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Canterbury Business College XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554 CBC-BSBSUS401-A-V2018.1 XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 15 ASSESSMENT Unit description: Unit Code BSBSUS401 Unit Name Implement and...

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ury Business College
XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554
CBC-BSBSUS401-A-V2018.1 XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 15
Unit description:
Unit Code BSBSUS401
Unit Name Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Workplace
Qualification Name Certificate IV In Commercial Cookery
Assessment Tool Project
Student must fill this section:
Candidate Name:
Candidate ID:
Privacy Release
“I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the
auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”
Plagiarism and
“I acknowledge that entire assessment work is done by me”
Student signature:
_________________ XXXXXXXXXXDate: _____________
Feedback to student:
Assessment Completion Status
Attempt Satisfactory
Initial attempt

 
2nd attempt/Re-assessment

 
ury Business College
XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554
CBC-BSBSUS401-A-V2018.1 XXXXXXXXXXPage 2 of 15
Information for Candidate:
 All work is to be entirely of the candidate.

General Information for this assessment:
 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
 Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc.
The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
 All activities must be addressed co
ectly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of
 If the candidate doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to
interpret the assessment.
ury Business College
XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554
CBC-BSBSUS401-A-V2018.1 XXXXXXXXXXPage 3 of 15
Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:
If a student at Cante
ury Business College is not happy with his/ her results, the student may appeal
against their result via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the MSS / DSS. This
should be submitted after completion of the subject and within 14 days of commencement of the new
Re-assessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the ACC / MSS providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
 ACC / MSS will delegate another faculty member of CBC to review the assessment.
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed
comprising the lecture
trainer in charge, the ACC, the MSS and the DSS OR if need be an external
 The Institute will advise the student of the appeal decision within 14 days from the submission
date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent
advice or follow external mediation option with CBC’s nominated mediation agency.
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol
in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her
judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair,
practical and valid.
Academic Appeals:
 If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the assessment marking process, he/she has a right
to appeal the assessment results.
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the MSS / ACC and submitted within seven
days of notification of the assessment results.
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand as marked.
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, the student must forward
a medical certificate in support of a defe
ed appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within
three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
 The decision of MSS / ACC will be discussed with the DSS and will be final.

For further information please refer to Student Handbook.
“I acknowledge that I have understood all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment
ury Business College
XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554
CBC-BSBSUS401-A-V2018.1 XXXXXXXXXXPage 4 of 15
Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Submission Details
The Assessment Task is due on the 23 Fe
uary XXXXXXXXXXAny variations to this a
angement must be
approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance Evidence:
Evidence of the ability to:
 analyse information from a range of sources to identify cu
ent procedures, practices and
compliance requirements in relation to environmental and resource sustainability
 consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to seek input and encourage engagement
with developing and implementing sustainability improvements, encourage feedback and
suggestions and report on outcomes
 plan and organise work group activities to:
 measure cu
ent resource usage
 solve problems and generate ideas for improvements
 evaluate and implement strategies to improve resource usage
 plan, implement and integrate improvements into operations
 meet environmental requirements
 apply continuous improvement approach to sustainability performance
 apply change management techniques to support sustainability performance.
Knowledge Evidence:
 To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
 identify relevant internal and external sources of information and explain how they can be used
to identify sustainability improvements
 explain the compliance requirements for the work area with reference to legislation, regulations,
codes of practice and workplace procedures that relate to environmental and resource issues
 outline common environmental and energy efficiency issues within the industry
ury Business College
XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554
Answered Same Day Mar 21, 2020 BSBSUS401 Training.Gov.Au


Abr Writing answered on Mar 28 2020
154 Votes
Running Header: Implement & Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Workplace                                        1
Implement & Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Workplace    13
Implement & Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Workplace
Implement & Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Workplace
Organizational Background
The company of focus for the study concerns a small scale e-commerce entity that operates in retailing of boutique home décor products and the company is based in Sydney, Australia. The industry it operates in concerns ecommerce retailing. The name of the company is retained confidential as requested by the company founder.
Part A
Legislation & Sources of Information concerning Resources / Initiatives
At the outset the company’s business operations both at an internal level as well as the external level are bound by various legislations which also form the source for undertaking initiatives as well as representing sources for suitable actions in/this regard (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018). Some of the these legislations that are applicable to the company as mandated by Environment Protection Authority (“EPA”) for entities operating in the NSW region include the following (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018) –
· Environmentally Hazardous Chemical Act 1985
· Forestry Act, 2012
· National Environments Protection Council (NSW) Act 1995
· Ozone Protection Act, 1989
· Pesticides Act, 1999
· Protection of Environment Administration Act, 1991
· Protection of Environment Operation Act, 1997
· Radiation Control Act, 1990
· Recreation Vehicle Act, 1983
· Waste Avoidance & Resource Recovery Act, 2001
In alignment to the various legislations discussed above, the changes which were introduced for improving the manner in which pollution incidents shall be reported as well as managed (more importantly applicable to the company) shall include the following –
· Licensees as per POEO Act as well as any person ca
ying out the activity or else the occupation of the premises who shall the becomes aware about the incident of pollution shall be required in reporting the incidents of pollution on an immediate manner rather than to the earliest on the practicable extend as per section 148 under POEO Act (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018).
· Preparing the management plans for incident response concerning pollution with respect to each of the licensed activities in alignment to the specified requirements (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018).
· Designing and keeping place plan template for management of incident response and ensuring the same shall be available to track the waste transporters.
As per the mandated requirements which are established by EPA, the company and other such licensees shall be required in publishing the monitoring data concerning pollution which have been suitably collected as part of the requirement to run the business operations. Some of these include the following –
· All of the mandatory audit that are required for being undertaken with respect to environmental compliances and other such practices need to be undertaken and suitably reported (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018).
· Each of the pollution studies that are required as per the conditions of the licence meed to be suitably undertaken (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018).
· All of the suitable programs and initiatives as part of the environmental sustainability need to be documented, monitored and suitably reported where applicable (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018).
· Penalty and suitably notices need to be taken in cognizance and when receiving any such notices, suitable actions to be taken as per the mandated date (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018).
· Develop suitable plans and processes that aims in providing suitable transparency with respect to overall organization efforts with respect to compliances, and initiatives for environmental sustainability as well as
oader community with respect to various other related activities for compliance (NSW EPA, 2018a; NSW 2018b; Australian Government, 2018).
· Undertaking efforts beyond the confines of the company and its...

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