94    330418.10
        188    2684.11    1376.74    1307.37    329110.74
        189    2684.11    1371.29    1312.82    327797.92
        190    2684.11    1365.82    1318.29    326479.63
        191    2684.11    1360.33    1323.78    325155.86
        192    2684.11    1354.82    1329.29    323826.56    16616.84
        193    2684.11    1349.28    1334.83    322491.73
        194    2684.11    1343.72    1340.39    321151.34
        195    2684.11    1338.13    1345.98    319805.36
        196    2684.11    1332.52    1351.59    318453.77
        197    2684.11    1326.89    1357.22    317096.55
        198    2684.11    1321.24    1362.87    315733.67
        199    2684.11    1315.56    1368.55    314365.12
        200    2684.11    1309.85    1374.26    312990.87
        201    2684.11    1304.13    1379.98    311610.89
        202    2684.11    1298.38    1385.73    310225.15
        203    2684.11    1292.60    1391.51    308833.65
        204    2684.11    1286.81    1397.30    307436.35    15819.10
        205    2684.11    1280.98    1403.13    306033.22
        206    2684.11    1275.14    1408.97    304624.25
        207    2684.11    1269.27    1414.84    303209.41
        208    2684.11    1263.37    1420.74    301788.67
        209    2684.11    1257.45    1426.66    300362.01
        210    2684.11    1251.51    1432.60    298929.41
        211    2684.11    1245.54    1438.57    297490.84
        212    2684.11    1239.55    1444.56    296046.27
        213    2684.11    1233.53    1450.58    294595.69
        214    2684.11    1227.48    1456.63    293139.06
        215    2684.11    1221.41    1462.70    291676.37
        216    2684.11    1215.32    1468.79    290207.57    14980.55
        217    2684.11    1209.20    1474.91    288732.66
        218    2684.11    1203.05    1481.06    287251.60
        219    2684.11    1196.88    1487.23    285764.38
        220    2684.11    1190.68    1493.43    284270.95
        221    2684.11    1184.46    1499.65    282771.30
        222    2684.11    1178.21    1505.90    281265.41
        223    2684.11    1171.94    1512.17    279753.24
        224    2684.11    1165.64    1518.47    278234.76
        225    2684.11    1159.31    1524.80    276709.97
        226    2684.11    1152.96    1531.15    275178.81
        227    2684.11    1146.58    1537.53    273641.28
        228    2684.11    1140.17    1543.94    272097.34    14099.09
        229    2684.11    1133.74    1550.37    270546.97
        230    2684.11    1127.28    1556.83    268990.14
        231    2684.11    1120.79    1563.32    267426.83
        232    2684.11    1114.28    1569.83    265856.99
        233    2684.11    1107.74    1576.37    264280.62
        234    2684.11    1101.17    1582.94    262697.68
        235    2684.11    1094.57    1589.54    261108.14
        236    2684.11    1087.95    1596.16    259511.98
        237    2684.11    1081.30    1602.81    257909.17
        238    2684.11    1074.62    1609.49    256299.69
        239    2684.11    1067.92    1616.19    254683.49
        240    2684.11    1061.18    1622.93    253060.56    13172.54
        241    2684.11    1054.42    1629.69    251430.87
        242    2684.11    1047.63    1636.48    249794.39
        243    2684.11    1040.81    1643.30    248151.09
        244    2684.11    1033.96    1650.15    246500.94
        245    2684.11    1027.09    1657.02    244843.92
        246    2684.11    1020.18    1663.93    243179.99
        247    2684.11    1013.25    1670.86    241509.13
        248    2684.11    1006.29    1677.82    239831.31
        249    2684.11    999.30    1684.81    238146.50
        250    2684.11    992.28    1691.83    236454.67
        251    2684.11    985.23    1698.88    234755.78
        252    2684.11    978.15    1705.96    233049.82    12198.58
        253    2684.11    971.04    1713.07    231336.75
        254    2684.11    963.90    1720.21    229616.55
        255    2684.11    956.74    1727.37    227889.17
        256    2684.11    949.54    1734.57    226154.60
        257    2684.11    942.31    1741.80    224412.80
        258    2684.11    935.05    1749.06    222663.74
        259    2684.11    927.77    1756.34    220907.40
        260    2684.11    920.45    1763.66    219143.74
        261    2684.11    913.10    1771.01    217372.73
        262    2684.11    905.72    1778.39    215594.34
        263    2684.11    898.31    1785.80    213808.54
        264    2684.11    890.87    1793.24    212015.30    11174.79
        265    2684.11    883.40    1800.71    210214.58
        266    2684.11    875.89    1808.22    208406.37
        267    2684.11    868.36    1815.75    206590.62
        268    2684.11    860.79    1823.32    204767.30
        269    2684.11    853.20    1830.91    202936.39
        270    2684.11    845.57    1838.54    201097.85
        271    2684.11    837.91    1846.20    199251.64
        272    2684.11    830.22    1853.89    197397.75
        273    2684.11    822.49    1861.62    195536.13
