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BRIEF POLICY PAPER: Purpose: This assignment involves the development of a ministerial policy brief.This brings together a number of skills developed throughout the course. In particular, it involves...

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This assignment involves the development of a ministerial policy brief.This brings together a number of skills developed throughout the course. In particular, it involves the application of policy analysis, policy evaluation, choosing a policy instrument, and the development of a written brief in a professional manner.

Writing a Memorandum to Cabinet

Your assignment is to write a Memorandum to Cabinet.This is a proposal for a particular course of action that would be brought before Cabinet by a Minister (it can be either federal or provincial) as part of the process of policy deliberations.A Memorandum to Cabinet is often drafted by a Policy Analyst alone or in conjunction with other subject matter experts. The content of the memorandum will ultimately be approved and endorsed by the Minister and Cabinet discussions of the memorandum, would form the basis for a policy decision.

Your paper should be between 8 to 10 pages in total (not including the title page, table of contents and appendix), double-spaced, 12-point font, and proper APA formatting.


At the end of this assignment sheet there is a list of public policy problems.Choose one and write a Memorandum to Cabinet for your Minister (I will be your Minister).It must propose a course of action designed to solve or address the particular policy problem.This is different than a typical essay, in that you must take a position.

A typical Memorandum to Cabinet is composed of three main sections: 1) an analysis section, 2) a ministerial recommendation, and 3) a communication strategy. Your assignment should follow a similar format (see the more detailed format below with items to include within these three sections of your paper).You do not need to include the communication strategy, unless it is a key component of your recommendations.

Your assignment should adhere to the following format and include the following sections:

Memorandum to Cabinet

Identify the Policy Issue

Write a goal statement. A two to four sentence summary of the issue to be decided.


Briefly review the major developments that led to the sponsoring Minister bringing forward the issue to Cabinet.


Considerations - Description of the factors considered when drafting the recommendations.The following are examples of factors to consider (refer to Chapter 1 in the Welsh and Harris text):

      1. Documentation of the need for change

      2. The history of the problem

      3. Examination of the potential causes of the problem

      4. Examination of previous interventions

      5. Identification of relevant stakeholders

      6. System analysis

      7. Identification of barriers to change and supports for change


You must present three possible (different) and viable policy options. Develop policy statements for each one of them.

Develop a thorough and balanced exploration of the pros and cons of each possible course of action.

Identify how the proposed course of action is linked to the identified program/policy gaps.

Ministerial Recommendation (Designing a Policy)

1. Formulate a concise Policy Statement. This includes developing procedures to be followed.

2. Recommendations:Proposed course of action for which the Minister is seeking support.

3. Rationale: Principle arguments must support the recommendation.

4. Problems and strategies: Provide a succinct summary of the criticisms the government might face should the recommendations be accepted and possible ways of handling them.

5. Political Issues: Description of political issues connected with the course of action.

Communications Strategy (Optional)

Provides the overview of publicly communicating the policy choice and any media strategy (if required).


1. Action Plan – 1 to 2 page outline

2. Evaluation Proposal – 1 page (How will it be evaluated, whether formative or summative or both and why?)

3. Reference Section (8 to 12 references) - They must all be academic or peer reviewed sources (or media reports that highlight the problem).

TOPIC:Controlling police powers. What can be done to eliminate cases such as the Sammy Yatim shooting?
Answered 1 days After Mar 16, 2022


