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HOLMES INSTITUTE FACULTY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T1 2020 Unit Code HC3141 Unit Title International Strategic Management Assessment Type Individual...

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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2020
Unit Code HC3141
Unit Title International Strategic Management
Assessment Type Individual Assignment
This is strictly required to be your own original work. Plagiarism will be penalised.
Students are required to apply the theories and knowledge derived from the unit
materials, demonstrate critical analysis, and provide a considered and
comprehensive evaluation. Students must use co
ect in-text citation conventions.
Assessment Title Tutorial Question Assignment 2
Purpose of
the assessment
and linkage to
A student is required to answer five questions come from the Pre-Recorded
Tutorial Questions every week from week 7 to week 10
The following Unit Learning Outcomes applies to this assessment:
- appraise theoretical and practical knowledge of management in an
international context,
- analyse management problems using the strategy tools, e.g. Porter’s 5
Forces, SWOT,
- demonstrate the capacity to diagnose organisational challenges and
opportunities, and to
- demonstrate research skills, showing initiative in consulting the academic
literature and preparing strategic company report.
Weight 25%
Total Marks 50 Marks
Word limit No more than 300 Words/each question
Page 2 of 2
Due Date Week 11 - Friday 11:59 PM (Midnight)
[Late submission penalties accrue at the rate of -5% per day]
• All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a
completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and
2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings
and page numbers.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed
appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Harvard referencing style.
Assignment Specifications
This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit.
Answer All FIVE (5) of the following questions. The questions come from the Pre-Recorded Tutorial
Questions from week 7 to week 10.
Week 7: Question Number XXXXXXXXXXmarks)
Week 8: Question Number XXXXXXXXXXMarks)
Week 9: Question Number XXXXXXXXXXMarks)
Week 10: Question Number XXXXXXXXXXMarks)
Week 10: Question Number XXXXXXXXXXMarks)
Note. On the Tutorial Material section of Blackboard, you will find weekly folders. Each week folder
has Pre-Recorded Tutorial Questions and Interactive Tutorial Questions. Please make sure that you
are using Pre-Recorded Questions for this assignment.

Tutorial question 2
Question 7.3. a) H&H Pizza is a small pizza shop operated by Mr Peter. H&H Pizza is su
ounded by a couple of colleges in a market. What strategies should Peter use to strengthen his business model? b) HARDA Limited is a manufacturer of a detergent. The company is looking to launch its new detergents in an established market. What strategies should HARDA use to strengthen his business model?
Question 8.3. H&H is a small company where you are working as a manager. H&H holds a leading position in an em
yonic market. With a lowest cost structure, your company has a sixty per cent share of the market. Further, H&H has the most reliable and highest-valued products. Due to these reasons, your boss believes that the company’s future is ensured. You are required to write a memo to your boss outlining why the assumptions posed might be inco
Question 9.3. What kind of companies stand to gain the most from entering into strategic alliances with potential competitors? Why?
Question 10.2. Under what conditions might horizontal integration be inconsistent with the goal of maximizing profitability?
Question 10.3 a) What is the difference between a company’s internal value chain and the industry value chain? What is the relationship between vertical integration and the industry value chain? b) What value creation activities should a company outsource to independent suppliers? What are the risks involved in outsourcing these activities?

Microsoft Word - Assignment Cover Sheet revised including groups FINAL
Faculty of Higher Education
Assignment Cover Sheet

    Unit Code
    Unit Name
    Assignment Numbe
    Is this a Group or Individual assignment
If Group, please provide group number _________
    Due Date
Complete this and attach as a front cover sheet to your Blackboard submission
We certify that:
1. This assignment is our own work. We have acknowledged and disclosed any assistance received in its preparation and cited all sources from which data, ideas, words (whether quoted directly or paraphrased) were taken.
2. This assignment was prepared specifically for this unit only.
3. The reference list is truthful and accurate and in Harvard referencing style.
     Student name/s
    Student numbe
[must be co
    Which section(s) did each person work on
This cover sheet must be attached to your assignment
Answered Same Day Jun 05, 2021 HC3141


Moumita answered on Jun 08 2021
159 Votes
Table of Contents
Question 7.3    3
Question 8.3    3
Question 9.3    3
Question 10.2    3
Question 10.3    3
References    4
Question 7.3
a) H&H pizza being a small pizza centre in the midst of the couple of colleges, it needed to implement some of the strategies in order to make its sales shine. First, Peter needed to look into the matter of the latest choices and the liking of the college students and then make its production of the pizza suiting to their tastes. Second, upgrade dating the technologies. In order to handle the rush of the order of the pizza of the college students, Peter needed to a
ange some of the machines, which can do the heating, baking and boiling at high speed (Kahre et al., 2017). Third is a
anging a moderate price range. This can make the students have easy access to pizza. Fourth is fixing deliverymen. This will enhance his business, as the students will not have to go to the centre regularly, instead they can enjoy the pizza by sitting back in their colleges. Sixth is seating a
angements for students.
) HARDA detergent company for launching its product in an established market has been following some strategies. First, the company should make a plan for targeting the average customer base. Second is Maintenance of the best Quality. The detergents should be sensitive and should give the best outlook without hampering the material of the clothes. Third, Product budget (Swaffield et al., 2019). The budget should be such that it is suitable for both the upper and the middle classes of the community. Fourth is services Availability. The newly launched detergents should be available to the centers always and people can have access to any time they want to. Fifth is focused differentiation strategy. The detergents should be such quality that no other similar competitors can outweigh it in a small span of time. Sixth is keeping of proper employees. The employees should be able to convince the customers in a good way and increase its sales. This can equally increase the investments of the company.
Question 8.3
H&H has secured its best position in the em
yonic market with its services and facilities. It has few vital parameters, which is actually very suitable for the customers in the competitive markets. Even after this, there remain certain problems, which the company needs to be cautious from before. First, low cost structure. It may be an appreciable factor, but every time low costs can stand to lose credibility among consumers, or everyday low prices are not comparable to the pricing found on the Internet (Buvik & Andersen, 2016). Companies may not have the sufficient margins of the profit to the offer of occasional promotional discounts. Sales may go down, as the customers will believe that the products will not ca
y good quality. It has been necessary to have a large share value in the market sometimes, which can make the people that it is safer to invest in. 60% of the share value will not be able to
ing the return on the investments. Therefore, the lowest share value in the market is always not beneficial.
Even the high value based pricing is always not advantageous. It can create a stress on the management to have the...

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