Business School
Department of Business Systems & Operations
Assignment Brief
Unit Title:
Account and Media Planning
Unit Lecturer:
Guy Pa
Unit Code:
Assignment Title:
Assessment Weighting:
Submission date:
1st June 2018
Anonymous Marking?
Tasks - There are 4 portfolio tasks, all are +/- 500 words - detailed below
1. During the delivery of the unit, you have been investigating some organisations/people in whom you are personally interested, that have faced some negative ‘issues’ in recent times. In the assessment section of the BREO site you will find an outline for a creative
ief. Again, choosing an organisation/person in whom you are personally interested in, complete the creative
ief paying particular attention to stakeholders/goals/targets and related metrics/deliverables. You will be able to ask questions regarding this
ief during our scheduled class.
2. Based on the work ca
ied out in section one, develop an outline creative campaign aimed at the target audience and including key messages.
3. Develop a detailed media plan based on the
ief outlined in task one and explain the main elements of the budget which should be appropriate and ‘justifiable’ - find out approximately how much what you are proposing to do costs.
4. Finally, justify your media selection and then tell us why you think it will deliver the
ief ‘goals/targets’ and metrics etc., as outlined in part 1.
The assignment is weighted at 50% of the total unit grade.
Word Limits,
The portfolio you submit needs to include 4 tasks (we will discuss these in the scheduled weekly workshops) the word limit is 500 words per task, so: 2,000 words (+/- 10%) in total.
The answers needs to be word-processed.
We do not need paper copies submitted, just an e-copy, which needs to be submitted via the portfolio Turnitin link on Breo.
Submission Date
No later than 10:00 am 18th May 2017
How to submit:
If you are having problems logging in to BREO and, then please contact:
Student Information Desk (S.I.D) either drop in or see them, for locations click here, or you can contact them on the following: XXXXXXXXXXor email XXXXXXXXXX
Reflection & Feedback
We will de
ief each area across the scheduled workshops. At each seminar we will discuss the task, possible answer options and respond to questions from you. By attending each session you will be able to improve you initial answer thereby achieving a higher grade.
By either not attending or not preparing the weekly activity you are effectively choosing do dilute your grade at worst, or gambling at the best.
Guide to maximising your grade:
Please refer to the grading criteria below:
Excellent work: A grade band (72 % - 100%)
* An analysis which deals fully with the major elements from an advertising and media planning point of view
* Selection and amplification of ideas which accord with the analysis presented
* Work which shows very good grasp of the topic
* Effective use of language and a developed critical evaluation
* An excellent and cohesive response
Above average work: B grade band (62-68%)
* An analysis which deals competently with most of the assignment’s tasks.
* A reasonable choice of ideas which in aggregate show your understanding of the major elements of the assignment
* Answers which are appropriate and show a good awareness of concepts and principles which relate to the questions
* Good use of language and a developed critical evaluation
* A good cohesive response
Average work: C grade band (52-58%)
* An analysis, which deals with most areas in a manner which, is co
* A response which is in the main appropriate and shows a good awareness of marketing concepts and principles which relate to the questions
* Reasonable use of language and a developed critical evaluation
* A cohesive response
Below average work: D grade band (42-48%)
* A response which would be considered very poor in an academic context which does not allow the marker to identify task completion.
* An e
oneous or substantially incomplete analysis from a marketing point of view
* Answers which show poor understanding of the concepts in question
There are several people you can refer / speak to. Your unit tutors’ have office hours, use this time to help yourself to prepare fully and ask questions regarding the task.
Academic li
arians can also be a useful place to go; they can help you access materials to reference and support your preparations.
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Business School
Department of Business Systems & Operations
Assignment Brief
Unit Title:
Account and Media Planning
Unit Lecturer:
Guy Pa
Unit Code:
Assignment Title:
Assessment Weighting:
Submission date:
1st June 2018
Anonymous Marking?
Tasks - There are 4 portfolio tasks, all are +/- 500 words - detailed below
1. During the delivery of the unit, you have been investigating some organisations/people in whom you are personally interested, that have faced some negative ‘issues’ in recent times. In the assessment section of the BREO site you will find an outline for a creative
ief. Again, choosing an organisation/person in whom you are personally interested in, complete the creative
ief paying particular attention to stakeholders/goals/targets and related metrics/deliverables. You will be able to ask questions regarding this
ief during our scheduled class.
2. Based on the work ca
ied out in section one, develop an outline creative campaign aimed at the target audience and including key messages.
3. Develop a detailed media plan based on the
ief outlined in task one and explain the main elements of the budget which should be appropriate and ‘justifiable’ - find out approximately how much what you are proposing to do costs.
4. Finally, justify your media selection and then tell us why you think it will deliver the
ief ‘goals/targets’ and metrics etc., as outlined in part 1.
The assignment is weighted at 50% of the total unit grade.
Word Limits,
The portfolio you submit needs to include 4 tasks (we will discuss these in the scheduled weekly workshops) the word limit is 500 words per task, so: 2,000 words (+/- 10%) in total.
The answers needs to be word-processed.
We do not need paper copies submitted, just an e-copy, which needs to be submitted via the portfolio Turnitin link on Breo.
Submission Date
No later than 10:00 am 18th May 2017
How to submit:
If you are having problems logging in to BREO and, then please contact:
Student Information Desk (S.I.D) either drop in or see them, for locations click here, or you can contact them on the following: XXXXXXXXXXor email XXXXXXXXXX
Reflection & Feedback
We will de
ief each area across the scheduled workshops. At each seminar we will discuss the task, possible answer options and respond to questions from you. By attending each session you will be able to improve you initial answer thereby achieving a higher grade.
By either not attending or not preparing the weekly activity you are effectively choosing do dilute your grade at worst, or gambling at the best.
Guide to maximising your grade:
Please refer to the grading criteria below:
Excellent work: A grade band (72 % - 100%)
* An analysis which deals fully with the major elements from an advertising and media planning point of view
* Selection and amplification of ideas which accord with the analysis presented
* Work which shows very good grasp of the topic
* Effective use of language and a developed critical evaluation
* An excellent and cohesive response
Above average work: B grade band (62-68%)
* An analysis which deals competently with most of the assignment’s tasks.
* A reasonable choice of ideas which in aggregate show your understanding of the major elements of the assignment
* Answers which are appropriate and show a good awareness of concepts and principles which relate to the questions
* Good use of language and a developed critical evaluation
* A good cohesive response
Average work: C grade band (52-58%)
* An analysis, which deals with most areas in a manner which, is co
* A response which is in the main appropriate and shows a good awareness of marketing concepts and principles which relate to the questions
* Reasonable use of language and a developed critical evaluation
* A cohesive response
Below average work: D grade band (42-48%)
* A response which would be considered very poor in an academic context which does not allow the marker to identify task completion.
* An e
oneous or substantially incomplete analysis from a marketing point of view
* Answers which show poor understanding of the concepts in question
There are several people you can refer / speak to. Your unit tutors’ have office hours, use this time to help yourself to prepare fully and ask questions regarding the task.
Academic li
arians can also be a useful place to go; they can help you access materials to reference and support your preparations.
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