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Compare and contrast the writings and outlooks of John Winthrop and Benjamin Franklin from part I. Address which one had a superior viewpoint (and why).

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Compare and contrast the writings and outlooks of John Winthrop and Benjamin Franklin from part I. Address which one had a superior viewpoint (and why).
Answered Same Day Jun 03, 2021


Preeti answered on Jun 04 2021
142 Votes
Compare and contrast the writings and outlooks of John Winthrop and Benjamin Franklin from part I
John Winthrop and Ben Franklin contributed significantly to the literary works impacted hugely English America. Both presented views on religion, especially on Protestantism, along with guidance on how individuals should ideally live in the societies. The impacts of both on society were similar, as they both designed and created a ‘City Upon a Hill’ indicating how an ideal society should be modelled and formed upon. There prevailed similarity in the views on how society people should live and conduct their lives according to the principles and beliefs of Protestant religious beliefs and systems (Franklin, 1758).
Despite this, there is considerable difference in the views and perceptions of both authors regarding god. John Winthrop is believed as a strict Puritan, whereas Ben Franklin was recognised as a man of science. Both contributed to the morality with their thinking approach and time guiding people with the means of gaining virtue, and reasons as why they should seek virtue. John Winthrop and Ben Franklin strive to...

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