Deblina answered on Mar 18 2022
106 Votes
Controlling Police Powers         2
Table of Contents
Memorandum to Cabinet    3
Policy Issue    3
Goal Statement    4
Major Developments    4
Analysis    5
Recommendations    6
Documentation of the need for change    6
The history of the problem    7
Potential causes of the problem    7
Previous Interventions    8
Relevant Stakeholders    8
System Analysis    8
iers to Change and Supports for Change    8
Policy Options    8
Pros And Cons of Each Possible Course of Action    9
Linkage of the Course of Action with Policy Gap    9
Ministerial Recommendation    10
Policy Statement    10
Recommendations    10
Rationale    10
Problems and strategies    11
Political Issues    11
Appendix    12
Action Plan    12
Evaluation Proposal    12
References    13
Memorandum to Cabinet
The memorandum aims to
ing the concern of the cabinet towards controlling the police powers in Canada so that examples like Sammy Yatim do not occur frequently in the future. Police officers are indeed vested with an enormous amount of responsibility and power to ca
y out those responsibilities. But the recent incident is compelling the need to impose restrictions and restrain on the police powers and control the accountability for abuse. It should be into a strong notice to limit strong grounds on police powers such that they are rights are violated and expects proper remedies such that it reflects the health of democracy.
The police powers need scrutiny and need effective policies to oversight from the public to ensure that the individuals and the communities are treated with respect and dignity. Therefore, it is necessary to reinforce the limits of the state power and advocate for the remedies when the police exceed the limits of their powers. This particular requirement is reflected by the contours of the voluntariness rule and protecting the individual rights to ensure constitutional protection of civil rights for every individual.
Policy Issue
The policy issue that needs to be addressed is the powers of the police that need to be controlled and the extent to which the police use the force while dealing with people in crisis without considering the
oader societal issues that contribute to the encounters that the police do. Police officers usually do not have any blanket of powers to a
est. It is obvious that Police cannot make up rules and then a
est individuals for not following them. Therefore, policies must sustain to perform their duties and there is an immediate need to limit the powers of the police. There is an undeniable risk of the abuse of power and therefore, there is a need for a legal base for police officer's action. It is also obvious that in a free and democratic society police officers should interfere only with the exercise of individual freedoms that is permitted by the law. The policy issue must address that the restraint the excessive restraint and the detention is unlawful and liable for the damages.
Goal Statement
The goal of this particular memorandum is to limit the powers of the police such that they do not intervene and interfere in the liable rights of the citizens. It is also expected to add certain policies in the functioning of the police action so that incidents like Yatim shooting stop. The special investigation unit produced a report document in that till 2018 more than 150 people were shot in the interactions with the police in Ontario. Therefore, the objectives of the policy focus on limiting the powers of the police and shall also propose to control the aspect of abusing power by the police which is significantly damaging the rights of an individual in a democratic political system (Wo
all et al., 2018).
The goal of this particular memorandum is to limit the powers of the police such that they do not intervene and interfere in the liable rights of the citizens. It is also expected to add certain policies in the functioning of the police action so that incidents like Yatim shooting stop. The special investigation unit produced a report document in that till 2018 more than 150 people were shot in the interactions with the police in Ontario. Therefore, the objectives of the policy focus on limiting the powers of the police and shall also propose to control the aspect of abusing power by the police which is significantly damaging the rights of an individual in a democratic political system.
Major Developments
There were subsequent developments in this particular matter of limiting the police powers because of such incidents about abusing the powers by shooting the citizen while dealing with them. There is numerous example that contemplates the actions of the police above their powers and these aspects must be controlled by effectively controlling the powers of the police. Numerous policies have also mentioned the aspects of Mental Health Issues of the Canadian police while investigating the increase of Encounters by the police. The legislations have also issued aspects that address the need for proper psychological training of the police before public dealings. The Independent police review director has expressed that he has got numerous complaints about the use of force by the police in dealing with the person in crisis (Samuels-Wortley, 2021).
By the powers accorded to the director by section 57 of the Police Services Act, he tries to make a systematic review and make recommendations to the Minister of community safety and co
ectional services, Attorney General, chief of police, police services board, and other related bodies about the limitation of powers in order to identify the misconduct by the police with the issues of systematic importance. It has also been contemplated with a systematic review of the use of police forces and training the officers regarding the de-escalation techniques and the approach of dealing with people with mental health issues and emotionally distu
ed people who are in crisis.
The aspect of increased killings by the police while dealing with the people in crisis is one of the major aspects that needs to be addressed by...

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