        274    2684.11    814.73    1869.38    193666.75
        275    2684.11    806.94    1877.17    191789.59
        276    2684.11    799.12    1884.99    189904.60    10098.63
        277    2684.11    791.27    1892.84    188011.76
        278    2684.11    783.38    1900.73    186111.03
        279    2684.11    775.46    1908.65    184202.39
        280    2684.11    767.51    1916.60    182285.79
        281    2684.11    759.52    1924.59    180361.20
        282    2684.11    751.50    1932.61    178428.59
        283    2684.11    743.45    1940.66    176487.94
        284    2684.11    735.37    1948.74    174539.19
        285    2684.11    727.25    1956.86    172582.33
        286    2684.11    719.09    1965.02    170617.31
        287    2684.11    710.91    1973.20    168644.11
        288    2684.11    702.68    1981.43    166662.68    8967.40
        289    2684.11    694.43    1989.68    164673.00
        290    2684.11    686.14    1997.97    162675.03
        291    2684.11    677.81    2006.30    160668.73
        292    2684.11    669.45    2014.66    158654.07
        293    2684.11    661.06    2023.05    156631.02
        294    2684.11    652.63    2031.48    154599.54
        295    2684.11    644.16    2039.95    152559.60
        296    2684.11    635.66    2048.45    150511.15
        297    2684.11    627.13    2056.98    148454.17
        298    2684.11    618.56    2065.55    146388.62
        299    2684.11    609.95    2074.16    144314.46
        300    2684.11    601.31    2082.80    142231.66    7778.30
        301    2684.11    592.63    2091.48    140140.18
        302    2684.11    583.92    2100.19    138039.99
        303    2684.11    575.17    2108.94    135931.05
        304    2684.11    566.38    2117.73    133813.32
        305    2684.11    557.56    2126.55    131686.76
        306    2684.11    548.69    2135.42    129551.35
        307    2684.11    539.80    2144.31    127407.04
        308    2684.11    530.86    2153.25    125253.79
        309    2684.11    521.89    2162.22    123091.57
        310    2684.11    512.88    2171.23    120920.34
        311    2684.11    503.83    2180.28    118740.07
        312    2684.11    494.75    2189.36    116550.71    6528.36
        313    2684.11    485.63    2198.48    114352.22
        314    2684.11    476.47    2207.64    112144.58
        315    2684.11    467.27    2216.84    109927.74
        316    2684.11    458.03    2226.08    107701.66
        317    2684.11    448.76    2235.35    105466.31
        318    2684.11    439.44    2244.67    103221.64
        319    2684.11    430.09    2254.02    100967.62
        320    2684.11    420.70    2263.41    98704.21
        321    2684.11    411.27    2272.84    96431.37
        322    2684.11    401.80    2282.31    94149.06
        323    2684.11    392.29    2291.82    91857.23
        324    2684.11    382.74    2301.37    89555.86    5214.48
        325    2684.11    373.15    2310.96    87244.90
        326    2684.11    363.52    2320.59    84924.31
        327    2684.11    353.85    2330.26    82594.05
        328    2684.11    344.14    2339.97    80254.08
        329    2684.11    334.39    2349.72    77904.37
        330    2684.11    324.60    2359.51    75544.86
        331    2684.11    314.77    2369.34    73175.52
        332    2684.11    304.90    2379.21    70796.31
        333    2684.11    294.98    2389.13    68407.18
        334    2684.11    285.03    2399.08    66008.10
        335    2684.11    275.03    2409.08    63599.02
        336    2684.11    265.00    2419.11    61179.91    3833.37
        337    2684.11    254.92    2429.19    58750.72
        338    2684.11    244.79    2439.32    56311.40
        339    2684.11    234.63    2449.48    53861.92
        340    2684.11    224.42    2459.69    51402.24
        341    2684.11    214.18    2469.93    48932.30
        342    2684.11    203.88    2480.23    46452.08
        343    2684.11    193.55    2490.56    43961.52
        344    2684.11    183.17    2500.94    41460.58
        345    2684.11    172.75    2511.36    38949.22
        346    2684.11    162.29    2521.82    36427.40
        347    2684.11    151.78    2532.33    33895.07
        348    2684.11    141.23    2542.88    31352.19    2381.60
        349    2684.11    130.63    2553.48    28798.72
        350    2684.11    119.99    2564.12    26234.60
        351    2684.11    109.31    2574.80    23659.80
        352    2684.11    98.58    2585.53    21074.27
        353    2684.11    87.81    2596.30    18477.97
        354    2684.11    76.99    2607.12    15870.86
        355    2684.11    66.13    2617.98    13252.87
        356    2684.11    55.22    2628.89    10623.98
        357    2684.11    44.27    2639.84    7984.14
        358    2684.11    33.27    2650.84    5333.30
        359    2684.11    22.22    2661.89    2671.41
        360    2684.11    11.13    2672.98    -1.57    855.56

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